
PARADOX: Better-Sweet Relationship.

[FYI: unbalanced relationships, age gap, a slight dark family background and #*⚠️strongly mature content like explicit to some extent.#*.] #fastpace #obessive #bettersweet dynamic. [Monday to Friday upload: @10:00am to 6:00pm EST] add to your collections, recommend, and support me. I’m currently a participant in viral book call in urban romance. ——————————————————— Twenty-four years ago, Midiana was swapped at birth and now lives under the Thorne family's roof as their fourth daughter. Constantly bullied and mistreated, she falls short of the Thorne family's expectations of a perfect daughter. Naive and unsuspecting, Midiana becomes entangled with Christopher Langford, the youngest Duke in line for his father’s title, A man who took the place of his older twin, Evelyn Langford. However, things take a dark turn when she discovers that Christopher isn’t just a Duke’s son in line for succession—he's also secretly involved in dealings with her father, Walker Thorne. This revelation sheds light on why she was married off to Christopher. But is that so? Or perhaps is there something more than just her father’s connection with Christopher ? And what Midiana’s real relationship with her family? Twenty-four years later, Midiana has successfully divorced Christopher and escaped his grasp. Now, she stands as the owner of the Thorne family's multiple businesses and is the proud mother of two adorable twins, Bryan and Brinson, who bear an uncanny resemblance to Christopher Langford in every way. Despite everything he put her through, Christopher is now relentlessly pursuing her. Will she give in to him? what’s exactly did he do to her? how is Midiana now the owner of Thorne businesses? And who exactly is Midiana real family? And will Christopher take his heir away from her? And will she even let that happen? Excerpt: “I actually plan on killing you once I finally find you.” Christopher’s cold, sinister voice cuts through the darkness of the office, his pistol aimed directly at her. “But I didn't expect you to surprise me with two sons.” Christopher smirks, his ethereal face illuminated by the moonlight and city glow, which only enhances his already striking appearance. "Mister Christopher, or rather, Duke Christopher Langford." Midiana’s voice cuts through the tension, sharp and unyielding. "May I remind you that I'm a married woman now, and those two heir are his," she says, maintaining an icy demeanor, her smirk masking the fear she feels as she stares at the man before her, his dangerous pistol aimed at her heart. "Well then, tell me, Midiana," Christopher whispers, his voice soft but menacing as he leans in closer. "Will you change your mind if I place his head on your desk?" Midiana’s eyes widen at his chilling statement, and the proximity of his presence stirs something deep within her—an old flame she thought had long been extinguished. "This man... he hasn’t changed in the slightest," she thinks, hating the thought of him reentering her life after all he’s done. but what unsettles her most is the undeniable stir of old feelings bubbling up inside her. Note: ———————————————- What exactly did he do to her? Well Let go back to past. shall we? Where their story begins to better understand this two individuals and unanswered questions around them. Enjoy your ride while also leaving comments and support. thanks.

Eniolaminnika · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 26

"Hey! Are you just going to stand there? Move!"

Before she could process the voice, strong hands yanked her with jarring force, pulling her out of the truck's deadly path.

She stumbled into Deen, her ankle snapping painfully as it slammed against the pavement and a nearby light pole. A sharp gasp escaped her as pain shot up her leg.

Deen's arms wrapped around her waist, steadying her as she crumpled against him, unable to stand.

Her breaths came in short, panicked bursts, the reality of the near-death experience sinking in as they both watched the semi-truck slam into two parked cars, crushing them under its weight.

Midiana's heart pounded so hard it felt like it might burst from her chest. Her skin prickled with cold sweat, her ankle throbbing intensely.

The chaotic sounds around them—screaming bystanders, car alarms, and the crunch of metal—faded momentarily when she heard Jennifer's voice, cold and distant.

"Are you okay?"

Midiana tried to focus, her mind spinning, her body trembling.

"I... I think so," she managed, though her voice wavered. She winced, her leg unable to bear weight as she freed herself from Deen's grip.

As soon as she let go, her balance wavered, and she nearly fell again.

Deen caught her instantly, his grip firm as he held her steady.

"Easy, Midiana," he murmured with a smirk, glancing at her with a mocking gleam in his eye. "We wouldn't want the second female lead dying just yet, would we?"

His words hit her with a strange mix of humor and mockery, but the grin on his lips irritated her.

Midiana's head spun as bystanders rushed to the scene, some dialing emergency services while others stared in shock at the wreckage. Sirens wailed in the distance.

Midiana breathed heavily, still reeling from the close call, her ankle burning with pain.

"Knock yourself out," she muttered, trying to keep her fear at bay, but her heart still hammered in her chest.

Midiana shifted her gaze through the restaurant's large glass windows, her breath catching in her throat. Inside, she saw Isabella clinging to Christopher, her eyes wide and tear-filled, one hand pressed over her mouth as if she were about to break down.

Isabella buried her face in his chest, her grip tightening around him.

For a moment, Isabella cast a fleeting, uncomfortable glance at Christopher, her expression caught somewhere between vulnerability and silent accusation.

Midiana's chest tightened. She quickly averted her eyes, but not before hearing Deen's voice cut through the tension.

"Come on, let's get you to the pharmacy," he said, his tone serious, his eyes fixed on her. He must have noticed the way she winced with every step.

Before she could protest, Deen scooped her up effortlessly, his strong arms cradling her as police sirens wailed in the background.

The ambulance pulled up shortly after, and before she knew it, she was being whisked away on a stretcher, her thoughts muddled by pain and confusion.

As they drove off, Midiana couldn't help but wonder: What if Deen hadn't saved me?

Hours later, after a flurry of X-rays and whispered medical jargon, she was finally discharged from the hospital with her ankle tightly wrapped.

She hobbled out, trying not to let the pain show, her steps uneven and careful as she walked.

The dull ache in her left ankle reminded her of how fragile everything felt right now, but she didn't tell her granny. She couldn't handle the worry it would cause.

Back at home, her room felt strangely unfamiliar. The accident, the tension with Christopher—it all weighed heavily on her.

She glanced around, her eyes landing on the gifts Christopher had showered her with.

The clothes were neatly folded in the closet, the brand-new phone now switched off, and the massive pink teddy bear sitting above her bed—its soft, plush face gazing down at her like a silent observer.

Her heart twisted as she stared at the bear, a painful reminder of how their secret relationship had progressed. He'd been so kind... and now, this.

"I'll go back to him tomorrow," she muttered under her breath, the resolve hardening inside her.

She ran her fingers through the soft fabric of the teddy bear, her mind buzzing with unease. Isabella's probably at his villa by now... after everything that happened today.

Midiana's eyes lingered on the bear a moment longer, her brow furrowing.

"Why did he even buy that?" she whispered to herself, unable to shake the nagging feeling.

The extravagance of it all felt like a strange contradiction to the coldness she'd seen in Christopher's eyes earlier.

Midiana sat on the edge of her bed, the weight of her emotions pressing down on her like a heavy fog.

She felt completely detached from Christopher now, the fragile feelings she had for him crumbling under the weight of Isabella's cruel words.

The insults echoed in her mind, each one cutting deeper than the last. "Clinging to him for money and stability."

Her hands trembled as she pressed them to her face, trying to stifle the tears, but they came anyway, hot and relentless. She couldn't stop the sobs from escaping.

"If it wasn't for his blackmail... and his promises," she whispered to herself, the bitter truth settling in.

A fresh wave of tears rolled down her cheeks, spilling over her fingers. Isabella's indirect insult, calling her a prostitute without saying the word, made her stomach churn.

Midiana clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms as she cried harder, the pain in her heart amplified by the overwhelming sense of neglect.

She was an heiress to a powerful family—a family that barely acknowledged her existence. A neglected heiress, she thought bitterly, her tears soaking the fabric of her pillow.

The walls of her room felt like they were closing in, and her chest ached from the pressure of keeping her sobs quiet.

She didn't want her granny downstairs to hear. Not now. She couldn't let her see how broken she felt, how shattered.

"Ana, you can't be weak forever," she thought fiercely, choking back the last of her sobs.

She sat up, wiping her swollen eyes with the back of her hand, determined not to give in to the pain anymore.

Her gaze drifted to the large window, the blue sky outside a stark contrast to the storm inside her.

The light filtered through the glass, casting a faint glow on her tear-streaked face. You need to be stronger, she told herself, her resolve hardening like ice in her veins.

"Time to lighten your life and your granny's," she whispered aloud, her voice barely more than a breath.

Her thoughts turned to her father—cold, distant, and indifferent—and the husband she had yet to meet.

Both men loomed over her life like shadows she couldn't escape.

Staring out into the sky, Midiana felt a new determination stirring in her chest, a faint flicker of hope amidst the darkness. Something had to change, and it had to start with her.