
Snowy Lands

Outside the elevator, time to head to the strategist. Good thing though we got a mission. As we head to the elevator, Nora steps out one of them. Looking visibly exhausted.

"Nora you ok?" Thalia asked, worried.

"Yeah, just spent some time in that simulation place." Nora responded.

"Well we have a mission so I suggest getting ready."

"Alright then." Nora, carrying her bag walked away.

A quick trip up to the strategist room, Sebastian knocked on the door. Opening right after.

"Another mission, important one. Well important to the client, anyways sit down and i'll explain further." The strategist spoke not turning to us, still working on his table.

I sit down along with the others. What mission do we have now, hopefully it's an action filled one.

We waited for the rest of the team to arrive and take their seats.

After minutes of waiting and the rest of the team arrived, the strategist cleared his throat. "For this mission, all of you are heading to Shoravik, this time for a recon mission. Our client is a man from the gun company "Koresmalin Arms" asking us to scour a forest, well a dead one since it's winter and cold there. The location is up north of Shoravik. He wants the forest cleared for a safe expansion, due to some suspicious activity he noticed. Some weapons disappeared from the storage area, police didn't find anything. So they contacted us, most likely another insurgent force, a whole lot of em are present in the alliance. Once you find something, report to him immediately, he added that if there really are thieves, kill them, kill them after you report. Didn't say if they want it loud or a quiet elimination, however it would be easier to go loud. A transport will be arriving in about an hour or two. Prepare your gear, test out the new armor rewarded to you and good luck. You'll arrive at the main factory where our client resides in. Careful, the cold is deadly, but the new suits we gave may help in handling the unforgiving weather. The reward is a large sum of money from the client. Again good luck, dismissed." After briefing us on the new mission, we all began leaving the room.

Back down to the quarters, it's time for another mission. And this time with our new equipment, though it is better to wear it once we get to the transport.

We arrived in the quarters, with haste we began gearing up in our rooms.

Inside my armory I took the guns suitable for this mission, star-H, spotter-14 for some long range fighting, and lastly the ap-8 to pierce armor. Along with the armor I need. I add extra magazines in case i run out of em during the mission.

Finished with the weapon packing i place more magazines on available slots on this armor, carries alot more than the last one.

Quickly packing everything needed I carry the bag, man this is heavier than expected.

Outside I met with the others, all carrying their bags. Not wearing the armor yet.

"Well today's the day to test this armor, along with braving the cold." Sebastian led the way outside, to the elevator. Our ascent begins, first mission in snowy weather.

On the empty barren rooftop, the only thing greeting us was the heat of the sun.

"Guess we wait till it arrives." Marcel suggested.

We placed our gear to the side, viewing the city from the railings. The city still looks beautiful during the day, rays from the sun hit our clothes. Not as bad as the desert heat though, cars drove around along with the sight of passenger planes moving around. Buildings strewn around Parabellum, the buildings close to us though are shorter, houses or small shops. In the distance however is the main city of business. Skyscrapers all around, there must be civilians amounting to the ten thousands working there or even more. So odd that 2 very different types of workers coexist together, one that works in a building and another that works anywhere, to fight and kill anywhere. We all rested on the railings, enjoying the bright view on this roof.

To think it all started from a choice, a choice to become the civilians or to become a soldier. And being picked for the mercenary program, an invitation to a program only the best can participate in. 4 years of training and an extra 4 years for mercenary training, shocking, 2 paths sitting next to one another having far and drastically different outcomes, work for the nation or fight for the nation.

The ship arrives while we viewed the city. A transport just like the one we used to get to the rioting nation. Haven't heard yet on what happened to em.

Getting our bags, we awaited the ramp to fully drop down.

Inside, 4 people stood waiting, 3 men and 1 woman.

"Sebastian?" The woman asked.

"Yeah." Sebastian replied.

"Get on, the trip will take about the whole day on this ship. Best to rest." One of the men advised.

We get on the ship, it's ramp shutting after us.

Strapping on for the long ride, my bag kept on the seat next to me. Strapped in as well for safety measures.

After everyone got strapped on, we departed, feeling the ship ascend from the ground.

A whole day, another time to rest then. What vision will i get this time, if i do get another one.

I shut my eyes, waiting for slumber to take over, the ship's engines as an ambience while i rest.

A minute or 2 passed until, i can't hear anything anymore. Finally, asleep.

From the darkness of my sleep, light spread out, seeing through another merc now.

"The swamps...How nice." A voice sarcastically remarked. A male one.

My vision became more clear and large. Able to now see through their eyes far better.

"Calm down Ethan." Another voice replied. 4 people traversed the dirty swamp. Holding weapons above their heads, in chest deep water.

Small amounts of light shone on the team, another deep forest then.

While viewing, a sudden water splash spooked me, and even the merc im looking through. His head turned to the source of the splash.

"Maverick, Lisa, did you see what just fell?" One of them asked. The merc's head turned again to 2 people, both shaking their heads.

"Area is too dark, can't see anything. But it did look big." A female voice replied.

"Probably a rock, I'll check it out." The merc approached the source where the splash came from. Lowering his body until the top of his head was only visible. With one arm still raised, carrying a rifle.

"Looks like a rock" After speaking, a whistle followed with a small splash next to the submerged soldier.

"Was that a bullet?" The female merc asked. In just seconds a yelp followed with the merc's head turning to the front, now aiming his rifle.

Yellow flashes from numerous spots. All above them, in the trees.


A barrage of bullets shredded the entire top area of the forest above, stopping after emptying their magazines.

"Hold." More light pierced through the now torn up forest leaves & trees.

"Great, an ambush. Hope those shitheads are dead." A merc commented.

"Alright, let's move faster. Anyone injured?" The mercenary in front of the group asked.

"I am, but i can handle it." The merc from earlier replied.

"What about you Joshua?" The merc asked again. Now directed to a mercenary of the group.

"Nope, no wounds on me, I'm fine." The merc replied. His helmet dripping of swamp water after checking the source earlier.

My vision went black after, ending the vision.

I open my eyes to the team unstrapping themselves. They slept as well?

Removing the straps on me & the bag we move out. Time to face the frost cold.

Quickly putting on the armor from the bag, I stand by the closed ramp.

The ramp slams down onto white snow. Freezing cold air rapidly pushed inside. Hitting us, even wearing the armor I can still feel the cold. I step on the snow, my foot quickly sunk down till only my thigh was visible from it. The sky was bright with snow falling down to the ground.

The mercs laugh as they exit the ship onto the leg deep snow. Winter must be long here, or i'm in a lower area filled with snow.

"Just say you're Sebastian's team and they'll let you in." One of the men advised.

After this brief reminder, the ramps close followed by the ship flying high up. Factory here we come.

In the distance, a building. Smoke seeping out of chimneys, a gun factory. Client should be there, weird to have it in this barren area. All around, only snow and emptiness as far as the eye can see. Still, weird place for a weapons factory.

Getting closer to the factory, the snow gets less and less deep. Now reaching to the shins.

Metal fencing surrounds the building, thick bars blocking anything from passing through the fence, guards patrolling around the perimeter.

"Sebastian's team?" A guard standing next to the gate asked.

"Yup." Sebastian answered.

Looking at a tablet, the guard opened the metal gate slowly opening to the inside. More guards patrolled around inside. Different from the outside, the dirt ground became visible to us.

New chapter huntsmen, this time it's about time to fight in a snowy environment.

Thank you so much for reading and we have finally reached a milestone!!!

Thanks so much for your support and enjoy this new chapter.

Razedealercreators' thoughts