
Breezing Through

I emerged out of the smoke, the insurgents continued firing. I aimed at one of them, but before i could pull the trigger. They fell one by one followed by a glass shatter, a loud horn blare soon followed.

"Get that fucker's head off the wheel Damon!" Stephen commanded, emerging from the smoke alongside the team.

I ran to door of the truck, stepping up, i swung the door open. A firm grab on the dead insurgent's coat, i threw him off, silencing the horn, the passenger seat was empty.

The team moved forward, checking the whole area.

"Find him."

I stepped down, beginning to scour the area.

Circling around the truck there was no sign.

Canisters rained down from above. Covering the entire place in smoke.

"I got him!" Lennox shouted just as the smoke was starting.

"If you can't handle him, knock him out." Stephen quickly replied.

I couldn't see anything in the smoke, soon darkness joined in, from only seeing smoke to seeing little to nothing at all. I calmed myself, remembering the features in my hud, on the corner was the motion detector, multiple rings in a full circle, on it were 2 small green dots, teammates? Most likely. One dot was red, quickly approaching towards me.

In a second i turned to the side, an insurgent inches away from me was charging towards me. In a mix of shock and instinct, i pulled the trigger, firing a few rounds into the insurgent's chest.

The dot disappeared after, only showing the 2 green dots left.

"I knocked him out. We gotta get outta here." Lennox suggested, grunting in pain.

"The truck! Everyone get to the truck! Marcel stay in the passenger seat. The rest stay at the back!" I looked around, trying to find the truck through the smoke.

The smoke started dissipating, making it easier to see, and most likely easier targets.

I reached the truck, Mary was grabbing something from the table while the rest ran onboard. I got to the back, stepping onboard the open entrance. Inside, the rest stayed in, sitting down or lying down. Mary ran up with papers and folders in her hands.

"Everyone's on! Drive!" Lennox shouted, his rifle aimed at the head of the knocked out hostage.

The truck began rapidly speeding off, almost tumbling to the side as it drove. We watched as the place disappeared behind us.

"Mary what did you get?" Thalia asked, behind me the two were looking at papers.

"Don't know, but it looked important so i took it." They rummaged through the pile of papers Mary took.

"I'll contact command, we'll meet them in another location." Stephen explained.

I leaned to the side, resting on a create behind me, taking deep breaths.

"Damn, my legs are hurting like hell." Lennox remarked, still keeping his rifle on the hostage's head.

Outside, without the goggles there were faint glimpses of the moon, shining it's light onto cracks in the thick leaves. Were almost done with this mission. Close to heading back home.

A way larger one is coming Huntsmen, just in a few hours, stay tuned and i love you all. Thank you for reading and for your patience in a very long delay.

Razedealercreators' thoughts