
A Renewed Garden

"Sure, if it's ok." I replied to Mary, showing a little smile.

"I was quite excited for having the new machines, makes the poisons better quality and easier to produce." Mary explained.

"Follow me." Behind Mary, we both headed inside the garden, back inside the relaxing but also lethal garden.

"Make sure you don't brush yourself or touch the plants." Mary warned.

Opening the door, i was welcomed to the place where the gas is made, the place i went to long before. The machines looked more advanced with tubes lining the sides of hte machines to terminals showing different things on em. Along with it were more apparatus on carts or desks connected to each machine carrying different sorts of equipment.

"Ever since the ban, the required amount to send to the arcane became lower. So they provided me another expansion. Remember the dark room with those glowing poison containers i showed you back then?" Mary asked.


"Right this way then." We both entered back inside the dark room, there were more colors stacked on top of each other and more spanning deeper into this place.

"Storage was expanded because of the lower requirement. So they just expanded the amount of poisons i can have, these ones are refined though but i'll show you the unrefined, the unformulated into poison." Deeper into the hall we reached another door.

Scanning her hand, i was introduced to another room, inside, a glass barrier seperated us from a small warehouse of sorts. With another door to enter the storage room.

"They gave me extra storage in this room to put more of my poisonous flowers or leaves in, gotta pack em all up and label em, date, type, species, alot of stuff." Inside the storage room were tall metal shelves filled to the brim with boxes bearing different names such as: "Goldhedge" "Bluepetal" among so much other names.

"For now i dont need to send a shipment of poison to em so i just packed the harvest earlier. Till they ask for another batch i can simply go here to get one box. The storage room is controlled so the flowers and leaves don't die out and stay the same for months or weeks." Mary steps closer to the glass.

"The next batch request would probably be in a few days or weeks depending on the necessity. For now though all of em just stay in this storage room. Oh i forgot to say, they also expanded the refining things if you didn't already notice, so i grew more poisonous plants in the garden. Here i'll show you one example." Mary steps out of the room, putting her hand on one glass circle next to the door, it's contents were orange, orange liquid flowing around inside.

"This one is a new poison called redstar, recently added to my collection of refined poisons, i got a box of it lying around in that storage room. There's alot more poisons here, but i'll probably spend the whole day or night discussing each one. But yeah, the ban provided me more room for refining and studying new poisons i couldn't have gotten before due to less space." Mary explained.

"Well, that's about it, more modern machines & more storage. Looks better than before right?" Mary asked me, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, a whole lot bigger than before."

"Indeed it is. I gotta go do more stuff and probably harvest more so i suppose our tour ends now. I heard they're serving more some coffee along with donuts for this evening though." Mary continued.

"So i suppose its time to leave then. See you later Damon. And again thanks for visiting my garden." Mary ended the conversation. While i headed for the exit, she walked in front of me. Carrying the clothing she wore along with a trowel and shears.

Opening the door outside, Mary started wearing some of her clothes while i exited the garden. That was fun.

I entered the elevator, awaiting my arrival down, what next could i do after the cafeteria? Buy more guns? I suppose that wouldn't be so bad.

Doors opening, my new route is now the cafeteria. there were more people in the halls, most heading one direction, to the cafeteria.

Soon, with the crowd of people walking to the cafeteria, i arrived. People were already queued. Following them, awaiting my turn.

Waiting, it got to my turn in the line, the staff on the front handed me a tray with a chocolate donut, half wrapped along with a coffee cup.

I sat down on a random empty table. Starting to eat the donut, the sweetness from it along with the warmth of it hit my mouth, sweet, warm, and delicious. The coffee was also newly made with steam of the heat flying upwards from the cup. One sip and the heat hit my tongue, but it tasted good. Good quality coffee.

I continued eating, munching on the donut and taking sips of my coffee. A delicious snack to have for the day, the meal gave me extra energy, with the sugar and coffee, i felt more energetic as i continued eating.

More & more mercenaries like me sat down on their own tables. I suppose buying more guns can be the next thing to do, or buying better attachments for my weapons now, hmmm. Perhaps buying better attachments feels like a better choice, along with going to the gun range to test em out.

I finished my food, again the cart taking trays was nowhere in sight. Standing up it was time to leave, leave back to my quarters to give another upgrade to my weapons.

It's nighttime by this time, maybe i should sleep after testing out the guns.

Inside my quarters, i entered my room. Empty, the folder still there. Where's the tablet, looking around, i found it lying around. Now time to use my money to have better weapons.

So much selections and so much choices. So much.

Here's the promised longer chapter, enjoy reading huntsmen and have great days!

Razedealercreators' thoughts