
Parashuraam: The Ascetic Warrior

The Brahmin, who took to arms to subdue the arrogant warrior class of Kshatriyas, deserves an epic. He is depicted here with all his attributes and vulnerabilities, taken from mythology. If the stories contradict, only one in its entirety is chosen. Whenever possible, the reference will be given. His presence is felt throughout India, and some say he even went to Greece. He created famous Brahmin lineages which exist and thrive even to this day. The work is original and not translated.

Avijit_Banerjee_9053 · Action
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17 Chs

Chapter 1 : The Allpowerful Vishnu

Neither this world, nor any world unknown,

Or the heaven, the earth and the hell, as the books have shown,

No sage, no scholar however deep he may go,

Can comprehend Him, who made the world so.

Almighty, the Power behind the universe,

And His Soul, Forever Conscious,

Works deep inside us, it's He who I am,

The Giver of Eyes, Firmness of firm.

He knows not weakness, Ultimate Man,

Go for Samadhi in Him, or sit in Dhyaan.

The Terrible Power, with a blink of eye

Can bring to naught the world, nullify.

Who knows the source? One but reaches the shores.

Limited in body, he however implores

Cannot take the Unlimited, just as a glass

Cannot take two, they just surpass.

Thou can go, but cannot be,

It's He who reveals Himself to thee.

To the Bhakta as Vishnu He appears,

Glowing with Intelligence, ignorance He clears.

From the highest realm of Knowledge, He arises,

To His favourite bhakta he advises.

Or do I see myself? I don't judge free,

I am a bhakta, I only agree.

In the devotee's heart, He manifests,

He is a feeling inside the chest.

The moment you see, is the moment you know,

All knowledge do come with flow.

You understand the past, present and future,

Why the world is, how it should appear.

You become Jnaani, reason you see,

But the wisdom should not prevent you to be

One with Him, that is the goal,

Then everything appears to be Infinite Whole.

Men, animals, objects you see,

Is made of One Aatmaa, free.

Fearless, you are relieved from tension.

There are levels of this comprehension.

The small space in which I write

Falls short to deliver what be His might.

Beyond this world of visible Brahma

Comes naught, not even Dharma.

Duties here cease to exist,

Neither ego - "I" - persist.

Beyond senses, Indescribable,

To return nobody's able.

Even if you can, you cannot say,

What you saw, when away.

But in your heart mighty they rumble,

A naught mind, perfect, humble.

But wise men say an Avatar only

Can come back from the realm lonely.

Incarnations come and go,

If to reap, what to sow?

Be steadfast, in your mind earnest,

You attain the Best of the Best.

Paraatparaa, as He is called,

Keep in your mind installed.

He is Concentration Extreme

Of all moods, colors beam

Infinite, depends on where you go,

You reap what you sow.

In the land of Brahma, you realize

You are unborn, undead, visualize

That all are One, not even friends or brothers,

You hurt yourself, hurting others.

A man such, thus, can never hurt

Not even think. From gold to dirt,

all are same. Insect, animal, thief or rich,

Or a great man ready to preach -

Among all he sees the One,

Worldly affairs for him is done.

By His command Avatar may stay

Until the final judgement day

To do good for the world, or destroy

Magnetically attractive evil's ploy.

Fearless he knows nothing's to loose.

He has drunk the Divine Juice.

"I own everything, nothing can go,

Allpowerful, nothing's to show.

His son I am, King of kings,

I kill none, no offsprings."

Even in illegal, immoral, unsocial ways

He reserves the right to make ablaze

The idea of falsehood, but finds the way

To do his task without fray.

The flow of reason is ever-channelized,

Master of deduction, all analysed.

An Avatar is the highest man,

See God in him we can.

God's drawing-room his heart

He and God never part.

Just as a channel from ocean drawn

Unbroken, forever turned on,

So a current, incessant, Spiritual,

Flows to him. An entity non-dual

Is established out of his unshaken faith,

His words comply to what Sri Vishnu saith.

Whose character cannot be measured

By the scholars for ages, treasured

by multitude, heralding new age,

New thought process out of cage,

He is called an Avatar,

In hearts of mass he is czar.

Drashtaa he is called as he has seen,

Rishi he is called as he has been

and formulated the path to traverse.

In our hearts we nurse

Lord Vishnu Omnipresent

Four-armed. The Supreme Lord pleasant

stands on the Knowledge-lotus,

Holding conch-discus-mace-lotus.

Vaijayanti garland he adorns,

Symbol of victory over path of thorns.

Paanchajanya Shankha his conch sings

Unbeginning, unending Omkar that rings

"AUM", the original melody

Of the universe, its branches parody

with the tunes in hearts we all possess,

animate being and inanimate objects.

Yogis hear this as line unending

Going forth and back extending.

Sudarshan Chakra the discus cuts

Illusion of Maya, that He imparts

that makes us move in this world - forgetting

Our true selves - the Original Being.

Kaumadaki Gadaa the mace destroys

The evil, righteousness it establishes.

The primeval Energy it contains

Shakti. The universe She sustains. 

The lotus opens up mind's captivity

Bringing to us the light - creativity.

Clad in yellow, as the yogis see

Infinite Brahma, from this world be,

Which is Martya, mortal, we know,

Where the souls come and go.

Crowned is He, Lord Supreme,

Some say, the world his dream.

All-Prevailing Vishnu sleeps on ocean

Primordial without motion,

Shesh Naag the thousand hooded serpent   

As bed and umbrella, ardent

Lakshmi the Goddess of Discipline,

Wealth of heart, She is seen

At His feet, or seated together,

Divine lovers, forever

Desiring the other, or unified;- Purush and Prakriti,

Male and female forms of objectivity.

The all-renouncing Supreme Yogi

When meets with Creation, the Inherent Beauty,

The Worlds are created. In love it sustains,

Going through all pleasure, pains.

Down the ages He has come

Again and again, to establish Dharm,

Destroy evil, save the good,

Alleviate hunger with spiritual food.

Matsya the fish holds water,

Kurma the turtle churns ocean-butter,

Varaaha the boar brings the Vedas to day-light,

While Narasimha man-lion wages fight,

Finds a way to kill Hiranyakashipu,

The demon immune to all weapons, woo

His bhakta son Prahlaad the great devotee,

 Enthrones in Paataal. His descendant Bali

Realizes Him as the Vaaman, dwarf

Brahmin who made His three legs curve

Encompassing the sky and earth,

And rested on his head. The mirth

That I bring to you here

Is sixth incarnation, which is near.

The tale is not for the faint of heart.

Let's gear up for martial art.

Don't beg to Him, stand steadfast,

To the drop of blood your last.

He, the annihilator of Kshatriya clan,

Lord Parashuraam, fierce ax-man,

Should be much remembered this day,

To put the evil far away.

To Lord Vishnu, Lord Parashuraam, so

Umpteen times I bow, I bow.