
Paranoid Doctor Only Loves Me

By a twist of fate, Tang Su discovered that the aloof male god she once had a crush on lived right across the hall. It had been eight years, and he did not remember her at all, so Tang Su had to tuck away her affections and pretend she didn't know him. Every time they met, she would properly call him "Doctor Lu." …… One day, while Lu Han was taking a nap, Tang Su slipped into his office. The duty nurse shot up in surprise, shouting "Stop" as she followed after Tang Su. By the time the nurse arrived, Tang Su was sitting in the chair, stretching out her leg to hook Lu Han's, coquettishly asking, "Doctor Lu, my leg hurts, could you take a look?" Lu Han stepped back and turned to the nurse, "You go out first, I'll handle this." The nurse nodded, considerately closing the door behind her while muttering to herself that she didn't know how many women had thrown themselves at Doctor Lu. Each one of them had left crying. After a while, the office door opened. The nurse looked up to see that Tang Su as expected, was limping out with reddened eyes. The nurse smiled knowingly, thinking that Tang Su had overestimated herself. Soon after, Lu Han hurried out of his office. He swept past the nurse, scooped Tang Su up at the waist, and carried her sideways back to the office. As he walked, he whispered to Tang Su, "Didn't I tell you to wait for me a while? Why are you walking around with a sore leg?" …… After they got married, Doctor Lu was often away for meetings, surgeries, and paid learning, hardly ever at home, not even answering phone calls, leaving Tang Su practically like a deserted bride. She wrote in her TikTok bio: "Living like a widow." Then— One stormy night, Doctor Lu came back. Before long, she changed her TikTok bio to: "Please spare me."

Lattice Shell · Urban
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550 Chs

Is it possible that 007 is the neighbor across_1?

Seafood wontons, as the name implies, are basically clear soup wontons with a bit of seaweed and delicious shrimp skin added, which makes them three to five yuan more expensive than the regular wontons.

However, the owner was very skilled at controlling the proportion of ingredients, and both Tang Su and Sun Qing liked this seafood wonton that included seaweed and shrimp skin.

After the previous ordeal, Tang Su was hungry and ordered a large bowl.

Lu Han also ordered a large bowl.

When the wontons were served, Tang Su could eat both cilantro and green onions, but Lu Han couldn't really eat cilantro; he picked all of it out.

Seeing the bright green, fragrant cilantro being discarded by Lu Han, Tang Su resisted at first but eventually, she couldn't, and moved her bowl over, "Doctor Lu, if you don't eat cilantro just give it to me, I love it."

Lu Han: "..."

"Doctor Lu, cilantro is good for you, it can improve eyesight and regulate the digestive system. It's such a pity that you don't eat it."

Seeing that Lu Han made no move, Tang Su took a clean pair of chopsticks and transferred all the cilantro from his bowl to hers, all the while giving him a brief rundown on the benefits of eating cilantro.

Lu Han, of course, knew this, but not everything beneficial had to be eaten by him.

Having seen Tang Su pick out all the cilantro from his bowl, Lu Han began to eat, displaying very elegant table manners, unlike Tang Su whose manners left much to be desired.

However, Tang Su's way of eating made one's appetite increase, bringing a sense of joy.

Although Lu Han's eating was elegant, his pace was not slow. As a child, his mother had specially trained him for a while to eat both neatly and efficiently.

It was indeed a labor of love.

A large bowl of wontons was enough to satisfy one's hunger. Tang Su was stuffed, mainly because she drank all the soup without leaving a drop.

"Doctor Lu, wait for me for a second, I'll go pay the bill."

"Mhm," Lu Han didn't argue with her.

After paying the bill, Tang Su, with her phone casually tucked into her pocket and carrying her purse, said, "Doctor Lu, let's go."

"Alright, thank you for the dinner, Miss Tang," said Lu Han, who was raised with good manners and knew to give thanks when someone treated him to dinner.

Tang Su's impression of Lu Han increased significantly. Nowadays, it was all too common to come across spoiled children—little ones spoiled into brats and older ones who were disrespectful to elders at home and even more so to others outside.

Bullies when they could get away with it, cowards when they were up against someone tougher; such people were numerous.

A person like Lu Han, who had been well brought up, who would say thank you for a meal of inexpensive wontons, was truly rare.

"You're too polite, Doctor Lu."

"It's only right."

After getting into the car, Lu Han asked where she was heading, and Tang Su gave him the address of her residence—Tingzhu Building.

Soon, Lu Han drove the car to Tingzhu Building, but he didn't stop at the main entrance. Instead, he headed to the underground parking lot next door.

"Doctor Lu, actually, dropping me off at the entrance would have been fine," Tang Su hurriedly said, not expecting Lu Han's service to be so thorough.

"It's not that, I'm also going home," Lu Han said.

Tang Su: "..."

Though Lu Han was brief, Tang Su understood him.

What a coincidence, she and Doctor Lu lived in the same neighborhood?

She wondered how long Doctor Lu had been living there because she had never seen him before.

When Lu Han parked the car in the owner's parking area of Building C, Tang Su's pupils involuntarily shrank sharply.

Could it be that they both lived in Building C?

If we really live in the same building, that's some destiny right there.

"Doctor Lu, you also live in Building C?" Tang Su asked directly.

"You too?" Lu Han guessed she probably lived in Building C as well when he heard her use the word "also".

"Yeah, it's such a coincidence." Tang Su smiled just like her name, bringing joy to Lu Han's mood.

"Indeed, it's a coincidence. Do you think we could possibly be neighbors who have never seen each other before?" Although the likelihood was minimal, it didn't mean it was nonexistent.

"No way?" Tang Su felt that this could only be a soap opera plot. Of course, it could happen in real life too, but she didn't believe it would happen to her.

After all, if Lu Han really lived across the hall, with her years of harboring a secret crush on him, how could she have missed his presence?

So, it shouldn't be possible.

She lived on the top floor, and this duplex suite was a graduation gift from her father, who had bought it with the money he made in the stock market two years prior.

After a complete renovation, it hadn't even been a year since Tang Su officially left her parents' home to become a free bird on her own.

Only Building C in Tingzhu Building complex had duplex apartments, a total of six floors, essentially equivalent to twelve floors of other buildings.

Tang Su lived in 602.

"I live in 602." Tang Su volunteered the information.

"Neighbor, hello there, I'm in 601." Lu Han extended his hand, adding a new layer to their relationship as neighbors.

Tang Su hesitated before shaking hands with Lu Han.

It really was a crazy coincidence.

They actually were neighbors who had never met!

It makes sense, Building C has only six floors, twelve homeowners; it's the most expensive in the whole Tingzhu Building complex. They say even money can't always buy a place here.

Her father managed to make the purchase out of sheer luck, having found a good deal when someone was just about to sell their apartment; they demanded a lump sum, a one-time full payment.

Many people could only afford the down payment and needed a loan.

But her father had just made a fortune on the stock market and, upon hearing from a colleague that there was a great apartment available, didn't hesitate to buy it in full, registering it in Tang Su's name as a gift for his daughter.

In her father's words, by giving her a house and a car, even sponsoring her startup, it was all to ensure she could live with more confidence in the future, rather than being dependent on a man.

Tang's father said he had limited capabilities and couldn't give his children a life of luxury, but at the very least, his daughter could live the life she wanted, marrying the man she loved.

Not like the old days where you married to be clothed and fed.

To marry a man for the sake of clothing and food, to live at the mercy of the husband's family.

"Since it's such a coincidence, you don't have to come to the hospital to make an appointment in three days. Try to get off work early that day, and I'll come back to examine you." Lu Han said.

"Thank you, Doctor Lu, wouldn't that be too much trouble for you?" Tang Su was a bit embarrassed.

Going to the hospital, at least there's a fee involved, but asking him to check on her at home during his rest time felt like taking advantage of him.

"Not at all, you treated me to that delicious seafood wonton today. I owe you a favor."

"How so? You helped me a lot at the police station today. If not for what you said, Ye Sichen might not have been willing to apologize with a bow, let alone compensate me with fifty thousand yuan."

"I was simply telling the truth. Don't worry about it."

"Anyway, you really don't owe me a favor. I'd rather make an appointment at the hospital. I shouldn't make you work after hours just because we're neighbors."

"Alright, if that's what you insist on, I'm okay with that."
