
Parallel: A Journey Through Multiple World's

In the bustling city of Terra, Michael's ordinary life is upended by a series of bizarre events that blur the lines between reality and nightmare. On what begins as a typical day, Michael's journey to school is interrupted by a sudden shift in his surroundings, plunging him into a decrepit version of his world. This unsettling experience is just the beginning, as Michael soon finds himself dozing off in class, only to awaken in a silent, gloomy classroom where a monstrous creature feasts on a human. The day takes another turn when Michael steps into a puddle that inexplicably transports him to the school's swimming pool in the dead of night. Confused and drenched, he returns home to his sister's concern and skepticism. Michael's reality continues to fracture, leaving him to wonder if he's losing his mind or if he's somehow become a nexus between parallel worlds. "Parallel" is a thrilling tale of a young man's struggle to understand his connection to alternate realities and the mysterious events that threaten to unravel the fabric of his existence.

Writing_when_bored · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: A Normal Day on Terra

It was an ordinary day on Terra. Michael stepped out of his small apartment, the morning sun casting a warm glow on the cracked pavement. "Today is sports day," he mumbled to himself, adjusting the strap of his backpack. "I might be a little late."

As he closed the door behind him, a familiar voice called out, "Hey, Mike, wait for me!" Michael turned to see his neighbor and childhood friend, Trent, jogging toward him. But something was off—the surroundings had changed. The once-familiar apartment building now looked old and decrepit, and an eerie silence hung in the air. This was no longer Michael's world.

"Mike, Mike, hey!" Trent's urgent voice snapped Michael back to reality. "I told you not to stay up so late—you're zoning out. Come on, let's go; we'll be late for school." Trent grabbed Michael's arm, pulling him along. The confusion of what he'd just witnessed lingered, but Michael pushed it aside as they headed to school.

Third period began, and Michael settled into his usual seat at the back of the classroom, next to the window. The teacher droned on about history, but Michael's eyelids grew heavy. He dozed off, lulled by the monotony of the lesson.

Then, abruptly, the silence intensified. The sun outside turned the atmosphere a haunting shade of red. The classroom felt gloomy, and Michael's heart raced. His gaze shifted to the front, where a monstrous creature devoured what appeared to be a human. Blood splattered across the chalkboard. Michael's scream pierced the eerie quiet, drawing the creature's attention. It wasn't like any creature he'd ever known.

The monster lunged toward him, its massive paw aimed at Michael. Just as the paw descended, Michael jolted awake, drenched in sweat. The school bell rang as he screamed, and the class stood in bewildered silence. The teacher's stern voice cut through the air: "I'll be seeing you in my office."

"Dude, what was that about?" Trent asked, sitting in front of Michael after class. "Watching horror movies at night is bad for your mind," Trent teased, leaving the room with Michael trailing behind.

Outside, they sat by the soccer field. "I think I'm gonna leave early today," Michael said, wiping his clammy forehead.

"You look awful," Life, one of Michael's friends, remarked. "Yeah, bro, you should've seen him in math class," Trent added playfully.

On his way home, Michael stepped on a puddle. "Damn," he muttered, annoyed at his soaked shoe. But then, inexplicably, he plunged into darkness. Panic surged as he struggled to breathe and the weight of his backpack made moving harder, he was inside a swimming pool. Finally, he emerged, gasping for air. The surroundings were familiar—it was the school's swimming pool. But it was the middle of the night.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" The security guard's flashlight illuminated Michael's bewildered face. "What's your name? I'm calling your parents." Before Michael could respond, he vanished, back on the road, his foot still in the puddle.

Questions swirled as he trudged home. His sister, Penelope, greeted him. "You're drenched! What happened?"

"I'm not sure," Michael replied, shivering. "It's like reality keeps shifting."

"Playing games, are we?" Penelope raised an eyebrow. "There's no way that's possible."

Michael's frustration boiled over. "Look, I don't know what's going on! I just want to head to my room."

As he closed the door, he wondered: Was this all a dream, or had he stumbled upon something far stranger?

Michael's room was his sanctuary, a place where the oddities of the day could be locked away. The weight of his drenched clothes and the day's events pressed down on him as he collapsed onto his bed. His mind raced with the impossible scenes he'd witnessed. Were they hallucinations, or glimpses into another reality?

As he lay there, trying to make sense of it all, his phone buzzed. It was a message from Penelope: "The food is in the fridge; we'll be back within a week." Michael stared at the screen, a hint of loneliness filling his eyes. He typed, "Noted," but before he could send it, his room flickered. The walls seemed to be moving, and the familiar posters of his favorite games warped into strange symbols.

Michael's breath caught in his throat as he knew it was happening again. The light faded, and suddenly, he found himself standing on a busy road. People were talking in languages unknown to him, and beings he had never seen before populated the bustling street. He was no longer in his room, nor on Terra. The sky above had two suns, and the technology around him was far more advanced than anything he had ever encountered.

"Watch it, flash bag," a passing creature said, its voice both alien and mocking. Michael, dismayed and disillusioned, fell to the ground, shaking and passing out.