
Parallel Timeline: Time Loop Rebel

Gaus finds himself in a world trapped in a time loop. His wristwatch allows him to remember what happens in the loop and also retain his skills. Arriving at Loopers Academy, the only magic school that teaches people how to become loopers, Gaus finds himself torn between a powerful necromancer who wants to use his power to stay in the loop, a second time loop, and human clones. Do you think being trapped in one time loop is bad? Well, try being trapped in two.

Magajin_Wilbafos · Fantasy
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60 Chs

40. Advanced Levitation


He walked Antelina to the academy in silence. He had tried and failed to start a conversation with the girl. Apparently what just happened was too much for her. He decided to let her sleep on it. Maybe she would be ready to talk in the morning.

More importantly, how did Tyren know about his relationship with Rachel? Only two or three people knew about it and Tyren wasn't one of them. This wasn't the first time something like this happened. In the first restart, when he chased after the red-haired girl, Tyren showed up. It was as if he could see what he was doing. He would have to find out about it.

The man could be bluffing about exposing him but it mattered little to him. Bluffing or not, he had no intention to give in. If he left Rachel just because Tyren said so then the guy could just threaten him every time he wanted something from him.