
Parallel Shadows

bookmike1 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 2: The First Steps

Leo stumbled to his feet, his mind racing. He looked around the room, desperately searching for anything that could explain what was happening. The door creaked open, revealing a bustling street outside. People walked briskly, their faces set with grim determination. It was a city, but not like any he had seen before. The buildings were old and decrepit, the sky a perpetual shade of grey.

Suddenly, a notification flashed before his eyes:

Talent: S-rank Zombie Control Description: Allows the user to control zombies. Maximum number of controlled zombies: 10. Special Item Acquired: Evolution Crystal Description: Use this crystal to evolve your S-rank skill.

Leo stared at the notification, his mind reeling. Zombies? Evolution Crystal? He had played his fair share of video games, but this was real life—or was it?

Before he could dwell on it, he heard a low growl behind him. He turned to see a figure stumbling towards him, its eyes lifeless and its flesh decayed. A zombie.

Instinctively, Leo reached out with his mind, feeling an unfamiliar surge of power. The zombie halted, its head tilted as if awaiting orders. Leo hesitated, then thought, Follow me.

The zombie obeyed, trailing behind him like a loyal dog. Leo's heart raced. He had control over zombies? This was insane.

With the zombie in tow, Leo ventured out into the city. He needed information, allies, anything that could help him understand and survive this twisted game.