
Rank-S Monster: Lightning Leopard

Amelia has successfully advanced to Rank-S!

However, the three of them didn't storm into the Boss Monster territory recklessly.

Before they could do that, they had to first make sure that Amelia adjusted to the power well.


They were at the area where Rank-A and Rank-B monsters roam. And currently, Amelia was checking out her powers.

Although she was not an attacking mage, she did know some attacking skills.

Previously, although she could defeat Rank-A monsters, it was difficult and took a lot of time. But now, with her advancement to Rank-S, she could one shot most of the Rank-A monsters.

And even when she is surrounded by multiple Rank-A monsters, she could protect herself with barriers which the monsters couldn't break.

"Oh WOW!"

Amelia looked at herself in disbelief after having tested her new profound powers. It was not a matter of getting stronger but everything that she does feels so easy and every attack she uses feels so powerful.