

"Honey hurry up you don't wanna be late on your first day you know" mom said to me she was setting the table up for breakfast. Mom was right today is my first day and I do not wanna give a bad impression. After dad got transferred to Myeongwoon hospital it was as if my fate started falling into place. I had always wanted to attend the prestigious Harvard university at south Korea but being in North Korea made it a little difficult.

"Soo_Ah" mom called out to me for the second time

"eomma, am coming "I replied well you heard that right my name is Park Soo_Ah an indigene of North Korea. my dad Park Chango is a very talented cardio thoracic surgeon and my mom Park Sang_Hee runs a pork belly restaurant she makes the best pork.

"what took you so long" mom asked with a little frown settling on her face

"mian eomma (sorry mom)" I apologized giving her my cute puppy face.

"hurry up and eat your food" mom said while she serves me. She had spent so much time preparing alot of food and they were all my best firstly we have the porridge, kimchi, and the best of all Tteokbokki

"okay mom " I replied and started eating just then dad came downstairs to join us

"Good morning family " dad greeted

"Good morning Appa(dad)" I replied smiling

"Morning honey " mom responded

"why are you home Soo_Ah" dad asked giving me a questioning look

"I'll soon be done dad" I replied and started eating hurriedly

"slow down or you might end up choking and it won't be a good thing " dad warned and did a little chuckle

"my baby girl is all grown up" mom said looking at me with so much love in her eyes, she has always been like this and being their only child you can imagine the kind of treatment I was given

"eomma...." I said and stuck my tongue out at her, that made her laugh a Little

"Appa, eomma am done, thanks you" I greeted both of them as I prepare to leave the table

" I'll drop you off today" dad said and also stood up

"ok dad" I replied and turned to mom, giving her a quick hug I touched her face softly

" don't miss me too much" I said to her and she chuckled

"I'll try not to" she replied and kissed my forehead

"okay bye eomma" I said and hurriedly left to catch up with dad who was already outside.

After a 15 minutes ride, I finally arrived at the school of my dreams, the great Harvard university I could not hide my excitement as I stepped out of the car all the documents I need was well packed. I even took an extra time to dress up so that my first impression would make alot of impact.

"Okay honey, I'll get going if there is anything that would be involving me , just contact me and I'll be right here okay" dad said and smiled at me

"Okay Appa" I replied and waved my hands at him, I stood still and watch him as he drove off and now I was all alone

"Alright, this is it" I said and took a deep breath as I walked past the gate into the reception hall.

"Welcome to Harvard university how may we be of help to you Young lady" the receptionist who tag displayed her name Kang Hye jun asked with a friendly smile

" I was given admission her ma and today is my first day" I replied

" oh I see can I please have your documents"she asked and I gave it to her. After taking a thorough look at it she gave it back to me

"Alright dear I can see you applied for a surgeon course" she said giving me a very warm smile which made me fell very comfy with her

" yes ma'am " I replied

" That's nice, Alright dear I've completed all the necessary formalities you may proceed to the main hall " she said as she gestured with her hand a direction for me to follow

" Gam_sa_ham_ni_da(thank you)" I said to her bowing and then I left. I started walking towards the direction she had pointed to everywhere looked nice and clean I saw different classes and thousands of students I was so lost in the beauty of the school. the only problem I had at the moment was finding my class.

" ya.... watch were you're going " a male voice said to me. it was then I realized I had bumped into him

" mian, it won't happen again " I apoly while bowing my head, he then gestured for me to raise my head

" From the look of how lost you were just a moment ago I can tell you're a fresher and that you're lost" he said studying the situation very carefully. I nodded shylishly I wanted to make a grand entrance but it won't be possible if I don't even know my class

"oh okay, umm what class are you looking for" he asked

" the surgeon class" I replied

"oh you're in the wrong unit just go back to unit two" he said pointing to the direction I just passed, I must have been so lost that I didn't even notice the sign

"Gam_sa_ham_ni_da" I said bowing down

"you're welcome" he smiled and just like the speed of lightening he zoomed off o didn't even get to ask his name. well I was glad I bumped into him what if I had gotten lost. walking back to unit two I had a very big smile. on my face I was finally at my class as soon as I entered the class teacher called me to come meet him

" you must be miss Park Soo_Ah" he asked

" Good morning sir, yes sir I am Park Soo_Ah" I replied he smiled and told me to look for a seat.

Soon after, the whole class was filled up as many students kept trooping in then the class try proceeded to make an announcement

"Good morning students, you are all welcome to Harvard University, surgeon class am very sure some of you here are not new apart from a few people well today I'll start by introducing our two transferred students and one student who came in by scholarship

I'll start with the scholarship please let's welcome miss Park Soo_Ah" he said as he looked towards my direction I quietly stood up and smiled at every one

" you're welcome to our class miss Soo_Ah, now for the transferred students let's welcome mister Song Li from china" he called again everyone started clapping as a tall cute boy stood up he had a very nice statue and his face was really smooth he looked like those movie stars I've always dreamt of getting married to

"you're welcome to our class Song Li, and lastly let's welcome our last transferred student from North Korean Park Ji_Sang" he called again everyone was amazed when the young man stood up he had sea blue eyes which was very captivating and his statue was what every boy desired his hair was blonde and curly and then there were just few strands on his face, he was looking like royalty. All the girls were already drooling I just had to keep my cool so as not to embarrass myself.

"you can stop drooling now" the class teacher said and told everyone to have their seat

"Ya .. Park Ji_Sang, you should seat with me" a girl called out from the front

"Thanks but I'd rather seat at the back" he replied smiled and started walking towards my direction my heart was pounding very fast and I felt it would explode any moment

"Can I seat here with you" he asked

" yes you can" I replied excitedly my eyes was closed when I said that I started to feel the awkward silence when I opened my eyes, I realized he was not talking to me but to the girl behind me I instantly felt embarrassed as the whole class started laughing at me this was not the kind of impression I wanted to create

" sorry but I wasn't talking to you" he said giving me a weird look

" yah .. I realized " I replied as I rolled my eyes

The rest of the day felt off for me as I kept recalling that embarrassing moment, I wished I could change the hands of time but there was no use crying over spilled milk.

soon first class was over and we had our little break I decided to go to the locker room to get some fresh air and clear my head, as I got to the locker room I saw Park Ji_Sang with a female student who was nearly above his shoulder chatting away I scoffed and rolled my eyes at them

"Isn't he just so charming" a girls said as she walked up to me

"Who are you talking about" I asked

"You know, Park Ji_Sang" she said as she cupped her blushing face, well yes he's damn cut but I ain't gonna admit to it

"Well if you ask me he's not that cute, there are other cute boys out there" I replied putting my books in the locker

"And how many cute boys do you know"she asked giving me a questioning look

"I know many cute boys, after all an from North Korea too" I replied she was wowed

" That's a good thing" she shouted excitedly

"Can you atleast connect me to one, Park Ji_Sang is already on everyone's mind and I probably don't stand a chance" she continued like wtf is wrong with this lady right now

"Yah.....ok" I replied and walked off

Soon the short break was over and everyone was back in their class. The rest of the class went smoothly and then it was closing hour. I was so excited to go home because I was already feeling off

" Alright this class is dismissed" the teacher on duty said and left the class. Everyone started chatting away. I haven't made friends yet so I was just planning on going home straight

" hey...." a male voice called from behind, when I turned I noticed it was Park Ji_Sang

" yes how can I help you" I asked with an irritated tone, I wonder why am even upset with him I was the one who embarrassed myself

" wow wow wow, calm down lady" he said as he placed his hand on my shoulder I instantly frozed

" I didn't mean to embarrass you ok, to make up for that I'll sit with you for a week if that's ok with you" he said smiling at me, he was looking more cute with the smile on his face I shouldn't just fall for him like that I had to act tough, I pushed his hands of my shoulder

" you don't have to do that" I replied and started packing my books into my bag then he grabbed my hand

" just consider it an apology from me" he still insisted, well I shouldn't throw away an opportunity like this after it only comes but once I guess

" Arasseo(okay)" I replied and then he let go of my hand and walked away smiling. well that a good thing at least he's the one hitting on me first. After packing my things I left from home.

Getting home no one was home that meant dad was still at the hospital and mom was at the shop I decided to go and meet mom

At the shop, people kept trooping in, it's been a while since the street last saw a pork belly restaurant so this was mom's opportunity to make lots of sale. By the time we finished it was already so late getting home I help mom arrange the stuff we brought back and I ate dinner

" Honey how was school today" mom asked, I didn't want to tell her about the awkward incidence so I told her something else

" eomma school was fine" I replied she smiled at me and left the dinner table after eating I packed up, took my bath and went to bed

Tomorrow is another day