
Paranoia and Magic

Markus was an intelligent man. The world he lived in contained no Gods, nor magic. And he knew that. However, that did not stop him from searching. In the process of his search for the supernatural, he died in an accident. But that was the outlet for his answers. Finding himself in an unknown world, he was given some of the knowledge of the Gods. Armed with this knowledge, he was ready to set out with his new life. But his biggest problem was not the unknown world, but the constant distrust he had with people. He knew he needed people to live, any thinking other than that was ignorant. But he always lived alone, fearing the things that people could do. The magic he was given was also a problem. The medieval-like world would have thought his ability to have been evil, even though Markus was a good man. Soon he would need to find a way to openly use magic while hiding its origins, but only till he was strong enough. ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first novel I have ever written; honestly, it might be my last. On this app, I've been struggling to find a novel that I enjoy. So, I might as well see how hard it truly is. Also, one of the main reasons why I gave Markus a distrust in people is because I'm not the biggest fan of romance. I also despise the idea of Harems. I might dive into the concept of romance, but honestly, I'm not interested. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh yeah, one more thing. Markus is going to have emotions and a personality. So if you like your protagonists as cringy edgelords that make stupid decisions and dumb one-liners, this is not the novel for you.

BoneBroth · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


He soon got a hold of himself. He did feel sorrow for the ones he cared for, but he had other pressing matters.

He was not in a good position. Alone in the woods with several cuts on his body, if he could not take care of them properly, he could get an infection. And he could not wash his wounds with the water from the stream, because he did not have a proper way to kill the bacteria within.

"If there is no civilization around, I'm completely f*cked."

He decided that unlocking his magic might find him a solution.

He took off his shirt and started to work.

With all the cuts on his body, he had plenty of blood. But the wounds did not continuously bleed, so he had a short time to finish the circle. He also avoided touching the wounds themselves, and only gathered blood from around the wounds. He did this to prevent his dirty hands from infecting them.

Drawing the circle felt natural to him like he was writing something down. But he often had to go over some of the lines, because the blood would not smear correctly.

"Wow..." He muttered to himself.

The circle drawn on his chest was mesmerizing. It was surprising that he could do this on his first try.

He soon felt a small burning sensation, but nowhere close to how painful the intake of information he had earlier.

"I guess this means it's working." He concluded.

After the burning subsided, the blood circle on his chest disappeared.

Moments later, an old sheet of parchment rolled out in front of him, hovering in the air. The edges of it were burning embers, but they stayed in their place. Also, the words written on it were in ink that was dark brown in color. It was blood. All of the writing was written in beautiful cursive.

"Incredible, and the writing is absolutely stunning!" He commented.

He knew what this was. It was the system that was created through his desires. But he personally did not like the name system. Its name was surrounded with the thoughts of childish edgelords of the novels he used to read. Even the parchment agreed with him.

On the top of the parchment, it read, "Order."

"That sounds a lot better." He commented.

He finally decided to read his Order.



User: Markus Bane

Level: 0

Age: 14

Manipulation: Blood


Strength- 0

Stamina- 0

Perception- 0

Mana- 0


Skills: None


It was very basic but easy to understand. But there was one thing that had caught his eye.

"My manipulation is blood?" He muttered.

His excitement was immeasurable. In hindsight it made sense, but seeing it himself made him the happiest he had ever been.

"YES!" He yelled, but soon covered his mouth.

For a brief moment, he had forgotten where he was. In the woods, right after he ran away from his kidnappers.

"Finally, I have it..." He quietly said as his hands were shaking.

But he was soon brought out of his super. A loud bell chime was wrung to his right.

"Church bells?" He questioned.

He looked up into the sky and saw it was noon.

"I guess this world has some of the same traditions as earth." He concluded.

It sounded close to his position, so it was better to start walking that way.

On his way there, all he did was theorize about how his manipulation worked, and wallowed in sorrow about the loved ones he could no longer see.


After about half an hour, he had finally exited the woods. What he saw was a medium-sized city surrounded by walls made of stone. And at the entrance, he saw a long line of people waiting to get in.

He was not sure what to do. But soon his problem was solved.

A soldier that was guarding the entrance had spotted him and motioned for one of his colleagues to come over. They ran back into the city, and came out with another person.

The soldiers ran to Markus as fast as they could.

"Are you alright kid?" The man in metal armor asked him. He was the man that the other soldiers had brought back with them.

Markus just nodded his head.

'I guess he is their superior, looking at how his armor looks better than theirs.'

The soldier was worried about Markus. A kid covered in cuts emerging out of the woods alone is not a common sight.

"If you are comfortable, please come with us into the city. We can get you cleaned up." One of the guards said to him.

It would have been hard to tell with the armor, but from their kind voice, it seemed that they were a woman.

In medieval times, it was rare for women to be soldiers, but it seemed that this world was more socially advanced. But it was only first impressions, so he didn't know if everything was like this.

But it was a step above Earth's medieval era.

"Thank you." He said, with a small, shallow voice. This was to emulate the emotions of a scared child.

Following them, he walked into the city. The buildings were incredible and full of life, unlike what he imagined from Earth's medieval era.

The streets were packed with people of all ages. But the one thing he noticed, was that they were almost all human.

'I guess that it's uncommon for other races to live in other races' civilizations.'

He then was led into a building that was near the wall of the city. It was like any other building near it but had a sign on it.

"Military Post." He read out loud.

This caused the soldiers to look at him for a moment, and then look back forward.