
Chapter 85

Lisa Yuna learned all the information about Quan Mac Tinh, she smiled slightly, the woman next to Yen Phi Vu made others admire. Quan Mac Tinh not only possesses a wonderful appearance, making others stunned, but she also possesses an ingenious intelligent brain.

In the country of Quan Mac Tinh, in the financial world, Quan Mac Tinh is the phoenix in the phoenix, the elite in the elite, truly admire the talent of that woman. A woman of that age can do these things, at dinner when she received the information that Yen Phi Vu sent by email, Lisa Yuna had some doubts, but after carefully researching. If Yen Phi Vu dares to speak up about Quan Mac Tinh, then this woman is definitely not stupid. Regarding the achievements that Quan Mac Tinh achieved, she smiled.

Quan Mac Tinh is a beautiful and talented person, this world values ​​men, women's efforts are not recognized. Lisa Yuna saw Quan Mac Tinh like that and loved it even more.

