
Parradi: Tales of rebirth

The world has been stagnant for a long time. Societies forming off the settled earth with no more room to evolve and grow. Forces unknown want the world to change, to grow. How do they go about this? By summoning innumerable humans from other worlds. Yet, not all of them are bound to wake up human either. Thrust into untold amounts of different situations follow the many members of the cast and their struggles to survive in this new world. What to expect Daily/semi daily uploads. Generally at least one chapter around 2k words per day will be released. Sometimes there will instead be double upload days. Though breaks will be taken after such releases. Anthology type story, frequently switching between the POVs of multiple main characters. Generally once every few chapters. Multiple main characters as well as time jumps. When the POV switches expect drastic jumps in the strength differences between specific characters. Certain points of view may also take place further into the future, or in the past. World building based on getting the point of view of many different characters. You as the reader will generally be privy to more information then a character due to being able to piece a lot more of the system together by reading from multiple points of view. Despite being an anthology, the story will still frequently switch back and forth between certain characters. Generally a volume will take a much greater focus on specific characters for it's duration. Looking at a specific pair of characters for a long period of time before switching to a different characters POV for a chapter or two, then switching back to the characters that are being focused on.

Boptodatop · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

In Deep

"Hey now, let's be civil about this!"


"It's not like you really tried to hide it!" 


"I mean hey ask and you shall receive!" 

Mia began to back up towards the entrance she'd came from. Fighting in a tiny cramped space like this REALLY did not appeal to her. And fighting seemed as if it would be the only outcome for her if she stayed here cause these monsters were growling at her quite aggressively. 

Of course, that was what she was doing until the first badger she'd fought stepped forward. Which definitely wasn't what she was expecting given it was still bleeding a little bit. Guess that skill puts in work, huh? 


Eh? That's weird, I haven't heard a monster talk at a normal volume before... Also that wasn't mental magic-oh my god how did I forget this again? It's not like I need mental magic to talk to other monsters. Begone with you super fast mana drain! I have the power of vocal cords!

Mia blinked, and the mental link snapped. She looked back at the creature with her back to the exit. 

"Hello." Ooooo that feels weeeird, I know what I'm actually saying is just grunts and growls but it just kind of, works? 

"Why have you come?"

They're pretty straight forward, I can get behind that. "I was curious about the hole in the ground."

"You have not come to battle my clan?"

"Uh... Noooo? Maybe? It was certainly something I was thinking about but... Not in a space like this?"

If Mia's nonchalant and casual demeanor put it off, the monster certainly didn't show it. "If you are not here to finish me off, leave us." 

"Well, sure." Mia agreed with no hesitation. Like she said, she really didn't want to fight down here. Her mobility was always a key part of every fight she participated in, so suddenly having that option locked off... Was a bit worrying. 

Well, that's my cue to leave... Althouuuuugh... "I'll leave, but would you mind answering a question first?"

"Will you leave if I answer you?"

Mia tilted her head at the badger, "I just said I would, no?"

It struggled not to show confusion, but Mia was definitely weirding it out right now.

"Know what, I'll just ask. What level are you?"

This was something she was seriously curious about. Another creature on a similar level of power to her. What level might they happen to be? Mia figured EGO classes were something important, but she did wonder if other monsters had them, and if not, how far ahead of the competition did her classes put her?

The monster hesitated for a moment, but quickly gave an answer. "Fifty five."

Uh... What? I dunno, maybe they leveled up like ten times in rapid succession or something... But I was level I dunno, fifty? When I fought them...? Actually, what level am I right now? Status.

Mia, Diminutive Shadow Wolf

Level 56

Strength 614

Dexterity 609

Constitution 813

Wisdom 325

Capacity 287

Intelligence 294

Charisma 141

Manipulation 124

Abilities, Riftwalker, Mana Reserves, Touched By Death.

Oh, just one level higher alright-is that a new ability? Mana Reserves?

Mana Reserves, Through your experience with severe levels of mana burn, you have gained an increased depth of mana to pull from. 

Oh... Huh, so that's just like, a multiplier to the amount of mana I have? Cool. Wait, getting a little sidetracked here!

"Well, that's a little odd. Very well though, I'll leave you be." Mia began to crawl backwards through the tunnel, eyeing the now slightly confused group of badgers warily. They didn't make any moves to attack, so Mia simply took her leave. With a little bit of new knowledge in tow.

Not sure if they're going to try something like, I don't know, collapsing the tunnels, or flanking me? But it's something they can do, so I'm going as fast as I can. Up and back through the tunnels, also with a little bit of information! We're the same level, and I was presumably lower level then they were when we fought. I beat the breaks off of them by a pretty wide margin as well. It's probably safe to assume EGO classes aren't exactly common, and that they're pretty big boosts.

Anyways, that was an enlightening experience. I suppose the fair majority of monsters... Aren't blood crazed? Actually that's probably very wrong. Let's amend that to, the majority of monsters aren't unreasonable? Like, I give them food they give me not death. Though, it'd probably be in the opposite order if it's me we're talking about... Regardless, it's about time to get out of here. 

Mia butt scooted backwards just a little bit more and finally breached back to the surface. "Bleh."

She spat out the dirt that had gotten in her mouth and shook herself like a wet dog. This of course, did draw a little attention to her from nearby monsters. This of course, didn't matter, as any of them that attacked her were immediately killed. I'm all covered in dirt... And blood... Wonder if baths are a thing in this world? Maybe showers? Oh I really really want a bath... 

The pull is almost over anyways, I think? It's been a good few hours it should be winding down soon. Hopefully people are at least aware that I exist now, so showing up at the front gates shouldn't get me attacked... So, I really can just go in after this is all over huh? That's certainly a feeling. I've gotten enough levels, surely I can just chill out for the rest of this? I'm a little curious about other monsters now so... Might as well no?

With a hop and a skip, Mia casted a shade spell after pushing a monster away with lethal force and jumped right into the liquid shadow vanishing from sight . What she did next could certainly be construed as... Questionable. Mia was curious, just in general. How much about her fellow creatures had she been missing because she simply didn't pay them any attention? 

So, with bated breath Mia snuck up on some sort of lizard, something like the early stages of a dragon? What would you call that? A wyrm? A wyrm. This is a wyrm. It's barreling through most monsters that attack it. But, is it capable of reasoning? No better way to find out then to put myself in harms way.

Following that line of thought, Mia took a few steps and stood up to her full height in front of the wyrm cancelling out her stealth skill. She stared it straight in the eyes, and was accutely aware of the fact that it recognized her. It also recognized something else, the wyrm started shivering under her gaze. Even though she held no malice against the creature it seemed to be able to instinctively sense that it was weaker then her. 

"That's odd," Mia mused out loud as she stared at the creature. "Every other monster I've seen wouldn't hesitate to charge me down."

Case and point, a large 6 legged beast, scratch that, two leg-arm things? And four legs, attempted to smash her flat. It suddenly found itself having two legs, and also no head. Mia grew increasingly dissatisfied with the amount of blood covering her. "...As I was saying, you wouldn't happen to be a bit more reasonable?"

It continued to stare at Mia, transfixed by the sudden creature it was faced with. "Uh, hello? Earth to lizard?"



"Nothing for you... Pleassse allow me to live..."

"Ok, wow. Uh, my bad? This is pretty awkward now... I think I'm just gonna go."

Mia hurried away before it said anything back.

That was... Definitely NOT what I was expecting at all. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the wyrm just had a skill and it told it that fighting me would've been hopeless but... Jeeze! That was just kind of sad... Really killing any motivation I have to go out and innovate you know? Maybe trying to talk with other monsters is a bit of a lost cause. We just kind of seem to be on a different wave length you know? I suppose I'll stick to my routine and just kill whatever catches my eye for experience until the pull ends... 

After that, I can go actually talk with people. Yeah! Alright, that's it. Get as strong as I can right now, reap more rewards in the near future. Get to it Mia! Hup two three four hup two three four cut down some monsters galore!

At this point, Mia had run out of adjectives to describe monster killing. All except for one, gratuitous. Gratuitous monster slaying was what came next. She dropped any pretenses of just looking for strong monsters. For two reasons though. First off, if some monsters were intelligent she wasn't sure how good she felt about that from a moral standpoint, secondly, she was a bit mentally drained after everything that had happened today. Right now? I just want to let loose. Pull out a shotgun and pull the trigger you know?

Mia figured any monster worth their weight in salt would know to STEER CLEAR of the whirling twirling murder machine if they liked living, so she had no moral quandaries weighing her down. Thus, the murderizing ensued.


Five levels. Five whole levels was all Mia had to show for her efforts after all was said and done. Two straight hours of combat and that was all. Well, I guess that's eleven levels in total. Really not that bad... I should probably curb my expectations a bit, huh? Oh, why am I talking like it's the end of the pull? Well, that'd be because it is. Duh. 

The monsters are starting to turn away, I'm getting less and less fodder sent my way. Also, the presence in my mind is fading a bit as well. It should be over real soon. Mia's gaze glossed over the rest of the battlefield for a short moment, taking it all in. At this point, no humans were out and about. There hadn't been any active groups besides the main line of defense for awhile now, now that she thought about it. 

There also weren't any arrows raining towards her now. That's certainly a welcome change. She mused while putting down the final few monsters around her. And at last, quiet, peace of mind. Or well, as peaceful as Mia's mind got what with how it had changed in her environment.

Successfully survived tier six flux event!

Level up!

+8 strength, +8 dexterity, +9 constitution, +8 wisdom, +8 capacity, +8 intelligence, +4 charisma, +5 manipulation.

Level up!

+8 strength, +8 dexterity, +9 constitution, +8 wisdom, +8 capacity, +8 intelligence, +4 charisma, +5 manipulation.

Level up!

+8 strength, +8 dexterity, +9 constitution, +8 wisdom, +8 capacity, +8 intelligence, +4 charisma, +5 manipulation.

Level up!

+8 strength, +8 dexterity, +9 constitution, +8 wisdom, +8 capacity, +8 intelligence, +4 charisma, +5 manipulation.

Level up!

+8 strength, +8 dexterity, +9 constitution, +8 wisdom, +8 capacity, +8 intelligence, +4 charisma, +5 manipulation.

Level up!

+8 strength, +8 dexterity, +9 constitution, +8 wisdom, +8 capacity, +8 intelligence, +4 charisma, +5 manipulation.

Level up!

+8 strength, +8 dexterity, +9 constitution, +8 wisdom, +8 capacity, +8 intelligence, +4 charisma, +5 manipulation.

Level up!

+8 strength, +8 dexterity, +9 constitution, +8 wisdom, +8 capacity, +8 intelligence, +4 charisma, +5 manipulation.

Level up!

+8 strength, +8 dexterity, +9 constitution, +8 wisdom, +8 capacity, +8 intelligence, +4 charisma, +5 manipulation.

Level up!

+8 strength, +8 dexterity, +9 constitution, +8 wisdom, +8 capacity, +8 intelligence, +4 charisma, +5 manipulation.

She blinked rapidly, before her jaw just hung wide open. Uh... Did... Did I say eleven? Sorry, I meant TWENTY ONE!? What in the world was that?! Last I checked, surviving a tier three flux, according to however this sytem functions, only gave me ONE level. What even-I mean, I'm not complaining but-holy shit! Ahem, status.

Mia, Diminutive Shadow Wolf

Level 66

Strength 694

Dexterity 689

Constitution 903

Wisdom 405

Capacity 365

Intelligence 374

Charisma 181

Manipulation 174

Abilities, Riftwalker, Mana Reserves, Touched By Death.

Pff... Holy moly, alright then we've got more then we bargained for! World said you did good, big big big big big big big big big big BIG levels for it. But don't go slack jawed and brain rotted, you've got business to take care of Mia. Like talking to your new human (hopefully) friends!

So, Mia turned, and practically pranced right on over to the line of humans at the gate. They weren't attacking, so Mia figured she was a known factor at this point. So, you reckon they're an actual military or just a militia? 

After she reached them, she sat right down in front of them. If there was any doubt about her being a sentient creature, that about squashed it. Then, from behind the line, came a slightly more heavily armored man. An old man at that, looking down at her. So, you reckon he's the commander?