
Ch. 1: Moon light

The night breeze was cold and nice erasing the heat wither of the sun in the midday, so the walking on the deck at night was more fun of it in the day, with that there was no one with me, all the passengers where in the meeting party that is seat for all of us to know each other.

I don't like noises or parties I rarely went with my friends to parties and when I go, I spend the time outside away from the noises, moreover I'm not interesting in staying with my friends because they will force me to share drinks with them and I hate all the alcoholic drinks, this is the first reason and the second one is all of my friends found someone to have fun with and I was left alone. I give up on finding someone how will understand me or at least try to listen to me, so I left the party and went to the deck to have some peaceful time. I walked in the cool night breeze.

"It's nice, but it will be nicer if there was someone with me not alone." I thought to myself sadly

"Well it's my fault I should have kept talking to that guy how tried speaking with me, but I'm the silent type he saw me as a boring girl how don't even drink in a party. He certainly went to look for some funny girl to talk to." Letting go of a heavy sigh

"I should have fun am in a vacation for god sake."

Shaking my head and look at the full moon, that's the most beautiful moon I had ever seen in all my life. The moon look like a smiling face looking at me, disappear behind the clouds once and appearing once more again.

I giggle remembering a legend I read it in some book, if you were sailing in the sea or near the sea on a shore and the moon is appearing and disappearing behind the clouds this mean there is a mermaid somewhere nearby also watching the moon and because her beauty the moon feel shy of her, so the moon hide behind the clouds shyness of her beauty. It was a stupid legend, but it made me feel some kind of joyful that maybe there is someone watching this scenery with me and I'm not alone. I had friends, good friends but must of the time they were looking for parties and boyfriends or girlfriends to fool around with or doing silly things I had no interest or pleasure in doing them.

"I really should start looking for a boyfriend. The right one, I don't like fooling around with other people." she sighs, "How can I find the right one if I don't approach anyone, don't make new friends, and don't give opportunity to anyone to know the truly me. I really want to have someone to love, to depend on, to take care of me after all what I have been through." She sighs again.

Suddenly there is this wired noise


"what was that?" I thought.

The sound is the same of a gunshot; this made me confused how could that be possible we are on ship, right?

"No, I must be imagining things because I'm tired, I should go back to my room to have some rest."

But then there is another,


"No. those are gun shots I'm not wrong."


I heard something have been thrown in the water, now I'm starting to feel panic.

"What should I do?"

I'm standing at the bar in the end of the deck, there is no place for hiding my panic increase with the sounds of three men coming my direction, I saw a pile of plastic chairs in a corner I hided myself behind it.

The men come and stand at the bar of the ship not far from where I'm hiding. They start laughing and joking about the illegal deal they made successfully, they have spoken in specific details I shouldn't now about, if they find me they will kill me for sure. All that I managed to stay hidden but one of them starts to disciple how they just torture and killed a man and throw his body in the sea by details.

At this point I lost it and starts shaking with my brain make me imagine the things he was saying, horrible things. With me been shaking fearfully I leaned on the pile of chairs, with a second the pile collapsed reveling me behind it.

The men looks at me for seconds then looks at each other and encircle me from three sides with no chance for me escape them, the ocean to my back they surrounded me.

"How much did you hear us talking?" One of them ask me

I shacked my head, "Nothing, I heard nothing."

"She is laying." another one says he sings song it and pulled a gun from under his shirt and points it towards me with a sick grain on his face. My heart stops biting, all my body shacking.

"I'm going to die". That's all what flash in my brain.

"We have to kill her she heard us and saw our faces." The third one says.

"Of course. Sorry girl nothing personal, it's just business". The one with the gun say smirking.

He is about to pull the trigger, at that second a door opened and voices of people coming out of the party to the deck has been heard, the first one of the men how asked me first put his hand on the gun.

"Can't use the gun now they will hear the gun shot. We have to throw her of the edge, the ocean will do the killing business for us, and she will not survive."

I look at them frightened. I didn't feel the tears, when they start falling? I shack my head, "NO, Pl...Please... d...don't k...kill me I...I didn't h...hear... anything... please... please", I start pleading with them, when I saw them coming closer.


I tried to call someone for help, but one of them move fast and put his palm on my mouth and silence my screams it's smell like gunpowder, another grabbed my hands and the third grabbed my feet, they carry me and threw me over the deck edge.

I hit the water very hard, I didn't feel the pain at first because of the adrenaline rush. When I start sinking I start to feel the pain.

The last thing I heard is the sound of my body hitting the water.

The last thing I felt is the burning of my lungs full with water.

The last thing I thought of is, if I hadn't left the party I wouldn't be here now.

And the last thing I saw was the moon light when it starts to fade away while I'm sinking to the depth of the ocean.

I saw a shadow then the darkness took me over.
