
PARADOX: Better-Sweet Relationship.

[FYI: unbalanced relationships, age gap, a slight dark family background and #*⚠️strongly mature content like explicit to some extent.#*.] #fastpace #obessive #bettersweet dynamic. [Monday to Friday upload: @10:00am to 6:00pm EST] add to your collections, recommend, and support me. I’m currently a participant in viral book call in urban romance. ——————————————————— Twenty-four years ago, Midiana was swapped at birth and now lives under the Thorne family's roof as their fourth daughter. Constantly bullied and mistreated, she falls short of the Thorne family's expectations of a perfect daughter. Naive and unsuspecting, Midiana becomes entangled with Christopher Langford, the youngest Duke in line for his father’s title, A man who took the place of his older twin, Evelyn Langford. However, things take a dark turn when she discovers that Christopher isn’t just a Duke’s son in line for succession—he's also secretly involved in dealings with her father, Walker Thorne. This revelation sheds light on why she was married off to Christopher. But is that so? Or perhaps is there something more than just her father’s connection with Christopher ? And what Midiana’s real relationship with her family? Twenty-four years later, Midiana has successfully divorced Christopher and escaped his grasp. Now, she stands as the owner of the Thorne family's multiple businesses and is the proud mother of two adorable twins, Bryan and Brinson, who bear an uncanny resemblance to Christopher Langford in every way. Despite everything he put her through, Christopher is now relentlessly pursuing her. Will she give in to him? what’s exactly did he do to her? how is Midiana now the owner of Thorne businesses? And who exactly is Midiana real family? And will Christopher take his heir away from her? And will she even let that happen? Excerpt: “I actually plan on killing you once I finally find you.” Christopher’s cold, sinister voice cuts through the darkness of the office, his pistol aimed directly at her. “But I didn't expect you to surprise me with two sons.” Christopher smirks, his ethereal face illuminated by the moonlight and city glow, which only enhances his already striking appearance. "Mister Christopher, or rather, Duke Christopher Langford." Midiana’s voice cuts through the tension, sharp and unyielding. "May I remind you that I'm a married woman now, and those two heir are his," she says, maintaining an icy demeanor, her smirk masking the fear she feels as she stares at the man before her, his dangerous pistol aimed at her heart. "Well then, tell me, Midiana," Christopher whispers, his voice soft but menacing as he leans in closer. "Will you change your mind if I place his head on your desk?" Midiana’s eyes widen at his chilling statement, and the proximity of his presence stirs something deep within her—an old flame she thought had long been extinguished. "This man... he hasn’t changed in the slightest," she thinks, hating the thought of him reentering her life after all he’s done. but what unsettles her most is the undeniable stir of old feelings bubbling up inside her. Note: ———————————————- What exactly did he do to her? Well Let go back to past. shall we? Where their story begins to better understand this two individuals and unanswered questions around them. Enjoy your ride while also leaving comments and support. thanks.

Eniolaminnika · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 24: Midiana vs. Jennifer.

Weeks pass by as if a paper has been flipped over another midiana and Christopher's sexual relationship develops further, Midiana now finds herself strangely accepting him with his sexual teachings but denies it as she doesn't want to think about it, and even more strangely to her was her creepy feel of slightly lining to enjoy his company.

but her relationship with her father wasn't improved as she began to doubt Christopher.

Meanwhile, as the school play drew closer, the classroom buzzed with energy, but Midiana's focus was on one person—Jenifer. As she marched over, the air seemed to crackle with tension.

Her hand slammed onto Jenifer's desk, the sound reverberating through the room, silencing the chatter around them.

"So, you're the one who took my role, huh?" Midiana's voice trembled with barely restrained anger, her eyes boring into Jenifer's calm, unmoving face. "Tell me, what else are you planning to take from me?"

Jenifer's silence was infuriating, her expression unreadable as she simply stared back at Midiana.

The tension between them thickened as students gathered around, whispering.

"Hey, Ana, calm down," Jordan urged, stepping in to hold Midiana back. "It's not that deep. Besides, the teacher already gave you a new role."

"Let go of me, Jordan!" Midiana snapped, her body trembling with fury. "I need to deal with her once and for all!"

Jordan tightened her grip, trying to prevent the situation from escalating. "Please, calm down," she begged. "You're still a main character. It's just a switch of roles. Think about it!"

Midiana's breathing was heavy, her fists clenched. Just as she was about to rip herself free from Jordan's hold, a new voice cut through the tension, cool and composed.

"This drama between you two feels more organic than the actual plot of the show."

The unfamiliar voice was calm, almost amused, and it immediately drew everyone's attention. Midiana, still fuming, turned to face the speaker.

"And who the hell are you?" she spat, her anger now directed at the newcomer.

All eyes shifted to the figure standing by the door. The new student, the one the teacher had mentioned, leaned casually against the frame.

He looked about 19 or 20, with striking white hair that contrasted sharply with his violet eyes. A faint, almost mocking smirk curled on his lips as he watched the scene unfold.

For a moment, the tension shifted, as everyone waited to see what would happen next.

"Oh, hi, you're Deen, right?" Jordan chimed in with forced cheerfulness, trying to cut through the rising tension in the acting class.

Deen turned his violet gaze toward her, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "Spot on, miss Jordan."

He shifted his attention to Midiana, his voice laced with mockery as he approached her. "I must say, it's impressive to finally meet Midiana—the school troublemaker... or should I say the outcast."

The room froze. Shock rippled through the class as his words hung in the air. Some students exchanged wide-eyed glances, a few whispered, while others grimaced, anticipating what would come next. Deen had crossed a line he didn't understand.

Without a moment's hesitation, a loud, echoing smack filled the room. Midiana's hand had connected with Deen's face, and the force of her slap left the students either wide-eyed in disbelief or quietly satisfied, knowing he had it coming.

"Watch your damn mouth, loudmouth!" Midiana's voice trembled with fury, her hand still stinging from the impact as she glared at Deen.

The pent-up anger from her earlier clash with Jenifer coupled with Deen's provocation had pushed her over the edge.

Deen stood there, stunned, the classroom silent save for the ringing in his ear. Slowly, his hand moved to touch the reddening spot on his cheek where Midiana had struck him.

His shock faded into something more sinister as his smirk returned, this time more dangerous.

"Isn't this a bit overboard?" he questioned, his voice cool, though a hint of amusement lingered as if enjoying the challenge she presented.

Her soft handprint tingled on his skin, a reminder of her boldness.

Midiana's eyes flashed, but before she could respond, she spotted their teacher standing just outside the door, preparing to enter. Her temper simmered down just enough to redirect her focus.

"Keep away from me, if you know what's best for you," she spat, her voice sharp as she shot him a final glare.

Turning on her heel, she stormed back to her seat, her steps deliberate and seething.

Her gaze landed on Jenifer, a brown-skinned girl with striking ocean-blue eyes, who sat quietly as if immune to the chaos.

Midiana's eyes narrowed, her anger still burning beneath the surface as she sat, never breaking the cold, intense stare she leveled at her rival.

Miss Faye stood at the front of the class, her hands clasped as she addressed the group, her voice firm and no-nonsense.

"As you all know, there's been a change to Character. Carson, who was originally our male lead, has left for overseas." Her tone softened slightly before she continued, "Deen will now be stepping into that role."

A ripple of whispers spread through the students, a mix of surprise and curiosity. Deen, standing confidently at the center of attention, cast a smug glance in Midiana's direction, catching her darkened expression.

His lips curled into a small, knowing smirk. He could feel the tension radiating from her.

Midiana, unable to keep her frustration at bay, raised her hand sharply.

"I object, Miss Faye. I don't think there should be a male lead. This story is about two siblings—there's no need to change that."

Her voice was edged with irritation, and her eyes locked on Deen with a glare that could pierce steel.

The audacity of him taking the lead role only fueled her growing resentment.

Miss Faye's eyes flickered with annoyance as she crossed her arms.

"That's a bold statement, Midiana, but we're sticking to the original plot." Her words were clipped, and it was clear she had little patience left for Midiana today.

The frustration lingered in her eyes, fueled by Midiana's absence from rehearsal the day before.

"If it weren't for the principal assigning you the role of the main character," Miss Faye thought bitterly, though she kept her expression neutral, "I would've recast you long ago."

Midiana felt the sting of the teacher's cold dismissal, the words cutting deeper than she let on.

Though she maintained her silence, she clenched her fists under the desk, her nails biting into her palms.

She could still feel Deen's gaze on her, that insufferable smirk playing on his lips as if this whole situation was a game to him.

"Alright, everyone," Miss Faye said with a forced smile, clapping her hands to signal the beginning of rehearsal. "Let's get started."

The stage was set, the dim lights casting a moody glow as Midiana and Jenifer stood center stage, the tension between them palpable.

Other students watched from the sides, their murmurs fading into silence as the confrontation began to heat up.

"You took everything away from me, Kaifa!" Midiana's voice rang out, sharp and laced with barely restrained anger.

Her hand shot out, grabbing Jenifer by the front of her costume, her lips curling into a bitter smile. Her eyes burned with unspoken rage.

Jenifer's expression shifted instantly, her once neutral face hardening into something cold and unfeeling.

Her hand moved quickly, gripping Midiana's wrist with surprising force.

"Took everything from you?" she spat, her voice low, filled with venom. "It's not my fault he chose me over you, Median!"

The audience could feel the air between them thicken, the raw emotions of betrayal and rivalry practically tangible.

Jenifer's words cut like a knife, and the way her eyes locked with Midiana's told a story deeper than what was being spoken aloud.

Jordan, the narrator, stepped forward, her voice steady and clear, though it did little to ease the charged atmosphere.

"Two girls, born from the same household," she began, her eyes sweeping across the stage as the audience hung on her every word. "Twins of the same mother, but raised in two different worlds—one loved, the other hated. And now, at the ceremonial event to choose the crown prince's wife, Kaifa has been chosen over Midean, who worked tirelessly to earn that title."

Midiana's grip on Jenifer's costume tightened, her knuckles white with frustration.

She could feel the heat of the stage lights on her skin, the weight of the scene pulling her deeper into the role, blurring the line between acting and reality. She saw the same in Jenifer's eyes—Kaifa's eyes—a mirrored fury staring back at her.

Jordan continued, her voice a cool contrast to the fiery exchange unfolding before her. "This is where their true story begins—a tale of two siblings, navigating their fates against the backdrop of a criminal household."

"Alright, that's enough for today," Miss Faye's voice cut through the tension, pulling everyone back to reality.

She clapped her hands, signaling the end of the scene. "We'll continue this tomorrow. Class is over."

Midiana's hands slowly released their hold on Jenifer's costume, though her glare lingered a moment longer.

The room buzzed as students began packing up their things, the weight of the intense scene still hanging in the air.

As Midiana gathered her belongings, Jordan leaned in, impressed. "You were great, Ana. Seriously, you'll make an amazing actress if you ever decide to go down that path."

Midiana nodded, distracted, her gaze wandering toward the back of the room.

There, she saw Jenifer and Deen standing face to face, a tension between them that seemed almost as thick as what had just played out on stage.

Deen's expression was hard, his eyes cold as he stared down at Jenifer, who looked equally unsettled.

"Do they know each other?" Midiana wondered, her brows furrowing as she observed the strange dynamic.

Something about Deen's proximity to Jenifer sent a chill down her spine.

His smile, when he finally turned in Midiana's direction, was eerily calm—a facade that only deepened her unease.

"Whatever," she muttered to herself as she shifted her attention back to Jordan. "As long as he's not bothering me, he can do what he likes."

But even as she tried to focus on her conversation with Jordan, the image of Deen and Jenifer, locked in their quiet standoff, lingered in the back of her mind. Something wasn't right.