

Lazarus could read Iriel's physiological reactions.

"It's not like you to be that worried. Are you thinking about your friend?"


An increase in heart rate told Lazarus everything.

"This is... a bit surprising. Slithers is asexual but that mutant had genitalia. Likewise, I found out that you're a hybrid between two different species."

Generally, closely related species are unlikely able to interbreed but if it does happen, it is usually between species within the same genus. It is also unlikely that the hybrids can produce viable offspring but it can also happen between some species. It all depended on the genetics.

An example would be a liger which is a crossbreed between a male lion and a female tiger. Male ligers are sterile but female ligers are not under Haldane's rule. Iriel was actually a female.

"What's even more outrageous is that you're a crossbreed from two different subfamilies!"


"It seems that you knew about this. Yes... I did see your son escaping from your womb."

Iriel lifted her head and straightened her back in an intimidating manner.

"Haha! Relax. I'm quite grateful to your son. He's going to be well off. After all, he has the genes of an extraordinary hybrid and an evolutionary mutant so he'll be quite formidable... I'm quite intrigued actually. Why there was only one that came out of your womb."

Lazarus had scanned Iriel. There were no other wormlets inside her.

"You already know. It's probably because he consumed the others."

In the biological classification of the "order" including the slither's species, the parasitic worms whether land, marine or amphibious are viviparous, ovoviviparous or oviparous.

The slithers are oviparous meaning they lay eggs.

Both parent species of Iriel was ovoviviparous so they kept the eggs inside of them until they hatched.

Iriel was an anomaly, perhaps a sign of evolution.

She gave live birth and so she was classified as viviparous. The developing fetuses inside her were connected to a placenta with the yolk and so they were nourished through the umbilical cord.

Since her young weren't separated by eggs, one of them decided to eat all the others. It was likely that the others were awake and resisted...

The one emerging from 29 other wormlets must be very strong.

"... I'm certain you're going to or have already experimented on us... Of course, you did."

Lazarus replied with a devilish smile.

He was the only one who has elf-like pointy ears which were lost through the degradation of DNA due to cloning. This was because he implanted a gene as part of an experiment in combating their disease. So, he looked more like an alien devil right now.

"I'm guessing you want to build an army?"

"Although I'll tell you, it'll be in some indirect way. I'm sure you'll understand, some of the weaker ones won't"

Although Iriel didn't know what it meant now, Lazarus biologically imprinted the information into their genome. Only the ones that were genetically strong and compatible could successfully translate all of it, this included the genes and operons related to compliance.

The new genetic material also included enhancements to their combat abilities and form. It could be said that the strongest of the parasites is also the most loyal.

Lazarus ended the conversation there and sent a command to the system. Robot arms with syringes injected various substances including nucleic acids and drugs. While other arms fired different rays at Iriel.

Her skin started to harden into a black substance and entered a chrysalis.

Lazarus mentally ordered the specimen to move along and another box glass container shifted to his front vision which he examined the data before tailoring the treatment to the subject.


After Daichi Atsuo finished talking with the wave controller, a waft of blood made him hungry.

He walked to the host's dead mother, Eriko. He crouched down a took a chunk out of her shoulder but as he chewed, he began to feel unwell like he had lost his appetite. He knew he should eat because he was starting to get weak, but after another bite, he grimaced and then spat it out.

It wasn't so much that she had a disgusting body, the tree trunk thighs, unusually long flabby arms yet bony wrists, which was revolting in its own right, but it was because of the horrible memories of her.

She was a monster that forced Daichi's father to write romance novels and eventually killed him in the end. The parasite was surprised that the host's emotions were so strong that it felt like its own feeling.

Daichi went to the fridge and checked for food, the fridge was mostly empty but there were a lot of instant noodles around the kitchen. He needed meat. He didn't dare look at the dead body.

After another hour, he got the wave controller's name and phone number when she reported back to him and then got her to contact the closest ones to him and send them his way.

After he invited a group of parasites in, they discussed their purpose, what they remember, their food situation, etc.

Daichi decided to postpone most of the discussion as it would be a waste of time talking to a small group. They needed to have a bigger meeting.

One of them stood out to Daichi the most, the one that was over 1.8 metres tall and big in every aspect and had said that he was a high school student in year 8.

Botan didn't take his eyes off Daichi during the whole discussion.

"If you'll do me a favour before you leave, take care of that body for me."

Everyone looked towards the body of a woman lying in the centre of the living room. None of them asked questions because they were eager to devour it. They walked off and begun satiating themselves except for Botan.

Daichi recognised the emotions in Botan's eyes - the look of wonder, curiosity, uncertainty and nostalgia.

Daichi smiled and then a new emotion arose in Botan's eyes. He hesitantly smiled back.

It was a look of recognition.

Hey guys, we're going to finish off season 1 by the end of December. Then I'll begin doing the better version in volume 2.

I still remember owing 6 double uploads. 4 - a few months ago during the severe diarrhoea I had (more than 10 times in 24 hours) and 2 around chapters 90 or so. So I'll be doing those by December.

I'm deeply excited for the second run. Now I guarantee every chapter till the end of the season will be action-packed! It's going to be FULL on.

GamingWolf1creators' thoughts