
Parshawna Macduff- The Introduction

{Present World} [Year- 2008,]


Everyone's life was complicated, but mine was super complicated. I am Parshawna Macduff, I am 16 years old girl who lives in London, with my mother. As per what my mom told me, My father died in a car accident before I was born. So, we did not have enough money to live by ourselves, and because my mom was diagnosed with severe heart problems, and that's why she couldn't get a job. We live in the attic of our uncle's home. We stay with uncle Tom and her fat mean wife aunt Nevlin and their only daughter Shany. She is just a replica of her mother, with big moles in her nose, fat, and mean. They never leave any option to insult me and my mom. But uncle Tom was a nice person. always helped us, took our side whenever aunt Nevlin and Shany tries to give us trouble. He did a lot for us from the beginning. But aunt Nevlin always tries to stop him from doing so.


I was sitting at the corner of the bed, holding a glass of milk that my mom had just given me, while mom is busy cleaning our untidy room. She had a fever from yesterday but she kept working without taking any rest.

I looked at her as I said-" Mom, don't go to work today, you are sick. You can't even stand properly. I will do it for today..."

Mom replied as she cut me off with a so-called smile on her face-" No dear, You know Nevlin is, She will just create more chaos. And I don't want her to come and beat you again". She walked began to walk away after completing her work in the room.

I tried to stop her-" But mom..."

She turned back from the door, walked a few steps towards me, and sat beside me, she holds my hands in hers and replied with a warm smile-" I am okay dear, It's just a little fever. I will be alright. Besides, now you must go to uncle Tom as it is time for your classes, he is waiting. Or else, it will be too late and Nevlin will get to know. And you know what will happen then... So we should carry on with our work okay?"

I replied with a non-acceptance face-" Okay mom, but you take care okay?"

Mom replied with a big smile as always while caressing my hair-" I will. Now, go. I love you"

I replied-" I love you" as I walked away along with my books and I sneaked out to the storeroom in the garden.

Mom left to her usual household work that aunt Nevlin keeps every morning. She makes things more dirty and complicated as much as she can only to bring mom into trouble. But mom never speaks any words and she continues her work so that she allows us to stay in the house.

Meanwhile, Uncle Tom waits in the storeroom every day for me, to give me tuition. Because aunt Nevlin never allows me to go to school like other kids. She said-" That would be a waste of money" As we are already living and eating foods free of cost. We must do something to return them. So uncle Tom found a way to help me. In Morning she is usually busy giving mom household work as much as possible. That was the perfect time where she doesn't bother about me much and I take free schooling tuition from uncle Tom. We get full three hours for the class where he teaches me about the outside world and what is necessary. Then I come back and help Shany to choose her dress for school, make breakfast, make her bag, tie her shoes and help her get ready for school.

I reached the in a hurry, as I sneaked in there quietly as much as possible where uncle Tom was already waiting for me.

I asked with a heavy breath due to running-" Uncle Tom?"

He peeped from his newspaper through his glasses and gave a warm smile-" There you are. come in quickly Parshawna"

I came in, sat in the chair in front of him, and with a grinning face I replied-" It's Shawna, Call me Shawna please"

Uncle Tom chuckled and replied-" Okay I am sorry dear. Shawna it is. Let's start?"

I replied-" Yes Uncle Tom"

He said-" Today we will learn about Philosophy"

I nodded and paused for a moment, I looked up and asked-" Uncle Tom?"

He turned back to me and peeped through his glasses once again as he replied-"Yes Shawna, what is it?"

I looked down and hesitated to speak but then I asked-" My father liked Philosophy too right?"

He looked at me with a sad look and paused for a moment, as he turned at me while adjusting his specs he replied-" Oh yes, absolutely, not only did he like the philosophy, but he was good at it, I still remember our days at school. Your father and I were good friends. Your father was a brilliant student, He was very good at philosophy and mathematics. Those days were good. But then..." he stopped.

I asked in confusion-" Then what?"

He paused, and then looked at me with a smile, bending a little to my height as he replied-" he met your mom"

I asked-" Were they happy?"

He smiled and stood back straight and replied-" Very much, they got married and you were born, and on that night..."

Before he could finish his sentence, we heard aunt Nevlin's voice, She was shouting at someone. We looked at each other before rushing out from there as we came inside the room in a hurry. We saw mom was standing in a corner with a pale face and there was a broken plate on the floor. Aunt Nevlin was yelling at her.

Aunt Nevlin yelled in anger-" Oh my god Tom, did you see that? Your stupid friend's wife is destroying our things, She broke a plate, which cost more than she can ever earn." She turned to Uncle Tom who was standing with a blank face not knowing what to answer as she asked again-" Tom? Will you just stand there?"

Uncle Tom hesitated to say anything. Mom spoke in her broken voice from her place in fear-"I-I am s-sorry Nevlin, I had a little w-weakness today"

Aunt Nevlin replied in anger-" Will your sorry bring back the broken plate? Always ready with excuses huh? Guess what no more excuses. No food for you and your daughter today. You must get punishment for what you did."

I replied quickly as I looked at her with fear and pleading eyes-" But Aunt Nevlin, She has a fever. She's weak. Please, just let her have food. I will stay ..."

She yelled in anger while looking at me-" You little devil, Keep your mouth shut."

Uncle Tom tried to calm the situation down, he said looking towards aunt Nevlin-" But dear, She is really weak. She is having a fever. Let's get her to the doctor at least..."

Aunt Nevlin looked at Uncle Tom with a furious look and replied-" What? Doctor? Are you mad? These two mothers and daughters are trying to take us on the roads with their demands. Look at her, she broke my favorite expensive plate that I have brought down from my mother, and she is demanding us to take her to the doctor? I don't believe you. Don't you ever look at us? thought about us? Look at me, I have been feeling so weak for days maybe I have lost weight... I have to see a doctor." She dramatically acted while keeping her hands on her forehead while looking in disbelief at her husband.

She gave a last glance before she walked away from the room, leaving us there. Uncle sighed, as he had to follow her without much choice. I took mom back to our room. I help her to get laid to the bed but she insisted as she sat down. I frowned as I said-" I told you mom, not to go today"

She replied-" Yes, you were right, I shouldn't have ". She sighed as she kept looking down.

I felt bad for her so I said-" It's okay, I will take care of them for today. You take rest okay? " She nodded while looking down as I noticed tears in her eyes. I asked her-" Why are you crying?"

She replied wiping off her tears-" Tomorrow is your birthday Shawna, and I have nothing to give you. I am sorry for being such a bad mother"

I hold her hands as I smiled at her and replied-" I don't need anything mom. I just need you. You are the best mother I know of"

We hugged each other, and I went out for the rest of the work. It was night, and we were not allowed to have any food for tonight so, I came back to my room, and just like every day I went to sleep. The next morning when I woke up, I found my mom and Uncle Tom in my room, standing and smiling at me. I squinted my eyes adjusting to the sunlight as I heard-

Mom and Uncle Tom both together said-" HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAWNA!!!"

I smiled back at them and said-" Thank you so much, guys". they sat beside me as mom said-" Now, quickly blow the candles and make a wish now"

Uncle Tom and Mom bought me a small cake, I blew out the candles and wished-" I hope we get a better life". They smiled as we fed each other a small piece of cake. Mom said while tears in her eyes-" My little daughter is now 17 years old. I can't believe how time passed by. I love you so much my dear" She hugged me as I quickly wrapped my arms with hers.

Time passed by, like any other day with the same old routine, and finally, after a tiring day, I came to my room at night after finishing off my work. Mom is still down there putting lights off. I went upstairs on the roof, it was cold and lonely but it felt good to watch over the moon. The cold breeze started blowing over me as I shiver a little while crossing my arms to give me a little warmth. A little butterfly flew over to me, I was wondering, at this time of night where does she come from? She looks alone, and cold just like me, but then it flew away in the dark, vanishing from there;

My heart began to say as I started to sing:

" Butterfly, Butterfly, How do you fly?

Teach me one day... I want to fly away... fly away.

Every time you sing, everywhere you bring, The joy of life...

Teach me one day... I want to do that way... do that way...

Every time I looked at you, You fly in the sky,

No one can reach up to you, You are too high.

Across your heart, across the part

You tear it down and bring the crown

Of a new hope and a new day

I want to feel that way... feel that way".

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