
Turning Point

'Where the fuck did this kid go? He's fucking fast, but I doubt he got very far since he's carrying that kid.'

The man was running through the alleys chasing after two people who survived his attack on the bus. Since they saw his face he couldn't let them live, otherwise he would get chased down and wouldn't be able to kill like this.

The man was starting to get worried they might have somehow made it to a populated area when he hear sobbing from the alley he just passed. Slamming his foot down he stopped and turned back. Walking slowly back to the alley, he peeked his head around the corner slowly and saw the child standing at a fence all alone. 

"Hahaha! I can't believe it!"

The child turned around frightened and backed away from the man. He slowly stepped forward.

"Hahaha, he abandoned you huh? HAHAHA THAT'S FUCKING FUNNY!"

Laughing hysterically the man approached the crying child while a magic circle appeared from his hand.

"But I gotta hand it to the kid. He made the smarter choice. If he kept trying to save you he would have died too.. Oh shh shh."

The man was within five feet of the shaking child now, slowly raising his arm.

"You'll see your mommy real soon."

*tap tap*

The sound was almost imperceptible but the man just barely heard it. Turning his head he saw a pitch black alley, but it looked like there was something there.


A soft red glow rapidly approached and masked what was behind it.

It was then that the glint of a spear shot out of the darkness, and slashed the man's throat.

Reeling backwards he fell into the opposite wall as a young man slowly stepped out of the dark alley. The man's eyes went wide as he recognized who it was.

The young man the killer had thought abandoned the child. His eyes darted to the child but saw that she had a similar look of surprise and relief. 

'He pretended to abandon her and used her as bait!'

Looking back to the young man the killer's body froze for a moment.

The eyes he was looking at were not eyes filled with the fear his victims had. They were staring at him as if they were going to devour him.

"You like to savor the kill. If you had shot her the moment you saw her you wouldn't be like this... But you know what?"

The killer felt that something was wrong at this moment.

'Wait, my wound?'

He touched his neck, expecting it to have healed by now, only to find his hand drenched in wet blood as he pulled it away from his neck.

"I don't like to let others suffer. You however, I will make you suffer."

The killer collapsed from the blood loss and his vision began to get blurry.

He watched as the young man said something to the little girl, and the girl slowly walked into the alley behind him. Turning his attention back to the young man with the spear, he watched him slowly walk up to him on the ground and hold his open palm in front of the killer's face.

"W-what are you going to do? Turn me into the police?"

However the young man shook his head.

"No... I said I would make you suffer."

Then with horror the killer saw the man's palm split open and a fat worm penetrated the killer's eye.

Assaulted with immense paid he tried to move but there was nothing left to do. The worm had already began to burrow the walls of his brain.

The killer realized in his final moments his last regret.

'I should have let him go. He's a devil.'

Staring coldly down at the man was Desmond Caine.


[Contact with potential host.]

[Parasite can devour.]

[Yes or No?]

I stared coldly at the man on the ground who was bleeding out. I didn't know what the system meant by 'devour' but I felt an emotion being transmitted from the parasite.

I didn't know what it was, but I understood that it conveyed a message:

'He will suffer.'

I closed my eyes and suppressed all emotion for a moment. Then when I opened my eyes I had already made the decision.


I held my hand in front of the man's face and watched as a little worm shot into his eye socket. There was a bloody hole in the middle of his eye where I watched the worm slowly wriggle and make it's way deeper inside. The man screamed loudly but I just watched.

I held no remorse for the man. I.. Hated him. I watched him tear a young mother from her child, and ruthlessly end that woman's life although she was already dying. He even tried chasing down the child who had just went through that horror so that he could kill her too.

This man deserved to die.

My hatred and anger was the only justification I needed to make him suffer in the process of his death.

'The worm must have reached his brain.'

I thought to myself as his body began to convulse violently. However after a few minutes his body lost all it's strength and fell like a sack of rocks. My connection with the worm suddenly became much clearer.

[Parasite has devoured a host.]

[Talent: Natural Regeneration (F-Rank) has been gained.]

[Parasite's connection with host increases.]

I could sense the parasite now. It was making it's way out of the hole in the dead man's eye and I extended my hand for it. It jumped out of the hole onto my hand, before turning it's small head towards me. As if it could see me we looked at each other and shared a mutually understanding that we existed to benefit each other.

It burrowed into my skin before the wound magically closed behind it. I opened and closed my hand a few times but there was no discomfort. I turned around to the little girl with her ears covered and her eyes shut tightly. I reached out gently and touched her head. She flinched before slowly opening her eyes and looking at me. She tried to look around me but I stopped her.

"Don't look at it. It's not worth your attention... Let's go."

I picked her up and hugged her tightly. As I was about to walk back the way we came two figures appeared right next to me and I felt a sharp blade pressed against my throat.

I stopped moving entirely and looked at the figure ahead of me. It was a man wearing a long black cloak. He approached me while taking out a cigarette from inside his coat. He lit it with a small flame from his finger and walked past me. The person who was behind me still held the knife against my throat so I didn't dare move.


"Whoever killed this guy really let him have it huh? Hey kid."

Knowing he was talking to me I spoke slowly.

"Yes, sir?"

"Hah... 'Sir'... Did you kill this guy?"


I heard some footsteps from behind me and the man walked back in front of me. He glanced at the small girl in my arms and then back at me. He had a large scar through his left eye, which was glossed over and murky.

He clearly couldn't see through that eye anymore.

Blowing a puff of smoke in my face he leaned towards my face and asked me with a dangerously cold tone.

"Why did you make him suffer so much before his death?"

Perhaps he was expecting me to shrivel away, or get nervous, but instead my answer was incredibly steady.

"He deserved it. I held this girl's mother's hand as she died and pleaded for me to save her daughter."

Pushing my throat slightly into the knife pressing against me, I got even closer to the man's face as I stared into his eyes.

"I just wish I could have made him suffer more."


Immediately the person behind me applied strength to their hand holding my shoulder and instantly I fell to the ground on my knees.

'This strength! I can't beat this person no matter what I do!'

The knife had been brought to my neck again but the man in front of me shouted.


The man walked forward and crouched down to look at me in the eyes again. We stayed like that silently for a few minutes before he tossed his cigarette to the side and stepped it out, then extending his hand out to help me up.

"I like that resolve in your eyes. You defeated this man though?"

The knife was removed from my neck along with the hand on my shoulder. Feeling that weight removed I took the hand of the man and stood up.

"Yes. I was running but I knew I couldn't outrun him while carrying her. So I laid a trap and landed a sneak attack on him. He had some sort of regeneration skill or talent, but I have a skill that negates weaker healing so he bled out."

Nodding the man turned and we began walking.

"What about what happened to his eye? That also a skill?"

I thought about lying but realized I didn't need to.

"No... I awakened an F-Rank Talent that produces a parasite from my body. I... Made it dig into his eye and eat his brain."

The man stopped in place and turned his head with a surprised look.

"That's fucked up. Good."

Then he just turned back forward and kept walking. I was confused but continued walking. I took a moment to turn my head and glanced at the one named 'Sanders'. It was a shorter woman, roughly 5 foot 7, who looked at me with a distrusting glare.

"Turn around before I pull your eyes out."

"Now now Sanders. He saved a young woman and defeated a D-Rank criminal all by himself. He deserves some respect."


Sanders sucked her teeth but didn't say anything more. Realizing I was annoying her I turned back to the front and followed behind the man. Eventually we made it out of the alleys and into a large police encirclement. They were handling the bodies in the bus and street while a couple medics quickly ran over to us.

"Is the child hurt?"

"Huh? No.. She must have fainted while we were walking here. She wasn't hurt other than when the bus flipped."

Nodding one medic took her away towards the back of an ambulance and began checking her. The other medic stayed and began checking my body. Eventually coming to my wrapped arm and asking me to remove it.

"Oh, this is from a dungeon earlier. I was heading to the hospital to get myself healed when all this happened."

I unwrapped my shirt and slowly peeled the shirt away from the wound. Blood had dried and so it started bleeding again when I peeled the shirt away. The medic immediately casted a Lesser Heal skill on me, and the wound on my arm disappeared.

The chunk of flesh that was missing had regrown and the would healed completely.

"It'll still be tender and you'll have trouble putting strength into your arm for a few days. Otherwise though, you'll be fine."

"Th-thank you."

The medic shook his head.

"You saved that girl's life. This much is nothing."

The medic smiled and headed over to help check the girl for a concussion. The man who brought me back here turned and asked me something.

"How long have you been awakened?"


Seeing me not respond immediately the man raised his eyebrows.

"Uh.. This morning..."

At this the man's eyebrows both raised up before he laughed loudly.

"HAH HAH! Sanders did you hear that? This kid just awakened today, and took down some criminal."

He continued to laugh before patting my shoulder with his arm.

"I'm liking you more and more. Have you ever thought about joining the Honor Corps?"

I shook my head.

"I just awakened... I didn't think that far yet."

"Hmm. That's fair... But hey, you got what it takes. That ability to stay calm and rational during a dangerous situation. The way you protected that child, and the bravery needed to do all that... Its all what we need in the Honor Corps. Here's my card."

He handed me a floppy business card, which I took and looked at.

"Henry Giles?"

"Mhm. I'm the captain of a unit that hunts down criminals. If you ever want a spot in my unit... Give me a call."

He then told me I was free to go and brought over a police officer who drove me home. The officer was incredibly respectful as well and kind. I stepped out of the car and thanked him before heading up to my apartment.

Once I reached my apartment I shut the door behind me and fell face first into my bed. I was so exhausted mentally and physically that I ended up falling asleep without even washing up.

When I woke up the next morning my entire body was aching. Groaning as I forced myself out of bed I grabbed my phone off the charger and laid back in bed. Checking my messages I still didn't see a message from Amy. I sent her another message asking if everything was alright before I went to the kitchen and turned on a kettle to make hot water.

I then brushed my teeth and came back out as the water started boiling. I grabbed some oatmeal out of my cabinet. The first bag I grabbed had a hole in the back.

"Rats... Sigh I guess I'll have to move the traps."

Feeling annoyed I was about to grab another bag when I remembered something.

"I made $1,000 last night... I MADE $1,000!"

Throwing the rest of the oatmeal packs into the trash and went to take a shower. I still had blood on me, and I smelled from my sweat last night, so a shower was necessary before I went out.

I undressed and climbed into the shower before turning it on.


I quickly turned it further towards the hot water but the water never heated up. Realizing it was just going to stay cold I decided it wouldn't be worth grumbling over.

Bracing myself I stepped forward and let the cold water hit my head. After a minute I was used to the cold so I finished showering as quickly as possible.

After I stepped out of the shower I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself carefully in the mirror. I didn't know what compelled me to, but when I did look at myself I felt like I was looking at someone different in the mirror.

'Have I always had this look on my face? Was I always this cold looking?'

I didn't know the answer to my questions. Perhaps I did know but I couldn't face the answer I found. I stared into my own eyes for a long time before I finally looked away and left the bathroom.

I put on just a simple t-shirt and jeans before leaving the apartment. I was going to get something to eat at the mall before walking around it to find some clothes to buy. I needed more clothes that were going to be easy to move around in while being comfortable.

I was sitting on the bus while carrying my spear. It may seem weird that I was carrying my spear around but I didn't feel comfortable without it after last night. The sudden attack was enough of a wake up call to me that life was not guaranteed just because I was in the city.

Carrying around weapons wasn't illegal nor was it weird, just many people had a sheath or something to carry it in. I was just holding mine.

Thankfully the bus ride ended without any issues and I stepped off while sighing deeply. I looked back at the departing bus with unclear emotions. Shaking my head I walked into the mall.

'What's wrong with me today? I can't seem to think straight at all...'

Walking along I absentmindedly looked at the places to eat at in the mall.

'They're all unappealing today... I used to jump at the prospect of being able to afford to eat here but now that I am up close it doesn't look any better than what I was eating before.'

I didn't feel awed by anything so I just got a cheese burger from a random place and a soft drink. I paid for the food and sat down at a table to eat my meal quickly. While I ate I continued to scan my surroundings for anyone acting weird.

While I was watching the people who were coming through the entrance a soft voice sounded from behind me.


Though it lacked it's usual vigor I recognized it immediately. I turned my head and looked at the person who's voice just sounded.


There was Amy Richards, who disappeared yesterday without saying anything and refused to answer my texts, standing with a small entourage of men in suits. I wasn't the brightest but I gathered what happened from this alone.

She didn't want to awaken an amazing Talent because her father would only tighten his grip over her and use her to gain power. These 'bodyguards' were no different than jailors keeping her in check.

"I saw you looking around all on guard... I saw the news about you saving a child last night! That's so incredible of you!"

Glancing at the guards I looked back to her.

"I just happened to be on the bus when it happened... Besides I don't deserve praise. I failed to save her mother."

Amy had a sad look on her face at what I said but I meant it. I didn't think I deserve praise or thanks from other people. I felt I failed that little girl last night. After a bit of an awkward silence Amy got a phone call and after talking for a while she turned to me.

"I have to go. My father has prepared a dungeon for me to go practice in. I'll see you later Desmond."

"Stay safe Amy."

With an awkward goodbye we both headed our separate ways. She headed to the exit of the mall and I made my way to the clothing stores. I went through a couple of the trendy ones I saw people frequently wearing but they just didn't make sense when I would be fighting in them.

I eventually found a cheaper store that sold workout clothes, and bought a few outfits from there. After that I went to a shoe store and bought a few pairs of running shoes that were my size. Finally I ended up leaving the mall but I didn't feel better than when I entered. If anything I felt worse see as how I spent almost $400.

"All my hard work... Gone just for some clothes..."

With a pained heart I headed back to my apartment. After dropping off my new clothes I headed to the Wolves' Den Dungeon to start my day. I felt much better about today because I understood that my Lesser Bleed Enchantment was a very powerful tool.

I am able to focus on defense and avoiding attacks while waiting for them to bleed to death.

I would spend the next month focusing on polishing my fighting. It has been a long time since I actually took combat training seriously so I needed to get rid of the bad habits I picked up from my lazy life.

It was only a little after 1 PM so I would stay in the dungeon until at least 10 PM.


"One crystal and one skill book. I guess I have to be thankful I at least got something today."

I had an F-Rank mana crystal in my pocket and a skill book in my hand. The skill book had just dropped from the last wolf I killed.

[Dash (F-Rank) learned.]

A small boost of speed could catch an enemy off guard. Plus it had other applications as well so I decided to keep it. I wasn't strapped terribly for cash right now, so it was okay to use it for myself. I pulled out my phone just to realize my pocket had three claw marks through it.

"What the... Where's my phone?!"

I went back the way I came and found my phone along the path I was taking. I bent down to pick it up when I felt a chill go down my spine.

I didn't know why but I had the strong urge to dodge. I activated [Dash] and pushed myself forward as hard as I could. I rolled to make myself harder to hit in case of a follow up attack, but when I landed on my feet I spun around to see my attacker.

Standing there was a grey wolf who's grey fur glinted slightly as it walked. Touching the back of my neck I could feel a cut slowly starting to heal on it's own. I stared at the wolf and breathed out slowly.

'Steel Wolf... A Rare spawn. Can I beat it?'

However I didn't get the chance to calculate my odds before having to dodge again as a the wolf streaked across the clearing and tried to attack me again.

'Whether I think I can or not... I have to.'