
Parallel Shadows

bookmike1 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 8: Liberation

Working together, Leo's team and Elena's resistance formulated a plan to infiltrate and dismantle the game masters' fortress. The key was to use Leo's evolved zombies as a distraction while the main force attacked from a different angle.

The night of the attack, the city was filled with tension. Leo stood at the forefront, his zombies ready to obey his commands. "Remember," he told his team, "we're not just fighting for ourselves. We're fighting for everyone who has suffered under this cruel game."

As the zombies launched their assault, the resistance fighters moved in. Explosions rocked the fortress, and fierce battles raged in the streets. Leo's control over the zombies proved instrumental, turning the tide in their favor.

Finally, they breached the inner sanctum. The game masters, just as shadowy and enigmatic as before, awaited them. But this time, Leo and his allies were prepared. With coordinated attacks, they overwhelmed the game masters, bringing an end to their reign.