
A day of Leisure

The paragraph ended there, there were no other papers inside the folder except this.

I went to my bed, lying down, facing the ceiling.

What to do now? Maybe wander around the academy, go to that garden i saw Mary in before, or the labs. Or just go out on the rooftop, heck read in the library as well. Maybe i can do all that right now then just rest, to unwind from the mission i did earlier.

I felt relaxed, lying back down on the comfortable bed i always slept on ever since i got here.

There wasn't much to do other than reminisce on things. I could clean out my weapons, or even go shopping for weapons again, a day where i should be relaxing, but it just....Feels so boring, guess cleaning them won't be so bad.

Inside the armory, i prepare the cleaning equipment needed, laying out the weapons on the side, i start going to work on the weapons i used in the mission. Dismantling their parts and doing all the necessary procedures in cleaning a weapon.

Disassemble, clean, reassemble, the same repeated process. Sweat poured down from my tired body. That rest on the bed didn't do much to ease my body didn't it.

Laboriously, i finished cleaning all the weapons, setting them back inside their closets and returning the cleaning equipment. They look good as new, cleaner than before.

Fatigue hit me again after using up what energy i had left with cleaning my weapons, soon the call of tiredness brought me back to my bed, promptly plopping down onto the mattress.

Should i try testing my weapons in the range as well? I can do a whole lot of stuff today since it's a day of leisure, the fatigue slowly worn off with every minute i spent lying down in this bed.

Quickly, i shut my eyes, slumber taking over fast while the fatigue was still wearing off. Do i get another vision? Or would i just have a normal nap.

I soon felt the soft comfort of the mattress, waking up from the map i had. I sat upright. Well that was a boring sleep, but the fatigue was gone.

No vision, odd, my rest was uneventful, though i do feel more energetic than earlier. How long was i out? an hour?

With more energy at my disposal, it's time to think of what to do next. Perhaps read more in the library, i just went there once and read one book.

After thinking, i decided for the library. Heading outside, the halls were almost empty, just a few people walking around.

After walking for some time, i got to the elevator, passing the front area. In a press of the button, the doors open, opening the passage to this hall of papers or books. The doors shut as i'm left alone inside this silent but, oddly peaceful, a place where there truly was not much sound. The sounds of the outside not getting inside.

The doors open to the dimly lit library, mercenaries sat on chairs, reading their books with lamps beamed directly to their books.

A day of leisure, a day of relaxation, and certainly a day to see the many places of Parabellum again.

Enjoy this shorter one huntsmen for another one shall be out later!

Razedealercreators' thoughts