
Paradox Tower(old)

This is the old version of paradox tower.

Koryuki · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

The Truth

It all went black...

No! I can't pass out now or we'll both die!!

I tried to focus on staying awake, but it was futile...


Where am i...?

I opened my eyes and found myself laying on grass.

Wait, before that, i'm alive?! Where is Mia??

I looked around, searching for Mia, but she was nowhere to be seen...

I was in a dark green grass field with a few trees scattered here and there. The grass field extended far into the distance, until it completely vanished in a thin fog that filled both the air and the dull gray sky above me.

There was no sun, nor any source of light, but i could see very well in that depressing large field of grass for some reason.

"Hm? What are these clothes?" I said to myself, confused.

As i got up from the ground, i noticed i had completely different clothes on me.

I was wearing a black and red thin hooded long coat, black pants, black and sturdy looking shoes and a sleeveless shirt under the coat.

On my arms i had black bracers made of leather and a belt on my waist.

Attached to the belt was a black katana similar to the one that Mia had.

Wearing all black made me feel like the character in that anime i watched as a kid when i was Koriuki Yuu...

What was it called again? The... The Emi...

Ugh, i can't remember. Not that it matters anyway.

I unsheated the katana attached to the belt.

It had a black and white handle, its blade looked as shiny and pure as silver, but sturdier than steel at the same time.

Woah, it's... Beatiful...

"What are you doing with my sword?!!"

Suddently, a voice coming from the sky shouted at me.

"Well, i suppose it's your sword too now..."

The voice continued speaking.

"What do you mean by that...? And who are you? What is this place??" I frantically asked.

"I'll answer all your questions, just let me speak first." Said the voice.

"I am Ray Amond, the real one, and this "space" is inside my soul and conciousness. Then, about the last question..." Explained the voice.

"Wait, what?! You're Ray Amond?! Then those weren't memories... Or were they? I didn't know about "Ray Amond" before i dreamt about him..." I started thinking out loud.

"Wait. I was going to explain all of this in the last question." Said the voice.

"I am Ray Amond, but, at the same time, you are as well. Before, you were just a normal human known as Koriuki Yuu that lived on the planet "Earth", but, when you died, an unimaginably powerful energy wave blast from the planet i lived in, "Ut-Vivere", creating a space-time crack in the instant it hit "Earth" 's atmosphere.

Your soul and conciusness entered the crack and collided with me while i was traveling inside it. That made you teleport into The Tower, inside my body, but sealed all of your memories as well.

To be honest, i'm surprised you managed to regain your memories. Maybe it was fate that you entered the crack in that instant..." Explained the voice.


I didn't know what to say. I was speechless.

Maybe it was because i unconciously thought about me being The Tower as a second chance, as a way to redo my life.

I though that it wasn't "just a case".

I thought that i could have been the protagonist at least in this life!

But if what "Ray Amond" said is true...

In that moment, i felt so empity... It was like my very being had been... Erased. Deleted. Just gone into nothingness.

For what reason had i been climbing The Tower...?

For what reason did i want to uncover the mysteries in this fantasy world that i've only seen in novels...

"I know it must be hard for you right now, but if you remain in this state it will be impossible for you to stay alive. Since you're in my conciousness, time is slowed down to the point you could say it's been stopped, but you won't be able to stay here for much longer..." Said the voice.

"..." I didn't mutter a word.

"... Alright. I'll do you a favor just this once." Said the voice.

After he said that, i slowly began regaining conciousness.

I was flying midair and about to crash into the cave's rock wall.

"Huup" My body spoke by itself.

As "i" said that, a large explosion blast from below my feet, wich were shielded by what looked like a barrier made out of Mana, making me fly towards Mia, who was still unconcious.

"I" grabbed her in my arms, midair.

" 'Oh mighty coldness of the ice, i sacrifice my Mana to thee...' " My body spoke by itself again.

As soon as "i" muttered those words, the air right below my feet froze into sturdy azure ice, creating a descending path to the ground.

"I" began sliding with the unconcious Mia in my arms on the cold slide of ice that was created through my Mana.

Once near the ground, "i" jumped off the slide, landing steady on my feet.

"I" leaned my hand forward and the snow on the ground around me started melting away.

While the snow was melting i felt a strange feeling...

It felt like i was using magic, but different...

As the snow melted it revealed a small field of light azure grass.

"I" laid Mia on the small field of unusual grass.

"You have to live, willingly or not. No matter what happens." "I" said.

I then started losing conciousness again...

Was Ray controlling my body just now...?

... I have to live? But why...?

I was not supposed to be here, in The Tower, nor was i supposed to take over Ray's body... It was all just a case...!

But he's the one that said i have to live no matter what...

Contrasting thoughts struck my mind one after another and, after a while, i came to a conclusion.

Who cares what i'm supposed or not supposed to do? I will live on, so i can find a way back to my world and my sister Yue!!

I could travel from Earth to Et-Vivere, that means i can do it the other way around!

I will overcome every obstacle between me and my objective, be it a Dragon or a God!!

Chapter 31-End.

(Note: Ut Vivere means "To Live on" in Latin.)