
Parallel Ostium

Ryouma found a loophole between time and space, to go into a fantasy world where all weebs wished to be.That happened 10 years ago, now the portal can be found everywhere.Everyone is not aware of it, and there's a group of series killer who seemed to be approaching out of nowhere. Ryouma knew it had something to do with the portal, Superintendent Morris Dante ask him for help.As he closes on the killers, the tables have turned and he found himself in the firing line. The Order where the killers belonged to, will stop at nothing to protect their secret and will kill anyone who interfered. Ryouma knew he couldn't do anything to stop the order from coming after him, nor can he run or hide. He realised, there's only one way to stop the carnage-which is to take his own life

CyClone_Grove · Horror
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3 Chs

Superintendent Dante

The metropolitan car came to a halt outside Sofya's police station, a nondescript brick building with the traditional blue light over the main entrance.

"I'll walk him in" said Peter."You can park the car and meet up in the incident room"

Peter climbed out and waited until Ryouma had join him on the pavement.

"You used to be in the force, right?"

Said Peter as the car drove away

"Yeah.SWAT, and i was a negotiator"

"Wish they'd give me a gun, these days that's just about the only way a copper is going to get any respect"

"Have i got time for a lollipop?"

Peter looked at his watch.

"Yeah, go on"

Ryouma took out his Vanilla lollipop, remove the wrapper and offered another lollipop to the inspector.

"I'm smoker man myself, but beggars can't be choosers i suppose "Said Peter, helping himself to a lollipop.

"When did you leave the force?"

"Three years ago" Ryouma shrugged

"And you're a private eye now?

"Yeah, for my sins"


"Long Story"

"What sort of jobs do you get?"

"Insurance work, checking that people are as injured as they say they are. Divorce, following unfaithful spouses. Tracing people. The usual stuff"

Ryouma gestured at the main gate

"What does Dante want?"

"He didn't say, just said that he wanted to see you in his office ASAP"

"Anything happen to have caused his sudden desire of meeting me?"

"We just do as we're told" said Peter

"What, are you like his number two?"

"Nah, i only met him a few days ago. He's been brought on to our M.I.T(Murder Investigation Team). I'm based here, he's just visiting"

"You got a murder?"

"Five murders. Cosplays. You know the type. Dress in anime shows and doing their cultural stuffs. We got a serial killer who likes to butcher them"

Ryouma nodded, and he suddenly remembered that he used to Cosplay as well during his high school days and it make him feel uneasy.

"How's the case going?"

Peter scowled. "Not great" he said. He flicked away what was left of his lollipop. "We'd better get a move on"

Ryouma took a last lick on his lollipop and followed the detective inside. They went along a corridor with lifts.

"Do you mind if we walk up?" Asked Ryouma

"Are you on a fitness kick?"

"I just don't like lifts" said Ryouma.

"Never have done"

"Are you serious?"

"I can walk up and you can take the lift. It's no big deal"

The detective chuckled. "No sweat, i could probably do with the exercise"

He pushed open a fire door and headed down a corridor and Peter stopped at an office on the left and knocked on the door before opening it.

Superintendent Morris Dante was sitting behind a desk looking at a computer terminal. As Ryouma walked into the office, Dante gestured his chin at Peter and the detective left, closing the door behind him.

"I was at a funeral, Dante"

"Anyone close? Said Dante, his eyes were fixed on the screen in front of him.

"Not really. Danny Kingstone, as it happens". He dropped down on to a chair facing the superintendent.

"He was your lawyer, wasn't he?"

Ryouma shook his head. "I only knew him through Saki. He was her godfather.

Dante took his eyes off the screen and sat back in his chair. "Funny the way he died, wasn't it?"

Ryouma frowned. "Funny? He was shot in the back of his car by a hitman. Where's the humour in that?"

"I meant funny peculiar, not funny ha-ha" said the superintendent.

"Lawyers usually settle their differences in court. I can't remember the last time a lawyer was murdered like that. And with a Kar98k and all. Anyway, what was the turnout like?"

"Pretty good" said Ryouma."He had alot of friends"

"But you weren't one right?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Just a feeling Ryouma" the superintendent smiled

"Can we get the small talk out of the way, Dante? Why did you bring me here?"

Dante pushed his chair away from his desk. "As crazy as it might sounds, I need your help"

"The Cosplays?"

Dante wagged a finger at Ryouma.

"You're a sharp one, Ryouma, and that's the truth. Just be careful you don't cut yourself. I'm not happy about having to ask you for help, but i don't seem to have a choice"

Ryouma's eyebrows headed skywords.

"I'm not a cop anymore remember?"

"I'm not over the moon about this either, but conventional investigating is getting us nowhere" said the superintendent

"I'm not a cop" Ryouma repeated

"At least hear me out" said Dante.

"You're not a cop but last time i checked you were still a citizen and that comes with responsibilties"

"I pay my council tax" said Ryouma

"And my television licence"

"Well done you" said the superintendent. "Come and have a look at what i'm dealing with"

He opened the door and headed out.

Ryouma sighed and followed him

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