
Unexpected visitor

"What did he say?" The Luthor said as Kara walked back in through the door. She had calmed herself down and stopped crying before going back in.

"Nothing." She said dismissively.

Lena looked at her strangely, she had seen James shouting at her not 3 minutes before. "Kara, come on, just tell me." she pleaded.

Kara thought for a couple seconds, she didn't actually want to tell her what James had really said because she didn't want to make her even more worried. " It was just some crap about deadlines and how he was just doing his job, Blah, blah blah and all that." She fiddled with the end of her shirt to try and hide her true emotions towards the situation.

"Oh, ok. If you say so." The Luthor let it go but was still a bit suspicious. " Now, are we sure about what he's doing or done with the pictures." Lena, with her tea in hand sat on the couch, crossing her legs, and waited for Kara to also sit down.  She sat on a random chair across from Lena.

The question was causing her to panic as she didn't know what to tell her. " Uhhm, they were all destroyed when I destroyed his camera."

"Oh good."  Lena let out a breath she didn't know she was had. " I was dreading that he put them on the cloud or something." 

"Yeah, imagine." Kara said nervously but tried to sound as confident as she could.

"Now that that fiasco is over with, what do you want to?" Lena asked. She took her last sips of tea then placed the mug on the coffee table. 

" I'm just kinda in the mood to stay in today." Kara said sinking back into the chair. It had not arm rests so was trying hard to not fall off.

"Ok then, if that's what you really want. "At least I'll have you all to myself all day."  The older woman got up with the coffe mug to go put it in the kitchen, whilst heding there she placed a kiss on Karas lips.  Kara tensed slightly but then just melted into it.  Unfortunately, though, Lena did feel this tenseness from Kara. When she came back in she sat back down. "Are you sure you're alright?" Lena asked whilst looking a her girlfriend concerned.

"Yeah don't worry, you just took me by surprise that was all." Kara smiled at Lena. The blonde motioned for Lena to come over to her then once she was she pulled Lena on to her lap

"You just seem worried about something." Lena said to her whilst looking down at her.

"I've just been worried about everything that's been going on the past couple of days you know." She wrapped one of her arms around Lena's waist and placed the other hand on the other woman's knee.

" Yeah, I get what you mean. But hey, at least the James thing is over with and all we have to worry about is whether we are going to tell anyone in what? Like a week or so? "

" Yeah..." Kara exclaimed. " But hey, how about we forget about it and just relax for the rest of the day." Kara placed a quick kiss on Lena's lips then rested her forehead on Lena's. Her hand started to slowly move down Lena's leg but once it got to a certain point it moved back up, she kept this going for a while, increasing the distance her hand went every so often.

The two looked into each others eyes. Kara loved those emerald green wonders. They were so magical and so, so beautiful. Even though Kara thought  that Lena did also have a magnificent body, her eyes were what topped it all off.

Kara leaned in again to kiss Lena but this time without the intention to pull away quite so fast. Lena responded quickly to the kiss by changing her position quickly so she was now straddling her girlfriend. Still passionately kissing, Lena placed her hands each just below one of Kara's shoulders whilst Kara placed one of her hands on the side of Lena's head, intertwining her fingers with Lena's hair, and the other hand on the back of Lena's neck. At one point they did start fighting for dominance but, obviously, Kara ended up winning. 

Suddenly, Kara slipped her hands under Lena's butt and lifted her up whilst she stood. The CEO shrieked slightly but then just wrapped her legs around Kara's waist. Whilst her lips were still pressed against Lena's, Kara took them over to the couch and let them both fall. Lena's legs still wrapped around Kara's.  

Lena was about to reach for Kara's shirt but there was a slight interruption. The sound of a woman's voice caused them both to jump and quickly get off each other. Well, more like Kara falling off Lena onto the floor whilst Lena cringed in embarrassment.  "Noo." Lena cried as she put her face in her hands. She looked at the tall, older woman. "Why do you always have to come at the worst points. How did you even get in?" 

"Hello to you too" The sarcastic voice of Lillian Luthor exclaimed. She stood with poise and elegance as she watched Kara and Lena try to scramble themselves onto there feet.

Lena brushed herself off quickly before greeting her adoptive mother." So, Mother, why are you here? I'm kinda in the middle of something." She clapped her hands together and he them there.

"Clearly." Lillian said, looking Kara up and down.

" No, no, no. That's what I meant." Lena tried to wave it off whilst Kara stood there awkwardly. " I meant I'm in the middle of a crisis. With the picture and everything. "

" I know." The Luthor placed her handbag on the island in the kitchen."Thats why I'm here."  The two younger women stood there without saying a word. Kara was still slightly red with embarresmemt.

" I knew you didn't just come to visit your only daughter for the sake of it." Lena made her way to the sink and poured herself a glass of water."What do you want Mother?"

" To make this whole thing go away."

Lena took a sip of her water. " And how exactly are you going to do that?"

" I have a few connections in high places." Lillian announced, the way she said it made it out to be more of a beat than anything else. She hung her coat up on the hangers." But first Lena, you must tell me why this fiasco is even happening and especially why the subject of which this is situated around is this thing here." Lillian gave Kara a disgusted look up and down.

Lena quickly spit the water out of her mouth. " Uhhm, isn't it a bit to late for Mother daughter gossiping time."

" I could leave if you need me to." Kara finally said. She was still in the same spot as before.

" NO."" YES."

They both said simitaniously. Lillian wanted Kara to go bit Lena was defiantly not going to let that happen.

" You know what I'm sorry Lena I think it'll be easier if I just go." She said picking up her keys and jacket. Lena was about to protest but knew she was going to have to fight this battle alone. Then, with a bang behind her, the door shut and Kara was gone.

Lena looked back at her mother who had already sat and was making herself comfortable on her couch." There we go, at least we have some privacy now." She said as she crossed one leg over the other.

Lena crossed her arms as she glared at the other woman. " So tell me Mother. What are you planning on doing to me this time? Because from what I can tell everything else you've tried hasn't worked, especially that conversion therapy camp you sent me too." 

" Actually, I'm not here to do anything too you." She gave Lena a satisfactory smile. " I'm here to warn you ."

" Warn me about what?!" Lena asked, a bit more intrigued.

" The alien."

" This alien?!" Lena scoffed." Is that really all you can say about her?"

Lillian kept her head high as she watched her daughter. " I will not humanise someone who has detailed my daughter, especially some who just so happens to not be human."

Lena held her head with one of her hands. " You are unbelievable."

" What can I say." She put her hands on her knees. " After all, Mother does know best."