
An Abrupt Halt

We managed to return back, the tunnel is within our reach, the man was still completely alright with no signs of burns or any sort of wound.

The other survivors were still alright.

Nearing the tunnel, we escorted the others inside it, but not entering ourselves.

"Just stay inside for disinfection, there will be medical personnel outside to escort you for medical treatment if needed." Alina advised as they went through it. As the door closed, our vision of them was obscured by the thick mist.

"Alright, we still have alot of oxygen, let's head deeper, there's more of them to be found and rescued." Sebastian said.

Back down without another word, we headed back, now running in our suits.

"You think anyone is even alive in the deeper part of the city?" Nora asked, tentative on the prospect.

"Won't hurt to check, literally and figuratively." Thalia replied.

Our run was quiet and uneventful, passing by broken down buildings spewing out noxious fumes from the inside as well while corpses still littered the street, a few were crushed under the rubble, leaving me wondering if they died from the rubble or the gas first.

The dark green fumes now obscuring anything beyond a few meters in front of us signaled our arrival.

"Were now near the center of the contaminated area." Marcel notified.

"The gas is making it very hard to see anything." Lennox complained.

"Let's just settle with entering any building we can see." Sebastian ordered.

"Why not just settle with just searching outside this area, getting lost looks pretty easy here." Lennox continued.

"I see something." Mary inserted herself in the conversation.

"Looks like an entrance to a subway underground." She continued.

"Doubt anyone is still alive there." before we began embarking, a rumble began, getting more violent.


"In the subway come on!" We ran as fast as we could with all our energy, debris started falling around as in varying sizes as a building began collapsing above us.

More and more concrete fell above us, running closer and closer to the subway at fast speeds.

On the entrance, a stairwell leading down awaited us, fucking hell how deep is this thing?

Still with our adrenaline and speed, the run down now determined whether we get killed by rubble or we manage to survive.

On the last steps i jumped down, rolling down before getting up. My team were on the last steps as well while the light of the outside rapidly got wiped out.

I could no longer see anything of them as the rumbling settled.

Engulfed in darkness, but survived. The only light being the faint illumination inside the suits.

"Anyone got a flashlight?" Stephen asked, his words rushed and followed by heavy breathing.

A bright beam of light illuminated in front of me, showing what had happened.

Heavy amounts of rubble blocked the exit as smaller debris trickled down the steps.

"Alright, how do we get out now?" He asked. Gas made things worse as green fumes began setting in.

"Let's try moving around, there must be another exit somewhere. Let's go." Sebastian, holding what looked like a flashlight attachment for a weapon aimed it in front of us. We were all ok, i still felt the shock.

Once we finished calming down and catching our breath, the new objective now is clear, get out of this gas ridden place.

We walked down a hall of the subway, there was no power, the gas had already painted large parts of the walls in the disgusting green color.

As we ventured deeper, another sight alerted us. More dead bodies, but their bodies looked more affected than the others, their skin was more blistered, more of it peeling off while blood had already stained the floor and wall where they lied.

Alina bent down to check on one of them, the corpse's face was unrecognizable, having been destroyed as blood and dead flesh was the only thing left on it, hanging loosely.

"Seems like this one was one of the first ones affected, or the one that stayed in the gas the most." As she slowly moved the body, more bits started falling off.

"Let's head deeper, we need to find those who are still alive up there."

Alina left the body in it's place, returning to the group to go deeper into this place.

We reached the end of the hall, to the left was what looked like an escalator.

We started walking down the escalator, the area below was dark while Sebastian moved his flashlight around.

Piece by piece, we saw figments of the place.

On the ground, Sebastian continued beaming around, continuing our move.

"This place is massive." His light beamed around, stopping at the side, a downed train. It's doors were opened, around them were corpses as well, looking to be as affected as the one earlier.

"Fuck. How many even died here?" Lennox asked in disbelief.

Glass, pebbles, littering our path.

I felt my foot caught on something, before i could look down to see, my entire body fell down, my box fell somewhere, clunking around.

Stephen reached out his hand to help me, i grabbed it, hoisting myself up, now looking around for my box. It was next to me, still closed fortunately.

Back on track, now standing again, we continued moving.

"Oh shit." Sebastian stopped moving, no longer moving his flashlight around, focusing it on something in front.

A large amount of corpses scattered around laid bear in front of us through the dark green mist.

A large rumbling stopped us from looking at the corpse pile. So much dead bodies, all in the same place. Fuck.

The subway felt as if it went on forever, constantly seeing more bodies piled around. This was supposed to be a normal day for them, and they all just died in an instant.

I felt a void in my stomach as i kept looking at the bodies.

"Where the hell is the exit." Lennox, more frustrated, asked.

Very late but here's one for today, love you all huntsmen and enjoy!

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Razedealercreators' thoughts