
Burn it all Down

We arrived at the outpost after the others showed what they got from the armory and showing it off on the boat, there were more people than when we went here. "Sebastian new mission from command, you guys need to go to a tow-" The man that introduced us to the outpost stopped talking and looked at the flamethrower I was holding, "That's exactly what we need did you get that from the mission?" the man asked, I nodded. "Fantastic, anyway here" the man handed Sebastian a folder. "A town not so far from here called Abros sent out a distress message and all went silent, we didn't get any new radio messages after that. "Use that truck there, its armored and big enough to carry all of you" he pointed at a truck that's facing the outside with the rain dripping from the garage entrance.

Great another job to do wonder how many money i get now, we jumped into the SUV, its very spacious and the seats were comfortable. Sebastian started the truck, "One more thing, it isn't Burnwick it's a terrorist group called 'Fighters for the new world' they are extremely violent so be weary, if there are any civilians help them they got a large sum of gunpowder and stored it in each building dividing it conveniently, you can use the flamethrower to make easy work of them, good luck" after the man spoke he patted the side of the truck and we drove off.

We rested for a while as Sebastian tries his best to not sleep while driving, i feel bad for him on many levels right now. "Thanks for helping me Damon, my wounds are healing right now, it stings but it's bearable" said Nora looking at me with her weapon on her lap, the flamethrower had a whistling sound to it like someone was whistling.

We got closer to our destination because the truck had a gps, crazy right? a gps in a car, in the distant street was a convoy of topless trucks, all carrying people with guns. I guess that's the freedom fighters the man told us about, the others looked bored out of their minds either sleeping or looking down on something, I should have gotten a phone it gets boring right now without it. A radio began buzzing and a voice came out "Hey I forgot to tell you, the government wants the town gone. Use the flamethrower and burn it to the ground no evidence, after report back the government workers will take any hits" the voice on the radio explained, now I know why I need a flamethrower.

We got close to the town being able to see some tall building that were there like a tower, none of them were on fire but some of them were destroyed, either they fell with no explosives or the terrorists were nice enough to clean. After getting closer Sebastian suddenly turned the truck into the forest next to us, he didn't stop the truck and continued down. Looking at the gps it read that were very close to the town, but on closer inspection the road we were on led somewhere else, this town was isolated in the forest.

Sebastian stops the truck in the forest with trees and bushes surrounding the truck no way of knowing where to go, Sebastian leaves the truck and we get out as well. He grabbed something from his pocket, "Tracker once were done" stated Sebastian who held up the tracker, it was square in shape with a blue light blinking in the middle, he puts it on the car hood and we journeyed with him to the town, hopefully he knows where to go.

We saw the town it was in ruins but not on fire and some people were walking in the town, Stephen used the scope on his rifle to check the town more clearly. "You see anything?" Mary asked, "Hmm a line of corpses shot, a group of terrorists are carrying women into a truck, and some makeshift tents maybe for the fighters" Said Stephen still scanning the town with his rifle. "Damon you and Nora go down and set fire to something, the rest of us would follow catching them by surprise. The weather was fair with some clouds and sun, the rain subsided this time.

Me and Nora made our way into the town with guards patrolling the outside but were easy to get past, guards conversed and laughed while patrolling, they really are terrorists laughing after slaughtering a town. We got close to a small house inside was nothing but cracks and some fallen debris, they ransacked the place as well. I readied the flamethrower and let out the flames, a blue stream of fire came out fully engulfing the house in seconds. We ran to a nearby bush and hid there as the guards tried to put out the fire, two things to why, to be discreet or to use this place as some new camp. Shortly after gunfire ensued and Nora and i joined in the fight, i fired my flamethrower again this time at some fighters. The fire was yellow again with the attachment to the end of the flamethrower probably depleted, the fighters began screaming in agony as their skin is burned and peeled of them by the fire. I aimed at other soldiers and continued pouring out fire at enemies, the fire stopped abruptly as the fuel tank was depleted. Resting the flamethrower on my back and pulling out my rifle, fire was no longer a good weapon for killing mid range targets.

The truck that carried women sped off into the forest, while soldiers came out by the dozens continuing their assault on us. I ran to cover with as the enemy got closer to us, i jumped out of cover to fire but an arm grabbed my rifle and forced me to the ground. We struggled on the ground but the man was shot in the head, looking back Nora was pointing her gun at my direction, it feels like my first mission on the huntsman job.

Mary threw the grenades that she got and balls of fire engulfed some spots on the battleground, some were burned while others came out unscathed. I rested my rifle again on my back and got my flamethrower, I had enough of this. I detached the empty fuel tank and put in another one, running around the buildings I got to the enemy's side and fired a stream of flames. All of the fighters now drenched in red or yellow fire ran in different directions crying in pain, they all fell with black charred bodies now resting on the ground.

That was it the mission was done, this feels too easy something isn't right there must be more of them. Nearing the corner a shot rang out as a piece of concrete next to my head broke and crashed to the floor turning into small pieces, "SNIPER" shouted Nora finding cover. The sniper didn't stop and continued firing mainly at my direction, Sebastian next to me now with an rpg? wait where did he get that, "One of them had this on them" Sebastian explained, ok that makes sense now.

Sebastian leapt out and fired the rocket, the building the sniper was on came crumbling down with a cloud of grey smoke emerge after the concrete house fell apart. "Next step burn down the whole town, Damon your up with Mary and her grenades" i readied my flamethrower to burn this whole town and released the flames.

The buildings burned and fell to the ground with the smoke choking out the blue sky, "We did what we were told time to get back" Sebastian said with a tired sigh. Making our way back to the truck the fire continued but didn't spread as the forest was not too close to the building on fire, looking at my hand it was soaked in blood but checking my whole body there were no wounds or new punctures, maybe it was the fighter's blood that got spilled on my hand while struggling with me.

My mind wandered as we traverse the forest to the truck, my whole time in this mercenary group was full of some joy and friends, but there were times when things got hectic like close quarter fights, but I guess that's the cost for this career i chose or was it my parents.

We got to the truck then got inside, Sebastian wasn't on the wheel this time now it was Marcel and Sebastian began sleeping once he rested on the passenger seat, cant really fault him for that. Marcel started the car and maneuvered his way out of the forest carefully. We got out of the forest and went back to the outpost on the same road we used, but I feel something isn't right like an ambush is gonna happen but maybe I'm just paranoid.