
Paradise Pokeball System

Alright, so I could tell you some fancy synopsis, but you came here for Pokémon, so it's not like you don't know what is up. Instead, I am going to tell you a bit about the mechanics of my story. First! If you are looking for a journey that includes catching Pokémon and battles, you have come to the right place! But! The Pokémon will all get human like forms after they are caught, and will not be battling very much. They will be doing other things with Landon, the trainer, but I am sure you can rub a couple cents together to figure out what that means! Second! Humans will be caught, but mostly Waifu material. While some guys will be caught, there will be no gay stuff with them and the MC. The girls that he catches will be doubling as his Pokémon because of special skins they get for there poke balls. I could go into that more, but read the damn book! Lastly, there is a lot of sex in this book, but there is a storyline, so there will be times where the smut is spread out, or where it happens back to back. Also, the beginning is a bit rough, and I have to go back and fix some, but everything is straightened out later on. Sorry about that! Extra chapters @ Patreon.com/magic_ Discord: https://discord.gg/jyFRGudWZ6

Magic_ · Anime & Comics
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196 Chs


"I don't know what you are talking about," I said, trying to play coy as I watched the yellow path turn green in my vision.

"You are lying!" Lusamine shouted at me as she tried to grab me, but I quickly rolled out of the way and came back up to my feet. "You will tell me what you are, or I will make you wish that you never woke up from that coma!"

Nurse Joy was there as I came up, and I pushed the ball to her chest and grabbed the bag out of the air where Joy had been as the ball shook once in my hand but then went silent. I then looked at Lusamine with a smirk on my face. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"You son of a bitch!" Lusamine shouted as she tried to grab me again, but I was too quick for her as a path lit up green, and I dodged her again.

[First Human caught! Civilized Sexy Nurse Joy!]

[Nurse Joy is a caring woman that you have already mated with. This gives her the First Mate Title and an increase in all of her traits and abilities.]

[First Uncommon Human caught! Gain 2 UP]

I frowned at the rarity of Joy and shook my head. This woman was Rare, at the least, but Nurse Joy did have a lot of cousins with the same name, so I guess it was better than common. Still, now was not the time to be worrying about that!

[Gain 1 Paradise Pokeball!]

"What did you do to Nurse Joy?!" Lusamine screamed at me, and I turned to face her, switching out for the empty Paradise Ball.

The first two had been easy, but both of them wanted to be caught for the most part, but this woman clearly didn't. Something about this felt clearly wrong, but if this was what it took to help keep the world safe, then I would just have to trust Cryo.

"Listen, Lusamine, there is a lot going on right now that you don't understand, but there is a bird over there," I said, pointing to the side and then through the Pokeball at Lusamine as she turned her head to go with my hand that was pointing at nothing.

"What the hell?!" She shouted as she turned back around to face me with a look of anger on her face, but it was too late.

The Paradise Ball hit her right in the perky tit and opened as Lusamine was turned into white energy and then sucked inside the ball. The ball then fell to the ground and started to shake as I stood there waiting for the outcome.

"Come on," I muttered under my breath as I watched the ball shake. "Please be..."

The ball then stopped shaking, and Lusamine was captured! This was almost too much to believe as I just stared at the white Pokeball in the grass.

[Human caught! Civilized Aether Paradise Leader Lusamine!]

[Lusamine is the Leader of the Aether Paradise Foundation and claims to love all Pokémon. She is a beautiful woman that has an obsession with catching Pokémon. She will go to any length to achieve her goals and has no problem using underhanded tactics.]

[First Rare Human caught! Gain 3 UP!]

I reached down and picked up the ball, but I didn't have much time to react as the door to the Aether Paradise Facilities opened up, and Mohn, plus two guards, came running out. Mohn looked pissed, but I wasn't going to stick around and wait to be caught myself. I had what I needed, but now I needed to get out of here!

[Head down the path I am tracking for you, and summon Cosmog's Pokeball. I will instruct you when to summon her, and when you do, you are going to ask her to create an Ultra-Wormhole to Orre in the desert. Do not hesitate because you will be safe, but you will feel sick afterward.]

I did as Cryo instructed and started to run down the path that he had set out for me. I could hear Mohn and the two security guards running after, but I was not going to be caught if I could help it as I pulled Cosmog's Pokeball out, putting Lusamine's away!

[Good job! Now quickly summon Cosmog!]

"Cosmog, I need you to create an Ultra-Wormhole to Orre!" I shouted as soon as Cosmog was summoned, and then I tripped... on my own feet. This was because I had seen Cosmog, and she was looking just a bit different, and I was starting to understand why my Pokémon needed clothes now!

Cosmog was now in a human-shaped form that was as shapely as Nurse Joy, but she was naked and now had breasts and a slit between her legs, just like Nurse Joy... What had I just done to this Pokémon?! Cosmog was now just as beautiful as any woman that I had seen, and my mind was running at lightning speed to create new and erotic things that I would love to do with the creature, making me wonder if I was still even sane.

"Yes, Landon! I will open it right away!" Cosmog said in a cute voice that didn't match her sexy, naked, and mature body as I picked myself up.

I then turned to look behind me just in time to see Mohn and the two security guards come around the corner, but I didn't have time to worry about them. "Hurry up!"

"Okay!" Cosmog said with a cute giggle as she started to glow brightly, and then an Ultra-Wormhole opened up behind me.

[First Wormhole Created! Interdimensional Ultra-Wormhole!]

"Let's go!" I shouted as I pushed Cosmog toward the wormhole.

She hesitated for a moment but then stepped into the wormhole just as Mohn and the two security guards reached me. "Stop him!" Mohn shouted, but it was too late as I jumped into the wormhole after Cosmog, feeling sick to my stomach as I felt my body get sucked in.