
Parallel Timeline: Time Loop Rebel

Gaus finds himself in a world trapped in a time loop. His wristwatch allows him to remember what happens in the loop and also retain his skills. Arriving at Loopers Academy, the only magic school that teaches people how to become loopers, Gaus finds himself torn between a powerful necromancer who wants to use his power to stay in the loop, a second time loop, and human clones. Do you think being trapped in one time loop is bad? Well, try being trapped in two.

Magajin_Wilbafos · Fantasy
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60 Chs

35. A Proposition

To stop the soul bond, Gaus needed three defensive skills: mind blank, the summoning of the soul-pillars, and cord shedding. The goal was to have at least one skill before the end of this restart. Hopefully, that would stop Tyren or at least extend the loop beyond the current seven days thereby minimizing the cost of the restarts.