
Paragon of Wrath

A boy who's happiness is ruined again and again. Is it fate?Or is this God's wrath? Is it just bad luck? Will the boy face it lying down. Or give back with a greater wrath.

zippzapp · Fantasy
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12 Chs

That day in the woods

"Can't we save him? "The boy with pitch black hair asked with a sad face.

His face partly shadowed under the trees, but the warmth and gentleness his face gave off could not be hidden under the shade. His deep black eyes a swirl of emotions but still so clear you could see the kindness they posses.

"I don't think we can Kaz. I think it's already too late." Says the boy with light blue hair sitting right next to him while patting his back.

"Don't be sad Kazuki. It's not like we have anything to help him with either." said the boy with blue hairs. His blue eyes like a ocean filled with some uncertainty looking at Kazuki and then at the body that has only some last breaths remaining. His face one of older brother consoling the little one.

"B-! But you are sad too, aren't you Milo? " Says Kazuki with sad face while looking at Milo's blue eyes that seemed to shake when he heard the question.

"Me, why would I be sad? Hmm! You are the only crybaby around here. " Milo said with a slight teasing laugh that seemed to say why would you even think so, you are the only one who would cry over a dying animal.

"Let's go now or sister will be worried." Milo says while picking up the firewood they come to collect and the now dead rabbit after doing a small prayer of peace for its soul.

"Are we taking him home with us?" Asked Kazuki looking at Milo pick up the rabbit.

"Umm! " Nodded Milo. "Sister has told us not to waste any food. And I think she will make something good out of it."

"Umm! "Nodded Kazuki and picked up his share of firewood after saying a small prayer for the dead rabbit, and followed Milo as they made their way back home.

One could tell just by looking at their old and worn cloths that the boys were poor, and when they didn't even have enough to enjoy meals 3 times a day or new clothes it was a rare to posses such kindness or thoughtfulness.

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