
Paranoia and Magic

Markus was an intelligent man. The world he lived in contained no Gods, nor magic. And he knew that. However, that did not stop him from searching. In the process of his search for the supernatural, he died in an accident. But that was the outlet for his answers. Finding himself in an unknown world, he was given some of the knowledge of the Gods. Armed with this knowledge, he was ready to set out with his new life. But his biggest problem was not the unknown world, but the constant distrust he had with people. He knew he needed people to live, any thinking other than that was ignorant. But he always lived alone, fearing the things that people could do. The magic he was given was also a problem. The medieval-like world would have thought his ability to have been evil, even though Markus was a good man. Soon he would need to find a way to openly use magic while hiding its origins, but only till he was strong enough. ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first novel I have ever written; honestly, it might be my last. On this app, I've been struggling to find a novel that I enjoy. So, I might as well see how hard it truly is. Also, one of the main reasons why I gave Markus a distrust in people is because I'm not the biggest fan of romance. I also despise the idea of Harems. I might dive into the concept of romance, but honestly, I'm not interested. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh yeah, one more thing. Markus is going to have emotions and a personality. So if you like your protagonists as cringy edgelords that make stupid decisions and dumb one-liners, this is not the novel for you.

BoneBroth · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


Markus began to walk into the cave. This was the farthest he had ever gone in the search of magic. Before this, he had done experimental studies, researching if people had any substantial abilities. But there was none. However, he got close to something that felt magical.

Older rats that were injected with the blood plasma of younger rats, reversed in age. Of course, there was scientific reasoning as to why it worked, but it got him thinking.

"Is there something special with blood?"

Almost all significant life had it. It was something that virtually no human can live without. After that thought, he loved abilities that revolved around the use of blood.

Being an avid reader of web novels and comics, he would find many characters that used blood-related abilities fascinating.

Armed with passion, he went on online forums to find anything related to blood magic. And he did. The supposed burial ground of a dark magician.

Many people had gone to this location, searching for his corpse. But all of them had left, because of a weird feeling they got in there.

Markus knew that it was almost 99% placebo, but there is always that 1%.

"F*ck, it's cold in here."

He did not travel too far into the cave, but it already had become frigid. The complete opposite of the outside. He was glad he had bundled up.

"Well, the cold is always better than the heat."


"Ugh, how long have I been walking now?"

He realized it would have been wise to bring a watch. But they were always too tight, and irritating when too loose.

"Anyway, I should at least be arriving at the platform soon."

About a thousand feet from the entrance, there would be a large, flat area. It was believed that was where the magician was buried.

If you created the magic circles on the forum and chanted the words given, he would grant you with his magic.

Many people had said to have gone but backed out halfway. Also, the location was out in the middle of nowhere, which meant there was no signal outside.

"There it is."

He had finally reached the platform. Surprisingly, there was a lot of trash and graffiti around.

"I guessed they lied about backing out. If this is a burial ground, this is just disrespectful."

He didn't believe in an afterlife, but he least respected the dead.

"Well, blood magic is always seen as something related to evil. So maybe they were not the greatest person."

You could never be too sure.

He went and sat down in the middle of the platform, and pulled out the book. He then started to chant the words that were given.

This went on for half an hour. But nothing happened. Just to make sure, he sat there a bit longer and did it again.


He just sat there in silence.

"I mean, what did I expect."

'There is nothing special about chants and blood circles. They are just words and matter. And anyway, magic goes against the basics of reality.'


"Time to go meet up with Liam I guess."

But then he heard something. It was low, but it was audible enough. Thunder crashing, rain falling, and the sudden whoosh of water.

It was a flash flood.


He started to run, but there was no point in it. Large amounts of water came flushing in. After it came in, it swept him up and threw him against a wall.

He was knocked out. Not so long after, he drowned.

His search of finding a way to preserve his life quickly ended it. At only 27 years old, he wasted it all.


A beautiful green forest, filled with wildlife was peaceful. The winds were brushing against the leaves, and there was the distant chirping of birds. It was perfect.

But it was ruined by the entrance of a horse-drawn carriage. Surrounded by men in cheap armor and weapons, the carriage continued on the bumpy road.

The cargo on the carriage was nothing but ordinary. It was children, chained together, and fastened to the frame. But it seemed that they were at a higher capacity than expected.

A few of the children were not chained and were left inside free. But with the men that surrounded the carriage looming, escape was certain death.

"Gah!" A man exclaimed in pain.

An arrow just struck him in the chest.

"It's an ambush!"

A group of bandits came out and attacked the men. But their intentions were most definitely not to save the children.

Amid the chaos, one of the unchained children decided to take action. He ran for his life.

Some of the men noticed what had happened, but they were too preoccupied to catch him. They were fighting for their lives.

The boy ran, and he did not stop. And he gathered many cuts from the stray branches of the trees, but that did not stop him. It was all worth the freedom.


After what felt like an eternity, he finally ran out of breath. And he just laid down on a patch of grass. He could no longer hear the fighting.

But suddenly, he was stricken with the most painful thing he had ever experienced. It almost felt like his head was being compressed.

"Ahh..." He could not even scream and only quietly mumbled.

After what felt like a minute, he remembered who he was. Markus Bane.

But that was not the only information that lay in his head. It was almost alien to him and baffled him to his core.

He looked around himself and was confused about what had happened to him.

"Where... Am I?"

But there was no one to answer him.