
Paradox of Nox

In the quiet town, Jake Shrestha leads what appears to be a mundane life. Despite having all the elements of a fulfilling existence, he consistently senses an incompleteness lingering within him. He believes he is not truly the person he perceives himself to be, and that his current reality is nothing more than an illusion constraining his true potential. Everything around him seems unreal, yet it maintains a tangible quality. Jake attributes these thoughts to an unidentifiable void, a feeling that something crucial is missing, though he remains uncertain about its nature. One day, when he awakens from what he once considered a dream, Jake discovers himself inhabiting a completely different body.

IamStone · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Beginning.

"I wonder if we are truly what we believe ourselves to be. I believe our character is shaped by the perceptions of those around us throughout our lives, and we may never fully become what we could be. I understand that striving to be the best version of ourselves may seem like just another idealistic concept, as external influences often lead to undesirable outcomes. Failure to comprehend and adapt to societal norms turns us into wild beings, despite our inherent intelligence. Without learning, we risk regressing into mere animals.

"It becomes increasingly boring as we achieve our dreams and goals."

The phone rang, interrupting Jake's solitary moment in the park.

"Hello, How have you been, Jake? Did you think you could get away with what you've done?" The voice on the other end remained calm, almost taunting.

Jake's voice was steady, though a hint of tension lingered beneath. "Who is this?"

"Look at this motherfuc**, I am waiting." The call ended abruptly.

A smirk played on Jake's lips. "Haha, should I just kill him?"

Later, as Jake returned home, a sense of danger washed over him. The door stood slightly open, evidence of an unwanted visitor.

"I have been waiting for you, Jake," a voice echoed from the darkness within.

Jake's hand tensed around the doorknob. "What do you want?"

The man sat poised in the chair, a sinister smile curling upon his lips as he spoke with chilling intent. "Give me what you took from us," he demanded, his voice carrying an undercurrent of menace.

"And what if I don't?" Jake challenged, his tone serious.

A glint of light shone in the man's eyes as he leaned forward. "We will not leave you alone," he warned, his words echoing ominously in the dimly lit room.

Jake's lips twisted into a cynical smirk. "You made a mistake coming alone, facing me," he retorted, a dangerous edge creeping into his voice.

The man's expression remained impassive, but a hint of amusement danced in his eyes. "You think you can kill me? And who says I am alone?" he countered, his confidence unwavering.

A manic laugh bubbled up from Jake's throat, reverberating through the tense atmosphere. "This was fun, playing with you guys, but I'm bored now," he declared, his tone dripping with dark amusement. "This little game is over. Did you really think you found me after I've managed to evade you for eight years?"

In the dimly lit room, Jake moved with a predatory grace, his movements calculated and lethal. His eyes glowed with insanity as he stalked his prey, a cruel smirk playing on his lips. With each pull of the trigger, he reveled in the chaos he unleashed, relishing the fear in his enemies' eyes.

As the man and his underlings closed in, Jake's demeanor shifted, his once calm facade crumbling to reveal the true depths of his depravity. With a savage snarl, he unleashed a wave of bullets upon his enemies, his laughter mingling with their screams in a symphony of terror.

With every life he took, Jake's thirst for blood only grew, his twisted pleasure driving him to new heights of cruelty. He showed no mercy, no remorse, as he methodically hunted down each member of the man's team, his actions a chilling testament to the darkness that lurked within his soul.

And when the man himself stood before him, broken and bloodied, Jake's eyes glittered with savage hunger. With a sadistic grin, he delivered the final blow, laughing at the man's agonized cries as death claimed him at last.

In the aftermath of the ruins, Jake stood amidst the chaos, a menacing figure bathed in the glow of flickering lights. His laughter echoed off the walls, a haunting reminder of the terror he had brought. Jake knew that he was not just a man, but a force to be feared, a creature of darkness who walked the line between madness and savagery with ease.

As Jake stood amidst the smoldering ruins of the building, a hollow laugh escaped his lips. "It's over, huh? A little thrilling for a while," he mused to himself, a sense of boredom creeping in. "Time to go home for real."

With a flick of a match, Jake ignited the remaining embers, watching as flames consumed what was left of the structure before turning away and disappearing into the night.

Upon returning home, Jake poured himself a glass of wine, taking a long sip before going to bed.

In the depths of sleep, Jake was jolted awake by the noise, "Call the doctor, call the doctor," a voice urged.

Jake tried to open his eyes. He finds himself surrounded by unfamiliar faces, his body heavy and unresponsive. Panic clawed at his chest as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings.

"I am so happy, my son, you have finally woken up," a woman's voice spoke, her words sending a shiver down Jake's spine.

Confusion clouded his mind as he turned to the woman beside him. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice hoarse with uncertainty.

The man on his other side spoke softly, "Nox, you can't remember your mother?"

Jake's heart hammered in his chest as he grappled with the fragments of memory that danced just out of reach. "Why am I here?" he whispered, his voice barely audible.

The doctor approached, a mirror in hand, and Jake recoiled at the sight of his reflection. The face staring back at him was a stranger's, foreign, and unfamiliar.

For a moment, Jake remained silent, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of the disjointed pieces of his fractured memory. And then, with a resigned sigh, he played along, hoping to uncover the truth buried beneath the layers of confusion and uncertainty.





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