
Work is Done

"The gun's signal is near now, guess they arrived at the convoy." Marcel explained.

The forest leaves slowly got less and less numerous giving more vision, now i can see the dark outline of my teammates moving around me.

"Nice we can see each other.... Partially." Lennox commented.

In front of us is a large gleaming light, finally were getting closer. The same distinct roars of engines and chattering get louder and louder as we creep nearer to the light.

As i get closer to the light, the outside became more clear. With each step getting closer and closer to our goal and the sound of engines getting louder and louder.

We stop at the trees close to the outside, close enough to view but far enough to not be seen, In front of us is the convoy, now able to see each other and not just silhouettes, men and women marching side by side with the trucks and other vehicles, ranging from armored to unarmored. All marching to the left. Sebastian peers in front of us, looking left and right.

"What now? we have them in our sights." Nora asked behind me.

"They said to stall the convoy, unsure if were taking prisoners. But air support will hopefully come in so best leave most alive, all we need to do is stop the convoy that's it." Sebastian explained.

"Mary do you still have bombs?" Sebastian asked. Mary, standing at my right side, raises her hand to her head, clenching a vial filled with green liquid.

"Good, the leader said that we need to cause a commotion, particularly an explosion, but to also stall them long enough, so we need to find the leading truck of this convoy." Sebastian explained.

"So, how do we cause the explosion?" Marcel asked.

"With this." Sebastian pulls out a smooth circular ball with a pin attached to the top.

"The leader gave it to me, i just have to remove the pin on top and throw it at the leading vehicle." Sebastian explained,

"Should we head out now?" Mary asked.

"Yeah we should." Sebastian stops peering at the convoy and steps back. Lennox follow Sebastian and stays next to him

"Come, we got a task to finish." Lennox and Sebastian begin moving again, leading the group. This time moving the same direction the fighters are marching. We follow behind them, moving moving quickly but still trying to stay quiet. We moved farther from the trees to ensure that they cannot see us but we can still see them.

The convoy kept moving, not stopping for anything, the fighters continued moving without resting or taking a break. We continued following them, trying to go ahead of them to find the leading vehicle, my legs felt tired again, but I'm not stopping until were done.

Sebastian raises his left hand to his head, clenching it into a fist,

"There." Sebastian points with his other hand to the convoy, his hand aimed at a truck, one without another vehicle in front of it, the leading vehicle.

"How are we gonna stall them? Were sitting ducks here." Nora asked.

"Marcel and Lennox you two with me. Stephen, no doubt that the trucks behind them will start to drive off, you must kill the driver or shoot the wheels. The rest of you hide behind the trees for cover, and just shoot at them until the air support comes in." Sebastian explained. "Mary when i say throw, you throw your bomb at the fighters, I will throw mine at the truck, got it?" Sebastian added, Mary nodded, gripping the vial in her hand.

"Everyone get into position." Sebastian ordered. We dispersed, moving to different directions. The convoy kept moving not knowing that we are here, and their convoy is gonna get ambushed. I stood behind a big thick tree close to the convoy, I readied my rifle slightly peeking from the tree with my rifle aiming down, hopefully this tree can save me from bullets. Sebastian hid at a tree behind me ready to throw his grenade. Mary stood at a tree in front of me also ready to throw her bomb.

"NOW!" Sebastian shouted. The fighters turned to our direction unleashing their rounds into the forest tearing through the thinner and smaller trees, Mary threw her vial at a group in front of us, green gas engulfed the area with soldiers falling down coughing profusely and dropping down dead like flies. An explosion followed, destroying the front truck and sending multiple soldiers nearby flying with great force, either slamming down on the ground or slamming into trucks and their own allies. Some of the fighters landed in the forest crashing down next to us or farther.

Mary and other teammates peek out of their trees, shooting at the enemy. I peek out and aim my rifle, shooting the ones closest to my sights. Bullets fly in the air whistling and whooshing as they pass by. The fighters i shot at, fell to the ground lifeless, others though went behind cover with either injured or non injured, a truck revved up it's engine then started moving, a loud shot went past me, hitting the driver turning the truck window red.

"Got one." Stephen reported.

I kept firing, hoping to kill them, I pull my trigger over and over until, a click, I'm out. I go behind cover and reach for a new mag. Crunch. A large chunk of wood next to my head fell to the ground.

"MACHINE GUN!" Sebastian shouted, after he spoke, a barrage of fast moving lights mowed down the trees chopping many down. I ran back, the bullets almost grazing me. I sprinted to another thick tree making sure all parts of my body are behind the wood of the tree.

"Stephen hit the gunner." Sebastian ordered. After speaking, A shot rang out, louder than the rest flew through, meeting it's mark with a metal clank. The barrage stopped and went back to small arms fire. I peek out again to empty another magazine on the fighters.

I kept firing round after round, when a loud sound from the air caught our attention, in front of us, the enemy convoy became lit up with red and orange lights, the dirt around them rising up like sand piles. The fighters were cut down quickly and cut down in seconds. A small ship slowly descended similar in build with the ship that we used to get here but smaller and has an open side with a mounted machine gun on it.

"Stephen are those the soldiers?" Sebastian asked.

"Wait, yup that's them." Stephen replied.

"Time to meet them again." Sebastian unexpectedly emerged from a nearby tree, and began walking to the grounded ship now with soldiers exiting it.

We walk out of the cover of dark and forest, the fighters had their arms raised and grouped in squares, soldiers roamed the area, getting injured enemies or searching through the surviving trucks dumping boxes and other equipment to other soldiers.

"Well done parabellum, well done, effective as always." A voice congratulated, the voice came from the ship. Standing there is the leader, clapping his hands with a smile on his face.

"This will help us greatly in vanquishing the remaining hostiles." The leader continued.

The sound of jet engines above deafened my ears, looking up, multiple ships flew overhead bigger than the one that the leader came out of.

"What are those ships for?" Mary asked the leader.

"Reinforcements, the ships came from nearby countries to aid us including your country to control the riots. They only have gotten worse, ever since the raid you performed and the seized documents we received from you, the terrorists were shipping weapons ranging from pistols to rockets to some extremists and violent rioters. Because of that raid and what we have done today, we greatly weakened the terrorist force. But it seems your mission here is done, you may leave on my ship and rest back at home, we will take care of the riots." The leader explained.

"Is there any chance we can stay and try to help more?" Thalia asked.

"No, as of now the countries have sent their own soldiers and mercenaries specifically for this task. And the government is planning to impeach the president and have the power given to the vice president, hopefully he will be more effective than the president now. But we may require your services later on, in case this doesn't end." The leader replied.

"Well, time to head home." Sebastian announced.

"I was getting a little homesick." Mary commented.

I stepped through the open door of the ship, with a machine gun sitting at the side of it, I sat down on a seat next to the open door.

We all quickly sat down on different seats of the ship, a soldier gets on the ship and crouches behind the machine gun, with both of his hands on it.

"Jackson, fly up now." The soldier on the gun ordered. The ship rises with the thundering sound of the engines rising louder and louder. Peering out from the open door we were high from the ground. Time for us to head back home.

Hello fellow huntsmen, as of now chapters will be released at longer intervals due to personal or different issues, but rest assured that i'm not stopping, enjoy this new chapter of the story huntsmen.

The mission is done and dusted, it's time for the team to leave the boiling pot and head back home, hopefully things don't get more heated.

Razedealercreators' thoughts