
Paradox Tower(old)

This is the old version of paradox tower.

Koryuki · Fantasy
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35 Chs

A Strange Dream

The people downstairs started entering the now safe First Floor, but, the moment the last person entered the room, we heard a mechanical sound.


A secret door opened, leading to a room behind the wall, in wich were food and water in great quantities.

"Woah! Well at least we don't have to be worried about food or water now." Said baldie, relieved that we wouldn't have to starve for the time being.

Since we were tired, we all decided to sleep in the First Floor, but it was really difficult to sleep since we had to lay down on the stone cold floor.

After a while, i started feeling my eyelids getting heavier and heavier until i finally started sleeping.

"Uaa! Uaa!"

Hm? What was that? It sounded like a crying baby...

"Congratulations, it's a boy!"

I heard a voice as my vision became clearer.

What are these? Baby hands? Are these my hands?

Wait, wait, wait, first of all why am i a baby?! Is this a dream??


My surrondings became pitch black.

"Look Yuu! It's a girl, you'll be a big brother from now on!"

As i heard those words my vision became clear again.

I noticed a woman sleeping in an hospital bed with a baby in her hands and a man next to me, he was probably the one who said those words...

Wait, what's an hospital again?-

As i was thinking, i woke up all of a sudden.

"Good morning Ray." Said the villager that thanked me yesterday.

"You finally woke up. Mr. Baldie is still sleeping though." Says Mia while looking towards baldie.

"Don't ever... Call me... That... Again..."

Did baldie just respond while sleeping?

Anyway, i got up and ate some food from the secret room that unlocked after we all entered the Floor.

10 minutes passed and baldie finally woke up.

"So it wasn't a dream... Oh, good morning Ray." Said baldie after he noticed me, he looked kind of sad and slightly disappointed.

A part of him was probably thinking all of this was a dream...

"Good morning Adam, eat some food, it's surprisingly good!" i said, trying to cheer him up a little.

"Wait, where is the artifact?!" Esclamated baldie, alarmed by the fact that the bracelet wasn't on his wrist anymore.

"You mean the bracelet from yesterday? Are you sure you didn't put it in your pocket or somehwere else?" Asked Domo.

it's a bit lame and kind of sad to call him "the villager that thanked me yesterday" so i decided to call him Domo.

"No, i'm sure i was wearing it before going to sleep! Someone probably stole it..." Said baldie while looking around for possible suspects.

The culprit must have been one of the people that were with us yesterday...

Wait, no, it could also be that those who entered the room with us talked about what happened in the Trial to the people that were downstairs and said that we found an artifact...

It could have been anyone except us three.

I was certain the culprit was among the people that woke up, since it would have been really difficult to sleep with all the stress.

The others would have been wary of them and cast them out, if found out.

Aa i narrowed down the list, there were only 5 suspects, wich looked particularly restless and nervous.

Two of them were people who challenged the Trial with us yesterday, the other three were a villager and two people with modern clothes.

It's very possible that they were restless because of the situation we were in, but the culprit had to be one of them for sure.

I noticed that Mia was looking at them suspiciously as well, she probably figured it out too.

"I can read body language, it'll be easy to find who it is." Said Mia while looking at me.

"You keep an eye out for anyone else suspicious" Continued Mia.

"Got it."

While Mia was talking to the suspects, i started looking around, but everyone seemed normal.

After a while, they were done talking and she came back with one of the people that were with us in the Trial and an old man in modern clothes.

"These are the culprits, what do we do with them?" Asked Mia while looking at me.

I didn't get why it was me and not baldie who was deciding, but i didn't care much.

"Explain what happened and why you stole the artifact." I said to the two of them.

The old man spoke first.

"I heard them talking about a really precious and rare accessory... I am quite intrested in jewelery, so i wanted to see it with my own eyes, but when i tried to take a closer look this guy came out of nowhere and tried to steal it!" Explained the old man, blatantly lying.

"What the hell are you talking about?! Didn't we say we'd split the earnings 50-50 and not make a fuss to not attract attention?!!" Esclamed the villager, exposing the old man's lies.

"Why you...!!!" Said the old man while glaring at the villager, quite angry at him.

"That's the gist of it, what do we do?" Asked Mia while looking at me.

"First of all, give me that artifact." I said to the old man.

He gave it back after searching in his pocket, he was really pissed off.

"I won't say anything this time since there were no major problems, but next time, be sure to say your prayers beforehand" I kind of threatened them.

They looked half relieved and half scared, it was a really strange face.

After that, they quickly went to the secret room and silently ate.

"Why did you let them go like that?" Asked Mia.

"If we did anything to punish them, the others would have known it was them. Also, they owe me a big favor now."

Mia looked at me while thinking and then walked away.

"Here, Adam, i found it near the skeletons. Seems like whoever stole it has been caught by his own sense of guilt. They probably won't do that again." I lied to baldie as i handed him the green artifact-bracelet.

"Good thing we found it soon enough, otherwise we would have left the artifact in here, thanks Ray." Said baldie while taking the bracelet.

After all of us woke up and ate, we decided to conquer the next Floor in about an hour from then.

Also, it seems that while we're in the tower we don't have the necessity to use the bathroom...

Thinking back about when i woke up, just what was that dream? Did that man call me Yuu?

Is that a memory or just a random dream...?

Chapter 4-End.