
Parallel Cosmos

Fujiwara Taki is an ex-bully high school boy who was an outcast in his school rejected by everyone. The summer came and it was time for a school trip. Hopping along the school's bus, him and his classmates are headed to another city for a touring trip. But almost as if time itself has skipped forward, he suddenly finds himself in an ambulance, blinded and unable to speak.... He didn't know what happened to him and was dumbfounded when he heard the paramedics besides him saying that all his classmates had died and he is about to as well. Finally succumbing to his injuries, he fell unconscious once again. When he wakes up again, he mysteriously finds himself in the body of a baby girl called "Kyrielle Buffet," with a new set of parents and in an entirely different country... He was japanese, but now he is european, and he is also no longer a boy. But that is not all... He was reincarnated into a world with people that has superhuman feats, monsters that are inherently part of nature just like animals, and sentient monsters called "demons" which are mysterious and unknown to even the humans of this world. Furthermore, he finds out that there is a primordial dragon hidden inside of his body.... Regaining a chance to live out his life again, he who is now a she will try her best shot at having a fulfilling life, doing the utmost she can in everything from magic to studying. How will her life proceeds onwards? How will she deal with the stress of having her gender be swapped? How will she get over the past trauma on earth and how will her knowledge on Earth affect her in this world? Only fate can answer these questions.... _______________ Author's note : This novel is a slow burn, seinen, isekai fantasy that technically fits into these genre : Gender Bender, Coming of Age, Action and Weak to Strong. I don't expect my readers to be underaged, but most of my story is safe enough for every audience. It's targeted for people aged 16 to 30, but it is fine for all age to read so don't be discouraged if you are young. Also, this novel will be FREE, I am writing this project as a hobby, not for income. Expect 2 or 3 chapters a week, I'll try to be as consistent as possible. However I'm a student with a hectic schedule, so please be understanding when I can't keep up with the uploads. YouTube channel : https://youtube.com/@ttchme9816?si=sNRSgOKZt_ZM8-VN Twitter : https://x.com/TATchMeKit?t=BvbkPZbdOS3VmuN3c5GBbQ&s=09

TATchMe · Fantasy
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131 Chs

Mundane Life

(3 months and 12 days after Klada Disaster)

[Kyrielle's POV]



"Onee-chan! Wake up already, you will be late for school!"

"Right right... I'm awake..."

"I prepared a bucket of hot water for you, alright?"


"Breakfast is ready, you can come down and eat one you are done cleaning yourself."

'Thud thud thud...' With loud foot steps, my little sister ran off downstairs.

I looked clearly around me. It is my room, not at the castle, but back at Klada.


I brushed my teeth with my toothbrush, and then undressed and wiped my body with a towel. As I was cleaning myself, I started thinking whether or not I should just wake up from this dream.

Well... Might as well just go along with this dream then.

I dressed up in my school uniform. The blazer fits me perfectly, my chests is bulging a little now and isn't a cutting board, and my voice is getting slightly deeper than before. I think I had grown a bit more since I reached the demon continent....

How long has it been since I was teleported to the demon continent?... I think it's already three months.

I walked down stairs and headed for the toilet.

"Morning Kyrie. "

Dad walked passed me.

"Morning, dad. "

After I did my business at the toilet, I headed out and grabbed a piece of bread from the kitchen table. Without even sitting down there, I grabbed my school bag and headed for the door out.

"Kyrie, heading out so early already?"

Mom was making potions at the counter, as usual. I grabbed a bite off the bread before I talked.

"Yep. I think I need to help manage the Truce festival at school. It is summer now after all."

"You 'think'? You aren't sure what you need to do there?"

"Oh it was just a slip of the tongue. Guess I haven't woke up yet, haha!"

"Oh Kyrie, you going out as well?"

Dad returns from upstairs, now in his armor and with a sword by his waist.


I walked up to the living room and then patted Marielle's head, who was reading a book by the couch.

"Nee-chan will be going now, Marie. Remember to take care of yourself, and mom as well okay?"


"Mom, I'll be heading out together with dad. You remember to take care of yourself, I love you."

"Love you too, Kyrie."

"Eh, you are heading out with me?"

"Yeah. I just felt like walking you to your work place. "

"I see... Then let's go now or else you'll be late."

"Goodbye mom."

"Mm, goodbye Kyrie, Thomas."

We started walking down the familiar street in front of the house...

"I wonder how the city would look like now after Aamon's attack?..."

I mumbled under my breath as I walked.

"Did you said something?"

"Ah, I was just talking to myself."

"Is that so?... Did I hit your head too hard yesterday during our spar?"

"Haha, no way dad! Well... You could go easy a bit during our spars. I'm still a growing girl, hitting me so hard might give me brain damage!"

"Well you literally have had potions dropped on your head when you were just a child! If you were to get brain damage so easily you would've had it then."

"That is different!"

We passed through one of the giant aqueduct on our way, now that I look closer the aqueduct is made out of carved out stone bricks rather than fired clay bricks that is rather common in Bostnia continent....

We also passed through the city's monument, a monument that was made to celebrate the end of the Great War and it is a statue of the humanoid shaped golem that is called the Armored Titan. I haven't actually went and looked at this clearly before, now that I think about it.

Wait a minute... this monument didn't actually existed back on Klada city! I also don't remember the aqueduct being that huge! This dream is making some weird alterations to the city, it's crazy.

Soon, we arrived at the barracks.

"Well then Kyrie, I'll be going now. You should hurry to school as well since you are gonna be late. "

"Right. "

"See you tonight, I'll be on my way then."

"Mmn. Good luck on your way there!"

"On my way? I'm at the barracks already though?"

"Ah, I misspoke. Don't mind me haha."

"Right... Goodbye Kyrie."

We both turned around at the same time and walked away from each other.

"...Thank you for everything, Dad."

I wonder if he'll have a second life back on earth?... That'd be funny if it actually happened hahaha!


I woke up in a fancy bed. Sunlight is slipping through the curtains and illuminating the room in a beautiful, warm colored light.


I rubbed my eyes and indeed there were tears... I don't think I'll ever get over dad's death...

I got up from my bed and did my morning routine again. I opened the curtain and sunlight floods in, making me squint my eyes in response.

I inspected my body again.... Just like in my dream, my chest have indeed started bulging. A sandclock figure similar to mom's is starting to show. Before I know it I'm starting grow into a woman already, with my chest and my bums getting bigger....

I put on one of my casual clothes that, and then headed out. Very rarely, today I didn't feel like tying my hair into a twin tail again, so I just headed out with let down long hair.

I opened the door and then headed off in the hallway, walking towards the stair. And then from the corner of another hallway, Lynn walked by.

"Oh hey, Kyrie."

"Morning, Lynn."

"Mm. Wanna eat breakfast together? After all, we won't get much chance to do that now since we'll be leaving tomorrow."

"Okay, I was planning to eat with you as well anyway."

"Let's go then. "

It's been three months since I reached the Bostnia continent, if I was teleported here during mid spring then that means right now should be near the end of summer. The time of the rain Monsoon ending coincides with the seasons so its correct, a few more days and it'd be autumn already.

We will depart on our journey the next day, so we should enjoy everything here for now and make sure we don't regret missing anything.

We headed to the dining room, where we had our breakfast. It was just the normal baked beans with egg, grilled corn and a vegetable meat stew.

Not particularly fancy, but the only difference between this and normal food is that it is much more tasty and more well cooked. It's not that commoner's food is bad, it's just that it's a bit more bland tasting than this.

During my stay at the city I did many things. I explored the city's many beautiful locations.... I met a lot of people.... I even learned to speak a bit of the demonic language from Lucia, my personal maid.

But still... During this entire month I have never had a dream about the dragon inside.... about Albion.

"(Lynn.)" Mesto, the court magician called for Lynn when we were eating.


"(The king has asked for you, and for Kyrielle as well.)"

"(I see... Can he wait? We are eating now as you can see.)"

"(Naturally. Just head to the throne room after you all are done eating.)"

"(Will do.)"

"Hmm... Why would the king ask for us?"

"I don't know, maybe it's about our leaving of the castle tomorrow? Still, it shouldn't be anything troublesome so we can just take our time."

"Mmn." Somehow, I can't help but feel uneasy about this.

(20 minutes later)

We headed to the throne room together once we are done eating. The guard in front of the gate knocked on the gate to signal our arrival.

'Thong thong!'

"(Let them in.)" A voice could be heard through the door after a short wait.

"(Very well. Lynn-dono and Kyrielle-dono, please enter.)"

"(Thank you.)" (2x)

The gate opened and we entered the throne room. This isn't the first time I have came in here, but still I am a bit nervous every time we have to do this.

"(Lynn Howard. Kyrielle Buffet. I am glad to see that you two has responded to my call in such a short notice...)"

"(It is our honor, your majesty. However, I wonder for what reason did you called us here for?)"

Lynn replied to him with some really advanced language. Since I didn't know how to speak that formally I have decided to leave all the talking to her.

"(Today I have called forth the pair of you here because there is three news that I must share with you. The first and the second news is regarding your trip to the eastern coast of the Bostnia Continent.)"

"(Yes. What might the news be?)"

"(The first news is that your trip there would be way longer than it should be. The reason being that the giant Bost Volcano which lies in the middle for the continent, is about to erupt.)"

"(I see....)"

"(For when the volcano erupts, the main highway to the next city would be caught in the damage, and it could potentially be dangerous for your partner, Kyrielle to cross it. The eruption would last for at least half a month, and even after it's end, the road would still be unavailable for months at least.)"

"(Then that means our route there would be blocked then.)"

"(Correct. Your only choice is to proceed through the road to the country South East from here. From there, you will go around the mountain ranges which lies between the east and the West of the continent. So far this is the shortest and the safest route to Creimland, the port city that you are going to head to.)"

"(I see. It would take at least 2 months just to arrive to Creimland by foot.... And if we add all the time we need to take a detour then it would be prolonged even further...)"

"(Yes. And there's the second news... It's that the next city to the South East, it's currently at a civil war.)"

"(A civil war?)"

"(Yes. The conflict begun about a week ago.)"

"(I see.... Does that mean our journey will be even longer?)"

"(Sadly, yes. Since the country is at war, it wouldn't be allowing any travellers through any time soon. You have the choice to either walk straight through the battlefield, or you could stay in the city which precedes it, and wait for the war to end.)"

"(Hmm.... What does King Hal recommend us to do?)"

"(If I were you I would still bet that the civil war will end soon and pick that route. I wish you two luck in your travel. It must be difficult for you to do that under this difficult situation.)"

"(Thank you. What's the final news?)"

"(The third news concerns the port city to the eastern coast, Creimland, which is your final destination. Starting from last well, a mysterious, portal like crack appeared on the sky at the same time these all happened. No major incidents have occured so far, but there isn't any explanation for why it happened.)"

"(A crack on the sky?... and above Creimland? Why?)"

"(That's what the telepathic report said. We don't know what is going on over there either.)"

"(And so, the reason that your Highness have personally said this to me must be because that you want me to investigate and help overcome this problem right?)"

"(Correct. If you don't, millions of lives could be lost, and it could potentially affect your trip back to the Centralia continent as well, since the only port that human sailors are allowed to go to is the port at Creimland. That's why, you should investigate on this incident.... As your payment, I will personally grant you the Royal Right of Passage.)"

"(Royal...?! It's a win-win situation then.)"

"(Indeed. I once again congratulate you two for making it this far after all the hardships you have went through. Now, this ceremony will conclude here. You two may go now.)"

Our audience with the king has now concluded, we were allowed to go. We walked out from the throne room and to the hallway, intending to head upstairs to do our usual things.

But before that, I have some questions that I wanted to ask Lynn just to make sure.



"Will our trip be even longer?"

"...Yes. With all the troubles that has arised lately I'm afraid our trip would be way longer..."

"I see... "

We continued walking for a while in awkward silence... That's because Lynn knows that I really missed home.

"...On the bright side, I guess that just means I get to spend more time with Lynn."

"Kyrie... Ahh~ Kyrie, you are such a flirtatious girl!"

She grabbed my shoulder from behind.

"Wh-what?! Don't just suddenly grab me like that."

"If you say it like that then even I will be charmed! Even though I am straight, I'm willing to go the other way for you if you flirt to me like that again!"

"Shut up you inhuman creature in heat! I meant it in a friendly way, not a romantic way!"

"Hahaha! I like that reaction! It was just a joke!"


I pouted my face in anger. As I did so, I saw Lucia and Linia walking out of the hallway as they chatted. It seems that they were talking, just like us.

"(Oh, it's Kyrielle and Lynn.)" (2x)

"(It's you two.... Maybe we should spend some time together as a girl squad now that we are about to leave!)"


"(Huh? What is this Lynn?)"

"(What? It's just a little bit of hang out time for us four! Me and Kyrie is about leave now, don't you want to spend some quality time with us?)"

Oh, I see. She wants to hang out with them once last time before we leave.

"(W-well, we do want to. It's just that Lynn-sama has never once been so friendly towards us.)"

"(I haven't? I thought I treated everyone equally...?)"

"(No no! What Linia meant is that we will do this thing, let's hang out together!)"


"(But... What should we do?)"

I joined the conversation as well, using Bostnian language. But I have to speak really slow though, that's why I pauses in the middle of sentences.

"(I never thought that Kyrielle-sama can speak in our language...)" Linia sounded really surprised and proud.

"(Hehe, this is obviously because Kyrie was taught by nome other than your great sister!)" It seems that she finally dropped the formal language after seeing that Lynn is also not being formal as well.

"(Kyrie? You call Kyrielle-sama by her nickname?)"

"(Don't you?)" (2x) Lynn and Lucia replied at the same time.

"(Well, if that is fine with Kyrielle-sama...)"

"(Of course! I am good with.... that.)

"(Then... Kyrie?)"


"(...Thank you for treating me and my sister so well.)"

"(Huh? Why?)" (2x) Me and Lynn was confused suddenly by her reaction.

"(It's just that Lynn and Kyrie doesn't treat me and Lucia like we are disgusting spiders.... Even though a lot of guests doesn't out right say it, we could feel it with the way the guests intercacts with us. I'm just really thankful that you two doesn't judge us by our looks.)"

"(I see... Well, it's not like I'm not afraid of... you two at first. It's just that I'm... used to it.)"

"(That is rude Kyrie!)" Lynn laughed at me.

"(No it's not!)"

"(Even so, Kyrie still feels comfortable with us now. That is something that we are really grateful for!)"

"(Mmn. Then... you can repay me by hanging out with me... and Lynn.)"

"(Then, let's go! What will we be doing, Lynn?)"

"(Hmm... How about going on a stroll around the city?)"

"(That is a good idea... We could go and buy some better clothes for you two as well.)"

"(That is good but we are not rich you know?)"

"(Ah, don't worry. We will buy it for you two, personally!)"

"(Really?!)" (2x) Lynn and I was happy upon hearing this. Lynn must've wanted a new outfit as well, since she basically wore the same dress for months.

"(Clothes are not that expensive here because it is the primary product of our city. After all, we have access to all materials from across the Bostnia Continent because of our strategic location.)"

"(Then that's great. Let's g-)"

"(On one condition. We get to choose the fashion of you two! No bargaining!)"

"(Huh?!)" (2x)

That's how we started doing sight seeing across the entire city.

The first thing we did after we headed out was to go and shop for new clothes. We went to the shopping district, and there's indeed a large selection of clothes sold there. Though they are not organized properly, each shops is individually a small business and as such there is really a wide variety of clothes to choose from.

"(...how come this city have so much shops making clothes? You two know anything about it?)"

"(Well, we aren't really sure about it but I heard that after the Great War, fashion trends of human society started becoming more and more popular amongst us Bostnians.)"

"(Indeed. After the great war, one of the conditions for the truce is to establish a trade relationship with the West, and as such lots of man-made items flooded the market of Bostnia Continent. I heard of this from one of my merchant friend.)"

It seems that Lynn is rather knowledgeable about it, as expected.

"(Yes. One of the few most popular products that was shipped here is actually clothes. Being inspired by those, we started producing clothes ourselves. It just so happens that our city is located in a place where we have a lot of materials for making clothes, as we are right in the middle of the continent.)"

"(I see... Anyway, which shop will we be heading to then?)"

"(We have one in mind. It's just by the end of this street.)"

We walked down the street and sure enough, there is a clothes shop near the end of it.

In front of the store, there's a window and inside I could see two mannequins dressed in fashionable travelling clothes.

"(This place sells a lot of travelling clothes, which perfect for you two.)"

"(I see.)" (2x)

We entered the shop together as a group of four.

Linia got to pick clothes for Lynn, while Lucia picked mine. That was because Lucia was my personal maid, while Linia was Lynn's. Since they each knows our personality a bit better, they could pick clothes that suit us more.

That is how I ended up becoming a dress up doll for Lucia. She picked all kinds of clothes for me, but eventually we ended up picking a traveller set.

A silk made white long sleeved shirt, a waist strap made out of cloth and a waist high skirt, mid thigh length that is also white colored. As for my exposed legs, I wore my stockings to cover it up so that my leg doesn't get burned by the sun.

My travelling boots was also replaced by a new one about ankle high. My desert coat was replaced with a fancier blue colored coat with a red ribbon. And to top them all off with a hat that is blue in color as well.

Lynn also got her own new clothes. Same as my set, but her outfit was more black. It suits her white hair really well.

"(Now we have a matching set, Kyrie!)"

"(Yeah. This is great!)"

After we finished our clothes shopping, we went to sight see around the city in our new clothes. We strolled around the city and saw all kinds of things.

The first thing that I discovered in this city that is vastly different from human city is the lack of any religious figures or statues of God like beings, unlike most human cities that worship a lot.

"(Do the people in Bostnia Continent... pray to any gods?)"

"(They don't, Kyrie. The twelve gods is not considered as deities here.)" Lynn answered me almost immediately.

"(Does that mean that.... the Bostnians are all Atheists?)"

"(Yes. It's just that the Twelve God's teachings is not popular at all in this part of the world. No churches and no official businesses regarding religion are present here. But there are still preachers of the Twelve Gods here, and these preachers are the rare healers that one may stumble across.)"

"(I see... Now it makes sense that last time during the attack at the party, there weren't any healers at all.)"

"(They are not nonexistent, just rare. You see, many priests have passed the knowledge of the enchantment for healing miracles here, and that allows even the people who can't cast miracles to be able to use healing magic.)"

"(Hmm... Can we buy one?)"

"(Yes, but good luck trying to find one in the first place. Each reuseable scrolls sell for almost 50 silvers.)"

(AN = About 1000 US dollars)

"(That's expensive!... Come to think of it... can Lynn cast miracles?)"

"(I can't, somehow. It seems that a lot of people who are good at magic is bad at miracles. This gets even more apparent when you are much better than the average people at magic.... Your inability to cast any miracles is also a proof of this fenomena.)"


"(Then I think Lynn and Kyrielle should get one of those scrolls at least. Lynn may be the strong, but Kyrie might take a lethal injury!)"

"(You have a point, Linia... since she's so strong and she has a healing factor, I totally forgotten that Kyrie can still die....)"

"(Of course... I'm not invincible.... like you, Magic God!)"

"(Well, it's just that I find it hard to believe that you may have the need for one in the first place... you are already so strong with magic. With me guarding you as well, we might be one of the strongest party on this continent.)"

"(Well, that's kinda true.... No monsters so far... have even landed a hit.... on us.)"


We continued to explore the city. Soon, it was already afternoon about 3pm, so we walked back to the castle. As we was on our way back...

"(Everyone... I'm sure that after that stroll, everyone must be dirty now.... Shall we go take a bath together then?)"

"(A bath?!)" (2x) Lucia and Linia seemed surprised.

"(Why?... Are you two afraid of.... water?)"

I didn't really know the biology of insect people but I do know that many of them breathe through tiny holes in their skin. Being soaked in water is death sentence for them.

"(No... It's just that Lynn and Kyrie may find our face a bit terrifying if we remove our make ups...)"

...now that I think about it, I have never seen them with their mask off. Their voice sounds like it's a normal woman's voice, but their body is still insect despite being humanoid.

Well, it's just that one can't see it clearly when they are dressed in a maid uniform. Coupled with the fact that their mask's face is actually really cute, you'd feel normal around them.

"(I'm actually a bit curious about it.... Can you two show us?)"

"(Well... If you insists then we can... But certainly not here out in the public!)"

"(Of course! Let's go back immediately!)"

(Chapter 48, end)