
Parallel World: Sasuke Comparaison

BILL_CIPHER_ · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

[Ding! The comparison live room is open.]

[The live broadcast will show the life of Uchiha Sasuke, the only survivor of the Uchiha clan in this world and the parallel world. ]

[The screen with the silver frame on the left shows Uchiha Sasuke in this world, and the screen with the gold frame on the right shows Uchiha Sasuke in the parallel world. ]

[Any aggressive behaviour is prohibited during the viewing period! ]

[There will be a question-and-answer session with prizes during the viewing period. Please actively participate. Rewards include ninjutsu, secret art, blood succession limit and so on. ]

[The chat room has been opened, and the relevant characters are being pulled... The pull is over, and everyone can speak freely in the chat room! ]

In the 60th year of Konoha, the Chūnin examination venue.

Orochimaru was taken aback.

Just now, he was about to announce the start of Konoha's collapse plan.

Pulling off the mask on his face, he planned to hold his teacher hostage and find a place for a decisive battle, to decide whether he was better/qualified or not, but also whether he would live or die.

As a result... He suddenly couldn't move!

Two screens suddenly appeared in the sky, one with a silver border and the other with a golden border.

Accompanied by a voice resounding throughout the Ninja world.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was sitting by the side, was shocked and angry, looking at his apprentice:

"Orochimaru, you pretended to be Kazekage?! Is this some evil Forbidden Technique you did?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen only felt that he was controlled by an invisible force, unable to stand up in his seat.

Otherwise, he would have picked up the Adamantine Staff and beat his ex student long ago.

Orochimaru sneered:

"Mr. Sarutobi, are you confused? Two screens suddenly appeared in the sky, and strange voices resounded in everyone's ears. Is this something I can do?"

Although he didn't know the situation, Orochimaru was not in a hurry.

He doesn't have the ability to pull this off, and He guess Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't have that ability either.

In this case, it is useless to be anxious, it is better to calm down and analyze the situation.

In the chat room, someone started to speak.

Senju Hashirama: "Compare the live broadcast room? Can even a dead person like me receive it?"

Senju Tobirama: "The survivor of the Uchiha? Does that mean that there is only one person left in the Uchiha clan? It really is an evil clan, and it has been mixed to the point of extermination."

Senju Hashirama: "Tobirama, how many times have I told you not to be hostile to Uchiha!"

Senju Tobirama: "Humph!"

Uchiha Madara: "When they refused to leave Konoha with me, this ending was already doomed. It is not surprising that Senju Tobirama deliberately targeted them."

Senju Hashirama: "Madara, you are here too, long time no see!"

Senju Tobirama: "How can I target Uchiha? The evil family deserves to be blamed, what does it have to do with me!"

Uchiha Madara: "Have you deliberately targeted yourself clearly?"

Senju Hashirama: "Madara, Tobirama, you two stop arguing..."

Pure Land World, Senju Hashirama frowned.

I didn't expect that I would have to persuade Madara and Tobirama to fight after I died.

Onoki: "Can this live broadcast room even pull ninjas who are in the Pure Land after death? It's amazing!"

Fourth Raikage: "I thought it was Konoha's conspiracy."

Terumi Mei: "Kirigakure can also see two silver and gold screens here. Everyone can't move suddenly. This should not be something a ninja can do."

Rasa: "Is Orochimaru there? You bastard actually attacked me! Sand Shinobi ninjas, the plan is aborted, don't trust Orochimaru!"

In the real world, the Sand Shinobi ninjas were taken aback.

It wasn't until then that they discovered that Kazekage Kazekage was already dead.

The "Kazekage" I saw today was actually Orochimaru in disguise!

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "What plan? Kazekage, what are you doing with Orochimaru?!"

Orochimaru: "What? Of course, it is to destroy Konoha!"

Senju Tobirama: "Destroy Konoha? Orochimaru, right? I remember that you summoned me and my elder brother using Impure World Reincarnation. Another evil brat!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Oh, Orochimaru is my apprentice. He defected to Konoha because of the human experiment, and he has a grudge against Konoha since then. It's because I didn't teach him well."

Senju Tobirama: "Speaking of which, Monkey, how old are you over there? Or do you do Hokage?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Teacher, I am Konoha's 60th year here, and the Chūnin exam is being held. Uchiha Sasuke mentioned in the comparison room just now is one of the participants of this Chūnin exam."

Senju Hashirama: "Oh! Has it been 60 years? It seems that Konoha has developed well!"

Uchiha Mikoto: "Sasuke, can you hear Sasuke? It's been 5 years, I don't know how you are now..."

Uzumaki Kushina: "What do you mean? Mikoto, are you dead too?"

Uchiha Mikoto: "Well, only Itachi and Sasuke are left in the Uchiha clan..."

Uzumaki Kushina: "It's so miserable, I don't know how my little Naruto is doing now."

Uchiha Sasuke: "Mom..."

Sasuke's eyes turned red.

Five years have passed, and I never thought that I would hear my mother's voice again.

Uzumaki Naruto: "Naruto? That aunt, is your child also named Naruto? What a coincidence!"

Uzumaki Kushina: "Naruto!"

Just about to ask about my son's situation, the live broadcast room suddenly started activities again.

[The viewing will start in 10 seconds, please watch carefully. ]




[The movie viewing begins! ]

The silver screen on the left lights up, revealing the picture.

[Konoha Hospital. ]

[7-year-old Uchiha Sasuke just experienced a genocide event! ]

[The young Sasuke's eyes are blank, his body trembles slightly, as if he is afraid of something. ]

[Last night, my brother's temperament changed drastically, and the scene of killing his parents and clan members is still vivid in his mind. ]

[Thinking of this, Sasuke felt his brain tremble. ]

[The eyes are slightly swollen as if something is about to change. ]

Orochimaru: "Is this what happened when Uchiha was just exterminated? Interesting."

Uzumaki Kushina: "That kid Itachi actually killed you, Mikoto, and the whole family? How is that possible!"

Kushina was extremely shocked.

When she was still alive, she was good friends with Uchiha Mikoto and knew Uchiha Itachi well.

That kid doesn't look like someone who can do such a thing!

Uchiha Mikoto: "Well, it is true. The reasons behind it are very complicated, and I can't fully explain it."

Senju Tobirama: "This Uchiha Sasuke, it looks like he is about to open his eyes. His brother slaughtered the whole family. I don't know how far he can open his eyes."

Senju Hashirama: "Wouldn't it be Mangekyō directly? After all, it's so exciting."

Uchiha Madara: "Impossible, Hashirama, do you think Mangekyō is a thing we collect on the ground? He is a 7 year old child, how can he have the Chakra to support and open Mangekyō!"

Senju Tobirama: "However, with such a strong stimulus, it is no problem to guarantee the bottom of one tomoe, and two tomoe are also normal."

Pure Land World, Uchiha Fugaku looked at the silver-framed screen equally expectantly.

He's also looking forward to his youngest son's Sharingan talent.

Akatsuki organization base.

Uchiha Itachi was silent.

Only he already knew the answer.

[Uchiha Sasuke's breathing became more and more rapid, and his eyes gradually turned red. ]

[Sudden! ]

[Both eyes turned from black to scarlet! ]

[In each eye, there is a pitch-black hook jade! ]

[However, the scarlet Sharingan was fleeting, and Uchiha Sasuke gasped for breath, as if he had exhausted all his strength. ]

Uchiha Fugaku: "..."

Orochimaru: "..."

Uchiha Madara: "..."

Hatake Kakashi: "..."

There was silence in the chat room.

They excitedly guessed how much Uchiha Sasuke could unlock the Sharingan.

In the end, it was really just one tomoe?

The whole family was wiped out, and one tomoe was opened angrily!

Moreover, this one tomoe is still fleeting. If they hadn't had quick eyes, they might not have noticed it.

In the real world, Uchiha Sasuke blushed.

His own experience was shown in front of the whole Ninja world, which made him feel ashamed and angry.

Senju Tobirama: "The whole family was wiped out with only one eye-opener. The talent is quite average. What's so interesting about it? Why does the live broadcast room broadcast his life?"

Senju Hashirama: "Ahem, this kid is too young after all, it's normal that he doesn't have enough Chakra to open his eyes to a higher level."

Orochimaru: "Sasuke grew up in a peaceful age. He didn't feel nervous when he was young and lacked serious guidance. This is normal."

He had already tested Uchiha Sasuke's talent in the second part of the Chūnin exam.

Orochimaru is confident that if Uchiha Sasuke asks him to teach, he will soon have the strength comparable to Kage-level.

The live room continues to play.

[After Sasuke finished opening his eyes, the door of the ward opened. ]

[Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, walked in. ]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen said kindly in his voice:]

["Sasuke, I didn't expect Itachi to do such a thing."]

["I have declared Uchiha Itachi to be Konoha S-class traitor, Konoha Shinobi will do their best to capture him back."]

["You don't have to worry about your own life here, the village will take care of you."]

["The current environment in your home... If you continue to live there, it may leave you with a psychological shadow."]

["I arranged a house for you in the core area of the village, and you can live in it later."]

["You can tell me anything, I am Hokage from Konoha, and I will try my best to take care of every Konoha Village citizen."]

[Some words, combined with Sarutobi Hiruzen's kind and gentle voice, made Sasuke feel much better. ]

[Sasuke said gratefully: "Thank you Hokage-sama."]

[It turned out that he didn't want to go back to that home anymore. ]

[The blood and corpses everywhere in the Uchiha clan, and...my parents were also killed at home...]

[The huge Uchiha clan land has become an empty dead zone! ]

[He dare not go back there now. ]

[After that, Sasuke didn't go back and directly moved into the new residence. ]

[Sasuke returned to the ninja school after recuperating in Konoha Hospital for a period of time. ]

[Since then, Sasuke has worked harder to practice every day. ]

[I set a goal in my heart: become stronger, and then kill Uchiha Itachi! ]

Senju Tobirama: "The monkey handled it well. Although it was the evil Uchiha's own internal friction, it is also extremely benevolent to a 7-year-old orphan."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "I can't be praised by the teacher, this is what I, the Hokage, should do."

Sarutobi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, his image was preserved in this live broadcast room.


Others in the ninja world are not so easy to let go.

Ohnoki: "The 13-year-old Uchiha Itachi suddenly went mad and slaughtered the whole family. Is this kind of thing believable?"

Fourth Raikage: "I don't believe it anyway!"

Terumi Mei: "Not to mention, Third Hokage only found out about such a big event after the fact?"

root tissue base.

Danzo also came to add fire:

"Anyway, Sarutobi is Hokage, and Sarutobi is to blame for this happening during his administration!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was furious when he heard this.

It's fine if others say it, but Danzo, you have the nerve to say it about me?!

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Danzo, what nonsense are you talking about?! I am Hokage of Konoha, you, a ninja of Konoha, follow other villagers to slander the shadow of your own village, what is your intention!"


Danzo slapped the table angrily.

Put Hokage on him again!

After so many years, he didn't know how many times he had heard this set of rhetoric.

But it is impossible to refute.

Just because he's not Hokage.

"Hiruzen, you will regret it!" Danzo said bitterly in his heart.

Movie viewing room.

The silver-framed screen gradually dimmed.

Images began to emerge on the gold-framed screen.

Orochimaru: "Is this Uchiha Sasuke from a parallel world? I wonder if there will be more surprises."

Uchiha Sasuke is also curious.

Myself in another world!

Will there be any different life?

[Konoha Hospital. ]

[Uchiha Sasuke, who is also 7 years old, is sitting on the hospital bed, frowning, thinking about something. ]

[The difference is that this Sasuke's eyes did not fluctuate, and there seems to be no sign of opening them. ]

Uzumaki Naruto: "The Sasuke in this world seems to be worse, the eyes don't move at all!"

Uchiha Sasuke: "Idiot Naruto, shut up!"

Senju Hashirama: "I don't seem to see any difference... Is there any difference between the two worlds?"

Senju Tobirama: "As it stands, Uchiha Sasuke in this parallel world seems to be more emotionally stable! This is not right, this is not Uchiha!"

Everyone in the ninja world was stunned.

Senju Tobirama's words caught their attention.

Sasuke from the original world was very emotional at this time.

Fear, despair, sadness, anger, hatred...

All kinds of emotions are intertwined.

But Uchiha Sasuke in the parallel world can't see any emotion at all!

on the contrary!

His expression is very calm!

It even seems to be thinking about something!

Orochimaru: "Funny, this Uchiha Sasuke is very different, I wonder what he's thinking now."

Uzumaki Kushina: "Shouldn't the little Sasuke be too exciting, and the whole person will be broken?"

Uchiha Mikoto: "Probably not..."

[Uchiha Sasuke has been recalling one thing at this moment. ]

[Yesterday afternoon, when school was about to end, Teacher Iruka suddenly told them that they needed to add extra classes! ]

[After several hours of continuous class, the school didn't end until it was completely dark. ]

[After that, he ran home and saw corpses all over the place. ]

[Is there any relationship between the two? ]

[Ninja School has never had such a sudden addition of classes before! ]

[Why did you suddenly add class yesterday? ]

[And there are still several hours of extra classes! ]

[Immediately after this, Uchiha Itachi slaughtered the entire clan! ]

[Is this too much of a coincidence? ]

Almost everyone's face changed.

Uchiha Sasuke, after being massacred by his own brother, his parents and the whole family, is he still emotionally stable, thinking about such things calmly?

He was actually doubting the truth of the genocide?!

This is a 7 year old child, that!?

Uzumaki Naruto: "Is there an extra class at that time, why can't I remember?"

Haruno Sakura: "I seem to have the impression that several classes were suddenly added one day."

Yamanaka Ino: "I also have some impressions."

Nara Shikamaru: "Interesting, I remember it very clearly, after that sudden extra class, Sasuke didn't come to school the next day. Is there any connection between these two things?"

Iruka: "I also remembered it. I was suddenly notified that day that there were a few important lessons that had to be finished on the same day."

Sarutobi Hiruzen broke out in a cold sweat.

Why would Sasuke in the parallel world think of such a thing? !

Onoki: "The old man's guess is right, there is indeed a conspiracy!"

Terumi Mei: "It's amazing that a 7-year-old little brother can think of these things and think calmly at that time!"

Orochimaru: "Sensei Sarutobi, how do you explain this?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was already scolding in his heart.

This group of people looked like they didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement!

After thinking about the reasons, Sarutobi Hiruzen began to refute:

"I did find something in the village. I took people to rush there to deal with it, but it was too late."

"In order to prevent the students of the ninja school from being affected, we temporarily added classes to keep them in the ninja school!"

Senju Tobirama: "It's reasonable. But monkey, you are so late in realizing such a big thing in the village, you are still negligent!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "What the teacher criticized was that when the incident happened suddenly, my Hokage didn't respond in time and needed to be reviewed."

After speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen heaved a sigh of relief.

This level is barely over.

Gold frame screen.

[Sarutobi Hiruzen walks into the ward, with the same set of rhetoric. ]

["I have already arranged a place for you in the center of the village. I can send someone to help you deliver the things in your house. You don't need to go back to that sad place."]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a gentle face. ]

[However, Uchiha Sasuke's reaction was beyond his expectation. ]

[Sasuke's eyes flashed, as if he had made up his mind:]

["Master Hokage, I want to go back and sort out my parents' belongings."]

["Things have already happened, no matter how frightened I am, I have to face the truth, and running away will not solve the problem."]

["I've made up my mind!"]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen paused for a moment, nodded and said:]

["All right."]

["Little Sasuke, I'm glad you can muster up your courage and cheer up."]

["If you find this is still too exciting for you, don't force it."]

["You can tell me if you have any difficulties. I am the Hokage of the village, and I will try my best to protect every villager in Konoha!"]

[Sasuke nodded and said: "I will, thank you Hokage-sama."]

Hatake Kakashi: "Excellent, Sasuke in this parallel world is not only calmer, but also more mature."

He has had the same experience.

Also at the age of 7.

That day, in the morning, when he woke up, he saw his father lying in a pool of blood.

The sharp knife that made his father famous is stuck in his abdomen, White Fang!

He doesn't remember the memory after that.

The whole person was in a daze, not knowing what he had done at that time.

You know, he was 7 years old at the time and had been a Chūnin for a year!

Moreover, before that, he also remembered the turbulent public opinion against his father in the village.

In contrast, Uchiha Sasuke's situation is that the day before, the family was happy, and then suddenly his brother killed his parents and slaughtered the whole family!

In this case, Sasuke in this parallel world can still muster up the courage to face reality!

Stronger than him at the same age!

[after. ]

[Sasuke, under the leadership of an Anbu, returned to the Uchiha tribe. ]

[The bloodlines all over the place haven't been cleaned up yet. ]

[There are quite a few Anbu wearing animal masks, disposing of dead bodies in a house. ]

[Seeing such a scene, Sasuke's breathing became slightly short of breath. ]

[An unknown part of the brain starts to activate. ]

[The eyes start to swell. ]

[The hooked jade in both eyes slowly emerges. ]

[Sasuke didn't stop, walked over the pool of blood and walked towards his home. ]

I'm back, sorry for the other books I wasn't really in Webnovel the day after I posted them.

BILL_CIPHER_creators' thoughts