
Parallel Log

Things immediately go wrong as famous author Dignitas Qwerdan finds himself in another world. And surprisingly, it's similar to the world in his novel, "The Academy's Regressor", a story about a mortal's repeated reincarnations as he struggles to prevent the world from being destroyed. As the one and only Author, Dignitas has sworn to see the story through. And he'll do anything to get his ending. From the authors Lorelliad and YoJinsei19, we present to you, Parallel Log!

Lorelliad · Fantasy
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147 Chs

After The Invasion

"Hmm… a lot's happened these past few days, huh."

Dignitas lay in bed with his head against the wall. He had just woken up from a nap.

Recent events had left him… tired, to say the least. He always felt fatigued and sloppy.

Even today, he wasn't feeling like picking up Dainsleif and doing some training.

To summarize, right after Varnier had been defeated, heroes from the Association started sweeping the place. Many heroes of all ranks came. From C ranks to even A ranks, tons of people appeared to help the Academy fight back against the invasion.

With the combined forces of the heroes, they were able to swiftly deal with the demons, pushing them far back until they were forced to retreat via portal.

The status? Around ten percent of the Academy's students died. Both new and old ones. Compared to the casualties the demons faced, it wasn't much, but the value of human lives wasn't something that could be measured.

Dignitas wasn't that much of a part of the cleanup. As Sayuri quote-on-quote said, he could "rest up, because his training would start again once school resumed."

And this time, it would be much harder.

There was also the issue with the Log. Its origins were still very much unknown.

The power of being able to alter things in the storyline was an overpowered ability.

"Thankfully, it seems to have returned back to the original plotline. Let's just hope it doesn't veer off the course any time soon."

Getting up from his place on the bed, Dignitas went about his morning preparations as if nothing had happened.

Today, he would have to wear a sad face.

Today was the day of the Mountain God's funeral. He, among many others, was part of the casualties.

To think an S rank died so easily… Dignitas still found it hard to believe.

"Ah, but what's done is done, hmm. I should get dressed."

Putting on the mourning clothes the Academy gave him, Dignitas stood in front of the mirror.

His messy, unkempt hair blended perfectly with the dark suit and pants.

"Maybe I should cut my hair… it might get too long and obstruct my view in battle."

Just as Dignitas was contemplating grabbing the nearby pair of scissors on the desk, a knock could be heard from the other side of the door.

"Good morning, Leader. Have you finished preparing?"

It was Rokas. During the battle, he too had passed out. He later woke up during the aftermath and carried the party members outside where help was, much to Dignitas' dismay.

"I'll be done soon. Go on ahead, I'll meet you in the lobby."

"Alright." The sound of footsteps trudging away could be heard until it could no longer be.

Dignitas stared at the scissors.

"Hmm… maybe not today. I guess some gel will do." Dropping the metal scissors onto the desk, Dignitas took out a bottle of hair gel and began adjusting his hair into a more straight detail.

There was always his appearance change ability, but he didn't feel like using it today.

"Now then. Let's start the day."

Taking Dainsleif from its place beside the foot of the bed, Dignitas headed outside his room.

After the invasion, the Academy personally sent the students to live inside the dorms.

As the whole exam had been basically cut off and finished early, it was decided that the cadets who survived would be admitted. Being able to survive the onslaught was tough enough on its own.

As the district was owned by the Academy, the students were free to roam around as long as it was within the district's borders. Any attempts to escape were shut down.

"Come to think of it, that sounds like a prison. We do have an adequate amount of freedom, at least."

After taking the elevator to the ground floor, Dignitas immediately brisk-walked to the lobby, where the rest of his teammates were waiting.

After the battle, Dignitas' party was also recognized as an actual group. Their outstanding contribution during the invasion led to them being rewarded by the Academy. It took some convincing, but thanks to Sayuri and Professor Shib testifying to their deeds, they were finally recognized.

In what way were they rewarded? Their efforts awarded them the status of being honor students.

Being honor students didn't mean you were smart. The title meant you had done something of great assistance to the Academy, and as such was recognized as someone of honor.

It also carried with it benefits only accessible in school, but that would come later.

For now, Dignitas had to get the funeral over with.

It wasn't long before he spotted his teammates. They were all sitting on sofa chairs, conversing.

"Good morning, guys." Dignitas greeted the party.

"Good morning, Leader." Rokas replied.

"Good day, sir Dignitas!" Percivale called out to him.

"Took you long enough." Alter grumbled.

"Hey, Digni." Wang Jin raised his hand for a high-five, which Dignitas happily responded to.

"Everybody ready? Sorry, we can't have breakfast yet. The funeral's gonna be quite early."

"That's quite okay, Leader. We can all have brunch once we are done."

"Sounds like a plan, then. Now come on, if everyone's ready. Wouldn't wanna miss it."

Even if today was a gloomy day for many people, Dignitas still felt it was his job to cheer up the group. Even if he wasn't the best at it.


Dignitas' party soon got on a limousine.

This was just one of the perks of being an honor student. They had access to premium benefits other students didn't.

"Did you guys hear? They supposedly found Cendria Macador's body… guess where?" Rokas asked.

"Where else, but that place?" Alter replied. Everyone was thinking the same thing.

The Beast Continent, by now, had been a symbol of bad luck for the whole world. It was home to many misfortunes, some extending far beyond its surface.

"It was said on the news that Cendria Macador supposedly landed in the ocean, and her body drifted all the way to the Beast Continent's shoreline." Rokas read aloud from his phone.

"I wonder how she wasn't attacked." Percivale thought out loud. "I heard the Beast Continent was dangerous."

"It is. But supposedly, someone picked up her body and notified the Association." Rokas answered.

"Someone? People live there?" Dignitas questioned, intrigued by the topic.

"Supposedly. Every article I've read doesn't mention their identity, so they could be keeping it a secret."

"Interesting. Ah, by the way, Wang Jin." Dignitas shifted the topic.

"Hmm? What's up, bro?"

"I remember seeing you getting launched out the window of the infirmary. You never did tell me what happened after."

"Just some personal business. No need to worry. I also met Donna Arison– ah, speaking of Donna, I have plans with her later, so I'm sorry but I won't be able to join ya'll."

"That's fine. We're just heading out for brunch anyway, so you probably won't miss much."

"Oh. We're here, guys!" Percivale said to the group.

"Finally. The ride was good, but I've been wanting to stretch my arms out for a while now!" Wang Jin got out immediately, not even waiting for the car to stop.

"Hey, don't be so eager, Wang Jin! Wait for us." Dignitas shouted.

After the limousine was parked, the party got out. And immediately, they were greeted by a steep mountain.

The mountain seemed to stretch off into the heavens.

"...we're supposed to climb this? The hell?" Dignitas' eye twitched at the sight of the monstrosity of a landform that was the mountain.

"Don't worry, Leader. I can carry you to the top if you can't handle the trek." Rokas offered, already setting himself down for a piggyback ride.

"That's quite alright, thanks. Let's just get this over with."


"So supposedly, this thing is a plateau." As the party was climbing the so-called mountain, Dignitas decided to pull out his phone and browse the net.

"A plateau? Is that another way to say plate?" Wang Jin asked, looking bewildered. "You know, like an accent?"

"No, you idiot. It's just a mountain with a flat surface at the top." Alter replied.

"Alter's right. The top should be a smooth, flat surface. Supposedly, that's where they're setting up the Mountain God's grave. Still… to write this thing as his desired resting place? He must not want people to visit his grave, hm." Dignitas ranted.

"We'll get there soon, Leader. Hey, Percivale. Do you think you could try using your magic to make the climb easier?"

"I'll see if I can, sir Rokas."

Slowly, Percivale dragged his fingers across the area in front of his face, while chanting something incomprehensible.

Suddenly, the party felt lightened. The force of gravity wasn't weighing down on them as much anymore, making the walk-up more bearable.

"Looks like everyone's already there, Leader. I just got a message from Professor Shib asking where we are."

"This early? The hell? Alright, full speed ahead, guys!"