
Concentrated Battle

Formed up on the entrance and in formation, a few heads popped out with their rifles up, aiming at em we opened fire, breaking the silence of earlier, their heads fell back as they were hit, stopping the attempt of hitting us. In the end, 3 of us got hit by the attack. Silence followed after as they went down defeated, 6 of them. Now skittish after the attempt we sped up with the plan, quickly forming up to provide fire while the other teams prepared to advance after. We were all in position, the merc at the very front signaled with his hand. 3, 2, 1. They ran and we opened fire above, ceasing once our magazines were empty.

Now our turn, we ran out, seeing the chaos ensuing above us. With more mercenaries on both sides, there was more gunfire. Mercs were positioned behind pillars or packed up behind cars. Seeing only a few open slots on cars, i ran to one of them. Running and immediately crouching as fast as i could to avoid getting hit. Whistles and the cracking sound of concrete filled my ears while behind cover.

I exchanged fire with the rest, seeing flashes of light illuminate different sections of the parking lot, brighter and in more places than before.

A head fell back as i hit it, raising their hand and running away. The loud shooting went on, people continued falling. A few shots nearly hit me, i continued to stay composed.

Our shooting slowly stopped, now switching to reloading and hiding. The other side slowly stopped shooting as well, turning into single shots.

I noticed my allied mercs moving nearer to the main group, hiding behind vacant cover.

As we hid behind, a few sprang up and rapidly shooting up, followed by the others. We emerged out and shot at the cars and pillars, leaving them no opportunity to return fire. We fired at different parts in intervals, spraying and rapidly throwing out empty magazines to reload.

We finally reached their side, i stayed behind a car with another merc, in front of me, a few stayed out of cover, still shooting.

One magazine in, i dashed just like before, ramming at the railing with my rifle aimed to the right, in my sights were 2 enemy mercs, a squeeze on the trigger and rounds began hitting them both. Behind me, other enemy mercs were hit as the others joined in with me.

The floor was ours as we stepped out from cover and started heading to the next ramp. The teams on the stairwell were just heading up as the battle was now over. I got up on my feet, i still had ample ammunition left. Walking away from the cleared side, it was time for the next floor. The third floor.

The team quickly lined up, prepping for the next attack, the ones who were hit now returned, joining in their lines alongside their teammates. My vision was still gone.

Our backs were to the side of the ramp, creeping up slowly as we aimed our rifles up, the floor upwards was silent, no noise of footsteps as we continued up. The 2nd row and the team up front readied themselves to charge to the front while we prepared to suppress.

Silence continued dominating the atmosphere, the team leader counted down with 3 fingers up, as each finger went down i prepared again for another battle.

As the leader's hand turned to a fist, they ran up. But the second they all stepped out, gunfire directly above surprised us. The second line stopped before they could run out, looking at the source of the noise in confusion as well. The moved up closer to the edge of the ramp, still hesitant to move out while the team that went in first ran down. The leader of the 2nd line moved closer to the edge of the railing, positioning the rifle to try and blind fire.

In position, the leader fired from the edge, emptying the magazine, quickly loading another. They ran up. We suppressed fire, knowing that the enemy is near or on our side, i angled my rifle to face downwards, swaying it around to try and anyone hiding. The team that went up immediately opened fire, ceasing fast.

Up, we saw 5 get up, hands raised and running down with their weapons while 3 from the line that went up were hit. They were hiding just behind the railing, no wonder they picked the others fast.

Up, we all gathered around, i leaned on a pillar as the others looked around, a few hid behind cars and other obstacles nearby.

Shock hit my body as a gunshot was heard, echoing. From leaning, i went to position behind it, to my side, one of the mercs was hit, quickly getting up and running down.

The ones out of cover quickly ran back to cover, some were hit while others managed to escape. I peeked to my right, flashes came from different places, i aimed my rifle from the side, trying to show as little of myself as possible while trying to find targets.

My allies fired back, sound of concrete getting hit and the metal of the cars dinging as they were impacted by bullets.

I shot at their cover, quickly shifting back after every few shots.

The battle became heated with shots getting more frequent. A few of my allies blind fired, not risking getting shot. Their shots though sprayed around the opponent's cover some. Looking at this, i saw an opportunity, none of their heads were popping out, only their weapons, blind firing just like us.

I planned out in my head, they were blind firing, not risking to try and get hit. All i need to do is lay low and move away from where they're firing at.

Quickly formulating and finalizing my plan of action, i checked my magazine, quickly switching to a full one. I hope this works.

New chapter huntsmen!

Love you all and enjoy!

Razedealercreators' thoughts