
Parradi: Tales of rebirth

The world has been stagnant for a long time. Societies forming off the settled earth with no more room to evolve and grow. Forces unknown want the world to change, to grow. How do they go about this? By summoning innumerable humans from other worlds. Yet, not all of them are bound to wake up human either. Thrust into untold amounts of different situations follow the many members of the cast and their struggles to survive in this new world. What to expect Daily/semi daily uploads. Generally at least one chapter around 2k words per day will be released. Sometimes there will instead be double upload days. Though breaks will be taken after such releases. Anthology type story, frequently switching between the POVs of multiple main characters. Generally once every few chapters. Multiple main characters as well as time jumps. When the POV switches expect drastic jumps in the strength differences between specific characters. Certain points of view may also take place further into the future, or in the past. World building based on getting the point of view of many different characters. You as the reader will generally be privy to more information then a character due to being able to piece a lot more of the system together by reading from multiple points of view. Despite being an anthology, the story will still frequently switch back and forth between certain characters. Generally a volume will take a much greater focus on specific characters for it's duration. Looking at a specific pair of characters for a long period of time before switching to a different characters POV for a chapter or two, then switching back to the characters that are being focused on.

Boptodatop · Fantasy
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55 Chs

The horde

Whaaaaaaaaaa? I got another level up? I can get experience from eating things...? That's... Great! That means I don't need to directly fight to level up right? But the... Mia shivered without realizing it. Voice, said I level up through fighting. And I don't think they were lying..? Maybe it's not a natural thing? Something to do with Riftwalker? When I asked about it they did say it wasn't a ability monsters normally had... Any way I can check what it is? Status?

Mia, wolf.

Level 3.

Strength, 18

Dexterity, 20

Constitution, 15

Wisdom. 10

Capacity, 2

Intelligence, 11

Charisma, 4

Manipulation, 2

Abilities, Riftwalker.

She mentally stared at her sole ability, "Riftwalker". Trying to... Open it? 

Well, that's a bust. I mean surely there's some way, right? Appraise skill? Knowledge? Answer mine request? With every attempted guess she failed, she grew more and more irritated. Coming up with more and more elaborate ways to ask "skill check". Beginning to strike a pose with each request. (As best as a dog could manage anyways).

Oh divines from up upon high, relinquish onto me your knowledge! Show my pitiful self the information that I so sorely lack! Behold my sorrow and grant upon me brief respite! First analyze! abilities!-"


Riftwalker. You are marked as an otherworlder summoned by the Monstrous Gods in response to the Pantheon Of The Fours actions. Only other walkers may percieve this skill. Riftwalkers have an innate understanding of all languages. Riftwalkers gain an explosive increase in growth in comparison to basic monsters. As they are able to gain extra experience through actions related to feats of brutality or survival. Riftwalkers can instinctively tell other Riftwalkers apart from the basic monsters of this world.

Mia almost fell flat to the ground at the sudden shock of the torrent of words straight to her brain.

Holy moly... I... I did not expect that to work, wow. Gods... more gods... She shivered again. Lots of God stuff here. I'm not sure how comfortable I am with that...? But hey! Innate understanding of ALL languages? Extra experience? That's awesome! Extra experience through brutality and survival...? Maybe not as awesome! But still! Big help, and also other Riftwalkers... Am I not the only one? Bah! No use worrying about it.

Now... What the hell is that delicious scent?! I can't even taste anything! Not fair damnit!

The temptation pressing at the edges of Mia's mind finally pressed it's way to the forefront. An overpowering wave of the stuff forcing Mia to her feet.

That scent she'd smelled a few minutes ago had only grown stronger since then. It was tantalizing, alluring, and she couldn't help but to go along with it.

Having pushed it from the back of her mind for an extended period of time, she could deny it no longer. Despite her best efforts, her body seemed to ignore her mind. Continuing to trudge forward step by stuttering step. She was very clearly losing this battle, so instead of choosing to resist it she went along with it. Just with a bit of caution involved.

I just hope nothing bad happens...

As Mia stalked through the trees she began to feel an odd sensation. Like a river flow was pushing her towards her destination. A current that grew stronger by the second. Whipping itself into a frenzy of a whirlpool, dragging her in further and further.

But what was extra strange, was that she wasn't the only one.

Why the hell are they so gungho about this? You'd think they're a bit more upset about being dragged here without their own free will even thought about...

Mia continued to walk, heading towards the ever present source of energy that seemed to be drawing her body in unwillingly. Animals, or monsters she supposed. Passed by her every few seconds, running ahead to wherever she was being drawn to. Occasionally, what she could only describe as monsters in a more literal sense passed her by.

Deformed or mismatched creatures that seemed as if they had no right to exist, yet shoved a middle finger right up the ass of life and did it anyways. Some were more normal. Like a bear with horns and a more compact build. Or a horned rabbit of some kind. But then there was... Weird... stuff.

A chimera, in her understanding of the word. A beast malformed but walking anyways. The head of a moose with the thick legs of a bear. The sleek torso of her own species, a small tail on the back end. It seemed... Horribly designed, in a somewhat functional way, to be honest. She was almost tempted to try for it's life for levels. But she thought better upon three realizations.

1. Strength in this world is supposedly built off stats, not common sense.

2. It was like five times her size... realization 1 applies still, but come on.

3. Whatever this pull was, it was still affecting her. She was doing her best to not think about it, but the dread was starting to set in a bit. Even if she killed it, not being able to eat it would be a huge waste of potential exp.

Mia continued on anyways, but she heard something... In the distance. Once Mia could register it she began to hear noises ring off in the distance. Distinct sounds of combat... No. Nonononono. NO!

Mia dug her feet in and refused to move! Yet, to her horror, her body kept marching on along. Slowing down, yet refusing to listen to her commands to stop.


She dug in her legs with all the willpower she could muster. Locking herself to the ground in a desperate attempt to stay away from the fighting.

If I get caught up in whatever the hell that is I'm not going to survive! Stay here, do. not. move! Under ANY circumstances Mia!

The pull on her body grew stronger and stronger, the infinite feedback loop growing to an unbearable degree. She held on for as long as possible, literally digging herself into the ground. But eventually it began to become too much.

As she was dragged mentally kicking and screaming, Mia's body shambled towards the battlefield. And what she laid eyes on, was both significantly more mundane then what she had expected. But also still a terrifying prospect.

Against a veritable tidal wave of monsters stood a bulwark of armored humans. Cutting down monster after monster, the armored figures defended the gates to a town in the middle of a clearing in the forest.

Good news! Society is not a myth, I have seen it! Bad news, THEY'RE GONNA KILL ME!

Mia screamed out mentally one final time as her body dove into the hordes masses.