
Parallel: A Journey Through Multiple World's

In the bustling city of Terra, Michael's ordinary life is upended by a series of bizarre events that blur the lines between reality and nightmare. On what begins as a typical day, Michael's journey to school is interrupted by a sudden shift in his surroundings, plunging him into a decrepit version of his world. This unsettling experience is just the beginning, as Michael soon finds himself dozing off in class, only to awaken in a silent, gloomy classroom where a monstrous creature feasts on a human. The day takes another turn when Michael steps into a puddle that inexplicably transports him to the school's swimming pool in the dead of night. Confused and drenched, he returns home to his sister's concern and skepticism. Michael's reality continues to fracture, leaving him to wonder if he's losing his mind or if he's somehow become a nexus between parallel worlds. "Parallel" is a thrilling tale of a young man's struggle to understand his connection to alternate realities and the mysterious events that threaten to unravel the fabric of his existence.

Writing_when_bored · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 7

The room settled in silence. Michael's journey had taken an unexpected turn, and the revelation of his true nature left him both awestruck and humbled.

Michael leaned forward, curiosity burning in his eyes. "So. What are these 'Laws'?"

Isaac, cleared his throat. "The eight noble Dukal families," he began, "each wield unique cosmic laws, shaping their influence across the vast expanse of the Astrochronian Empire."

Michael listened intently.

"First, there's House Givens," Isaac continued, "masters of the Law of Chronos. They manipulate time itself, bending its flow to their will."

"Time," Michael whispered, imagining the possibilities.

"Next," Isaac said, "we have House Armus. They wield the Law of Reality. Their power lies in shaping the very fabric of existence—altering it as they please."

"I still prefer time powers" Michael commented.

"House Lumina," Isaac said, "holds the Law of Gravity. As the name suggests, they control and manipulate gravity."

"House Hilva," Isaac continued, "commands the Law of Matter. They manipulate molecules, creating new substances or breaking down matter into its elemental components."

"House Lonia," Isaac said, "embraces the law of nature. They have power over all elements."

"Then," Isaac said, "there's House Vutomi. They possess the Law of Deterioration. Corroding anything they desire or invigorating it to new life."

"And for the seventh," Isaac said, "House Magnus. They hold the Law of Radiance—the power of stars themselves. They can create energy as and if not greater as stars."

Isaac leaned back, his eyes distant as he concluded. "Then, there's House Claire. They have the Law of Perception. They can create illusions so realistic one would easily mistake them with reality". "Keep this in mind, kid," he said, "The common class can be just as dangerous as some members of the noble class."

Michael nodded, his heart racing. The Astrochronian Empire—his supposed homeland.

Isaac's eyes bore into Michael's, a mix of concern and warning. "I see that look in your eyes, kid," he said, his voice low and gravelly. "I'd suggest you stay away from the Astrochronian Empire. Don't go there unless it's your only option. Take this from me, okay?"

"That's not what I'm thinking," Michael replied, his gaze steady. "Oh yeah?" Isaac retorted, leaning back. "Yeah. I'm thinking, for a person who looks like they don't talk a lot, you sure do talk a lot. I mean, I'm sitting here wondering when you'll tell me why my powers are different from yours, but all I hear is someone monologuing a history that doesn't concern me at all."

Isaac's bushy eyebrows shot up. "I already answered that, didn't I?". "It's obvious—you're either the result of some noble family that got screwed badly, or you're one of those special cases."

"Special case?" Michael asked, intrigued. His fingers drummed on the coffee table. "Every now and then, although very rarely, a common-class kid can awaken one of the eight Laws. Usually, those kids end up being adopted into a noble family with the corresponding Law," Isaac explained.

"Now, if that's all, you can leave," Isaac ended abruptly, standing up. Michael frowned. "What? That's it? After I save your life, you kick me to the curb?"

Isaac chuckled, a raspy sound. "Well, what did you expect? Wait for one of the robomaids to give you something—think of it as a parting gift." He left, leaving Michael sitting there, mind racing digesting all he just heard.

After a while one of the robot maid glided in. "Your gift, sir," she said, presenting a massive box that Michael couldn't even lift. "Guess I'll leave," Michael muttered, standing up. He touched the top of the box, teleporting back to his room.

Two months had passed and Michael's final exams came to an end. The weight of textbooks and late-night study sessions had finally lifted, leaving him with a sense of liberation. As he walked home from school on that sunny afternoon—the last day of exams—the world seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief.

Trent called out, his laughter infectious. "It's finally over!"

Life grinned, adjusting the strap of his backpack. "Yeah, I know, right? I've already made arrangements to visit my uncle for the rest of the summer."

Trent, always the practical one, chimed in. "My family's going to the beach. What about you, Mike?"

Michael shrugged. "Not much, really. Just some light traveling, you know."

Life raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Trent leaned closer. "Anyway, what'll you do on your upcoming birthday?"

Michael's mind wandered. "I don't know. Maybe blow up some fireworks on Mars."

Trent's expression turned serious. "I'm being serious here."

Michael chuckled. "I've never really made a big deal out of it."

Back at his apartment, Michael announced his return. "I'm back!" he called out, dropping his bag near the entrance.

"A friend of yours dropped something earlier today—something about a guide." Njabulo noted.

Michael furrowed his brow. "Friend of mine?" He entered his room, finding the mysterious device on his desk. It was a card, its surface smooth and unassuming. A green circle adorned the center. Curious, he picked it up, and as his fingers brushed the circle, the card came alive. A hologram materialized—a familiar face.

"Isaac," Michael whispered, stunned. "I thought he'd already forgotten about me."

The hologram contained teachings, explaining to Michael how he can harness his abilities and Stellium, controlling the energy that surged within him. "This also explains why I couldn't open the box he gave me," Michael muttered. "If he knew it had a password, why didn't he tell me earlier? I had to make up a weird story so my family wouldn't throw it away."

Michael's eyes widened. "He must've made this to help me out. Who knew he had a soft side?"

He glanced at the card. "Anyway, this will help me a lot. Aside from the superhuman abilities he mentioned, I've improved greatly in controlling my powers—even if I can still only teleport."

And so, armed with newfound knowledge, Michael would spend his free time learning more about his powers and how to use Stellium.