
parrallel threads

In the celestial realm, every soul knew about the celestial Ming dynasty, but the talk wasn't about the emperor. It was the eldest prince, Yan Ming, a brutal warhead who subdued multiple universe and celestial beings. He was a cold being, distant to compassion. From birth, he was at the pinnacle of strength. A chaos-born easily comparable to a chaos-being. Being born as one of the strongest, he was connected closely to the will of realities and eliminated any abnormal creation of life whose soul was corrupted with a shard of 'Unknown'-a existence similar to the will of reality that has one goal, devour the seven realities and the ocean of soul shards in the middle of it. It was a constant cycle of slaughter for Yan Ming. however, something unexpected happened in his life and he fell for a woman with a pure kind heart, a soul unlike any he had seen. But unlike her, destiny wasn't as kind. His heart was torn into bloody shreds as he held her in his arms -lifeless, devoid of the smile he was used to. He made a vow to resurrect her, breaking every law of the realities, but destiny has her dirty play already prepared for him.

Rogue_Deity · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Prologue: silence of death(begining of mayhem)

That day, was it day or night? It was unclear in the darkness of the wide space.

A man floated in the middle of nowhere with a woman in his arms. It can't be a man. No man can survive in the middle of freezing dark space.

On a closer look, you won't even think about it given the scene in front. The man exuded a dark aura, an aura of anger from grief and demise. It was so horrifying that the entire universe shivered, causing aftershocks.

The people who were present there had a similar otherworldly presence, but they too dared not to move any closer to the man.

It gave a chilling feeling in the middle of the freezing dark space. Maybe that chill was worse.

The man got up with the woman in his arms and vanished without leaving a trace.

Even after some time, the people present didn't move instantly due to the fear instilled in their hearts. To them, it still felt that even a slight movement could cause an uncertain demise.

However, the silence had to be broken at some point. One of the women in white asked, "Did you just let him leave with the corpse, general?" shock from the previous happenings still lingered on her face.

"Yan Ming is equal to or maybe stronger than emperor Ming himself. In that state, if I tried to reason with him it wouldn't have ended with just him walking away, he would have killed us too before that," General Tian Chen shivered after speaking, remembering that he still had to report it all to the emperor.

General sighed in frustration as he considered the next steps required to delay the calamity, which became certain when Yan Ming flew away with the woman's corpse.

"Make an announcement to every universe and the protector of every reality gate. Close all the passages to the lower realm. No one shall ascend or descend until Prince Yan Ming is captured with the vessel of Unknown,"

Words travel faster than light and in no time all the passages of different realms, realities, and universes were closed.

However, not all places could be reached with the same difficulties by the time the messenger found the gatekeeper of the hidden reality gate, it was too late.

"What was I supposed to do? When I took this spot, I was instructed to let anyone pass if they can find this place. I am a protector, not a gatekeeper."

With his hands on his forehead, the messenger who came to deliver the orders of the general was seated on the ground in a completely devastated manner.

"You don't know what you have done protector, even if we trace Prince Ming now, it will still be too late. This might be the start of another dark age across all realities."