
Rest Day

We entered the elevator, and packed inside the cramped box. They really need to make this thing bigger.

My weapon rested on my back while my armor rests on my arms. The elevator descends as we eagerly await for the doors to open to the front desk and the pathway to our room to wash. Wonder if anyone will get mad that were dirty or it's a normal thing.

The doors open to the front desk and other mercenaries, living their days, as mercenaries. We exited the tight elevator and started walking to our room, nobody batting an eye. Probably a normal occurrence.

"Remember to wash your clothes and bathe yourselves guys, this time is a time to relax!" Sebastian announced joyously. After days of killing, we had rest once again.

We continued down the long hall of metal doors, getting closer to our room. This armor still reeking of blood and mud.

We get to our room and Sebastian opens the door, we head inside immediately walking to our personal quarters. I open the door to my room, welcomed by the same bed and the same light hanging on top of my room. I need to get this armor back to it's stand so I can shower. Heading to the armory, my mind started reminding me of images I have witnessed in my time here. From the moments i was shot in that house we raided, all the way to the first mission. The amount of times I fired my gun and the amount of people I possibly killed were the forefront thoughts in my mind. Maybe they were good people before, maybe driven into madness by people supposed to help them or protect or even, raise them. While thinking of this I forgot that I had to bring my armor to the stand to clean and to take a shower as well. I rushed to the armor stand and quickly put my armor on the corresponding section on the stand. After putting the last set of it on the stand, I found the button to clean it and pressed. The wall behind the stand opened up, revealing nothing but black inside it. The stand slowly moved into the black opening then promptly shut as the stand halted inside the hole. What next? oh right my weapons, one by one I rested my weapons on their designated spaces, letting them rest till I have to go out again. Lastly, I need to shower. I exited the armory and walked to my bathroom. Inside, it was clean just like before. I started to undress and put it in the washing machine next to me and begin taking a shower, removing the grime and dirt away from me.

I step out of the shower drying myself off with my towel. Walking to the mirror I realized that none of the parts on my body have any signs of wounds, not even scars. All just normal as if I was never shot. This virus has many perks. The washing machine stopped moving, I guess my clothes are done. Pulling them out, none of them also had any damage to them, must be some good fabric. I quickly put them on and exited the bathroom. What should I do now? Maybe relax, after all it's leisure time for me and Sebastian is probably out searching for another contract we can do. Guess I'll head to the cafeteria. Opening the door I was greeted to the tv on, and on the screen was the news.

Outside my room, nobody was there, either still in their own quarters or already went out to relax. My stomach let out a rumble, guess I'll see what's in the cafeteria. I hastily walked out of the room eagerly awaiting whatever is being served in the cafeteria. I walked ever so closer to the entrance of the cafeteria and even from a distance, it seems that many people are also getting food from the cafeteria.

Inside, the sound of chatter was in the air. I walked to the front and grabbed a tray. As i walked closer it turns out they are serving steak. Steak? seems odd to serve, but mercenaries are considered the great fighters and great fighters are entitled to many good things. And good food is definitely one of those privileges. A man stood behind the desk and happily gave me a plate of mashed potatoes, steak with gravy, and some vegetables on the side, indeed a good meal fit for great fighters. I sit down on a vacant table with nobody sitting on any part of the table. Time to eat.

Putting a slice of the steak in my mouth, the juiciness and the heat mixing together give a feeling euphoria, with each time i chew. Making me want to eat more. I quickly ravaged the plate, eating everything on it in great speed like a hungry wolf that finally found a kill.

Not long I have finished eating, satisfied and full. Where do I put the tray? Looking around i see trays being claimed by a woman with a small cart, I haven't seen her before. No issue making her job easier I suppose. I walked up to the woman handing her my plate and tray.

"Thank you sir." The woman happily responded. I started walking away, my hunger quenched and thinking of what to do next. I did a lot today, it's only logical to try and rest. I suppose i can just use the tv in our room. I walked back to our room looking to finally start resting and also to watch tv and see what's happening.

I walked inside our room, nobody was there but me. I sit down on the couch getting comfortable, wonder where the remote it. Looking at my right I found the remote, on it though there were only a few buttons with numbers and the power button as well as the buttons for settings at the bottom. No matter, let's see what shows up on the tv. With a press on the power button, the tv turned on in a bright white that quickly changed to show the content of the tv. It was the news. A woman sat in the middle of the screen with her hands on her desk, ready to speak. Below, the lower third caption read "Alliance governments agree to impose a new restriction to ensure safety for militaries."

"Today, multiple governments in the alliance have agreed to a restriction policy regarding the relations of armies in the alliance. This policy explains that: Private military companies such as all mercenary corps, Must cut most ties with other mercenary companies. For public militaries such as police and the army, they are to handle cases and issues without the support of any mercenary company regardless of reason. These restrictions are due to a growing number of cases regarding espionage of an army on a mercenary company, where confidential files were reportedly stolen and sold."

Espionage? I wonder if some even slipped through to this place. Maybe someone in my team is also an espionage. I stood up, unsure what to make of the news I just heard. Maybe I can talk about it with one of my teammates if I find them. As I thought of it, the entrance door opened. Entering the room was Alina, walking inside.

"Hi Damon."

"Hi Alina."

"News said we got a new policy where can't help military or other merc companies."

"Guess we won't have as much jobs as we had. Well at least we helped them before the policy then. Sebastian is probably thinking of the same as I am, we will have far less jobs than ever before. but at least we can have a long time of rest before doing another mission right?"

"I guess you're right."

"Splendid, I suggest you get more gear and weapons. Since, well the mission we did must be a huge payday for us. While I, just go and do my own thing. " Alina walks to her door, and opens it.

"By the way Damon."


"You're doing well in these missions." Alina walks inside her room, the door closing behind her.

Guess I should take her advice, the mission should give us so much money considering what we did. I went and retrieved the tablet, browsing the categories, it seems like there are far more things to buy than before. I guess our arms trade with the weapon manufacturing companies went unharmed by the restrictions.

Many new weapons, new attachments, even new camouflage for my armament. The gun racks in my armory still lay empty, I suppose there's no harm in filling them up. Looking at the tablet, my balance now is, 5 million!? Oh this is a great day! First off, pistols. Better to have an assortment of pistols to kill the enemy with, I browsed the pistol category first. Out of all of them, 1 caught my eye, a weapon called ap-8. The description says it held 20 rounds in it's magazine and is capable of piercing through most weak armor. The price tag was 350k, despite the price tag though, i pressed the purchase button and awaited it's arrival.

Yet another chapter, and it seems that a tough time has hit the merc corps. Enjoy, i will try to restart my one chapter a day quota again.

Razedealercreators' thoughts