
Paragon of Death

Life from birth has been nothing but hell. I lost my parents to some stupid aristocrats whom they offended. Executed for no good reason. My relatives abandoned me and pushed me aside. They feared for their lives and left me and my sister to starve and wander the streets alone! No, this is worse than hell! I watched my sister die of starvation. Her lips were dry and her feet bloody. Her nails were broken and her fingers riddled with cuts. She struggled in my hands and after a few seconds of struggle she passed away. She seemed joyful in death so I prayed mine will come just as swift and merciful as hers. So I stayed in the alleyway, alone with her rotten corpse awaiting my fate for God knows how long. I could see it already. The darkness encroaching from all sides Everyone said death is scary but I say it's the end! Who needs life after death? What is the need for reincarnation? Who would want to return to this crazy world? "It's not yet time for you to go... You have one more task to accomplish as my host" A voice called out to me. I could barely see or speak but how can I miss such a beautiful face? It was an extremely handsome man who gazed at me with tender eyes. "Haven't I suffered enough? Can't I just rest?" I cried out. Why would I want to stay back in such a cruel world? "Don't you want to avenge the death of your parents? Don't you want to become something greater? I can make that happen!" The beautiful man said with an alluring voice. "You... Who are you?" I asked with an anxious heart. My parents always said God is the only one who cares about me! Maybe in my final hours, he has come to save me. "Call me Death..."

3_Sins_Studios · Fantasy
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691 Chs

Chapter 32: I won’t be the only one dying today!

"What the hell is he doing?" Duke Hail frowned at what was happening. He almost jumped off his seat in anger.

In his opinion, Damon's chances of surviving are higher if the team finds a way to maneuver through this situation and kill the two berserk orc scouts. Separating from the team almost assures his death.

"What can a dog understand about patriotism? He chose the option that assures victory even if it costs his life. When his team kills the first scout, they can find the remaining scout and finish it off even after he is dead. A noble gesture from a child born of a mere Baron family. I thought the Hail family will be more Intune with the word loyalty but I guess I was wrong. Not only are you a dog but a bad one at that" Pope Light said disdainfully.

"A person's true character is shown in the greatest hour of danger. Damon just showed us the kind of person he is and since we can confirm he doesn't have the black blood possessed by the other death guardian spirit hosts we are now a hundred percent sure he is not the host we are looking for. From now on he will be treated like every esteemed mage of this Academy. That is if he survives this situation" Kratos said with an intrigued look on his face.

Duke Hail stood up hastily with a fierce look on his face. His eyes were riddled with a strange emotion as he stretched towards Kratos.

"Since he is no more under investigation, I can recruit him, right?" Duke Hail asked.

"You have already made your decision?" Kratos was slightly stunned.

Duke Hail has never been the impulsive type and that's why he earned the respect of everyone even the youngest of the three Dukes. Only with Damon has he looked desperate! This is not something they could have expected in a million years!

"What do you see in that child?" Pope Light asked suspiciously.

"None of your business. I have chosen to take him in. Send me there now" Duke Hail said coldly.

"You may not make it in time, the direction he is going is beyond the borders. My seals are not there, so you will have to run to him." Kratos said with a sly old smile on his face.

"It sounds more like you don't want to make it in time" Duke Hail said coldly as his hands curled into a fist!


Damon skated down the hill as fast as he could but for some reason, he couldn't put down the distance between him and the berserk orc!


The orc suddenly appeared beside him and he quickly swung his hands ruthlessly, attacking with the fire strings!


Blood squirted out of the injured chest but that did not stop the enemy from sending his strong fist toward Damon!



Damon spat out a mouthful of blood as his body flew back without any resistance!


He hit the ground and began rolling down the hill while the berserk orc kept chasing after him!


Damon struck a small Boulder which broke his fall but caused him a lot of pain! His vision was blurry and his body was covered in blood and bruises! He could see the huge green figure racing towards him like a wild beast. He guessed he had less than three seconds to make a move or die!

After casting the Wind steps and the fire strings he was almost out of mana. He felt light-headed already, so he wasn't too surprised by the outcome. He wasn't anywhere around his peak. His body had only been able to withstand this much because of the reinforcement, any other mage would have been dead already.

Meanwhile, Damon noticed his left hand was broken already, it was twisted so horribly, he was grateful he couldn't see. It would have been a horrifying sight!

"IF YOU THINK I WILL DIE SO EASILY, YOU MUST HAVE GONE CRAZY!" Damon growled even within his final moments as the wind gathered beneath him and launched him into the air just before the green beast could reach him!


The orc scout hut the location where he once stood!


Numerous shadow spikes exploded from beneath nailing just one of the orc's feet to the ground.


Damon spun violently as the fire strings slashed at the enemy's eye without hesitation!

Blood squirted out everywhere at the orc screamed furiously as it broke the spikes beneath its before charging toward the falling Damon!


Fierce wind gathered around Damon, slowing down his descent as he threw his open palm forward and a fierce aura exploded from his body!

Wind and flame surged violently in front of him, forming an unstable small sphere in front of him!

"It's harder to do this in this condition… hehehe" Damon let out a dry laugh as blood flowed out of his nostrils, eyes, and ears while the fist-sized sphere formed in front of him!


The berserk orc growled furiously as it launched itself towards Damon, only to meet the orb of flames and wind!


The space trembled and the orc was sent flying back hundreds of meters away, while Damon landed on his knees. He spat out a mouthful of blood as he coughed violently. Right now everything was hazy and his head was a bit shaky, making it hard for him to focus. He could barely see a thing but he could see a blurry green figure rise to its feet.

"You have to be kidding me!" Damon said with a laugh while a mixture of saliva and blood fell from his lips.

The berserk orc showed no hesitation as it let out another furious cry before charging forward. Even with the hole on its chest, it still came at Damon with full strength.

Damon said nothing. He just smiled bitterly. He was completely drained of mana yet the enemy showed no intentions of dying. He just stood there with his right hand open. His mage robes fluttered as fire and wind blew around his open palm, combining to form another orb. His body seemed to be drying up and his complexion turned ridiculously pale.

"I won't be the only one dying today!" Damon said coldly as he drew power from everything left within.

I am back. so updates will be stable now. Thanks for your support so far and I hope after I go premium(Which is really soon) you will keep supporting my work.

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