
Papa died

Yesterday I was sleeping in my sister's home. I m a night owl. Every night I go to sleep after 3am or 4am. But I don't know what happened I slept 8pm yesterday. I couldn't open my eyes because of sleep.

Suddenly my sis got a call. The time is about 5am.

My big brother in law called her. Papa is ill, come quickly. My sister kicked me and said "hurry up, papa is ill. We need to go"

I felt quite irritating 😢😢(I am the worst child I should have died) "ahh, he doesn't want to go to hospital. He make himself suffer and us too (what an unfilal daughter I am) "

My sister didn't say any word. Just called again thinking something. "is he breathing or not "

I was shocked but i thought she was just asking. Then she told me to do the prayer. As I was muslim but I don't do prayer. I asked "why I need to do prayer instead of going quickly??"

My sis scold me "you don't have any fear of death now you are arguing"

I really felt irritate but I didn't argue. I did pray and my sis was silent. She was trying to massage her hubby. I gave a glance what she was writing. I didn't do anything like that before but I did that yesterday.

She was writing something like papa is no more.

When I read it I was shocked but i still thought it might be a lie. How can he die. He was ok in the afternoon too. I really didn't believe. All I was praying if Almighty make it lie. I really couldn't believe my papa can die.

When we reached home, the door was open. A lot of people were there. The doctor uncle came and said "he is not breathing no pulse. But if you want you can do ecg."

My mom said "we already watching the truth. I don't want him to get hurt more"

I was really shocked. It felt like my heart is pressing by something.

"Almighty can't you at least gave him one day more at least a day."

I couldn't cry in front of others. Cause if i do it will be hard to stop crying.

"abbu, I am sorry. I don't want you to forgive me for what I did in past. I need to be punished."

I really miss the past time. The happy family.

You left the world but you didn't forget about me. You gave me 500 taka. I will treasure it well papa it is the last gift you gave me.

Papa i will miss the smile that you gave. You know your smile is beautiful.

When you gave smile i loved it. I saw all of your emotions.

I know you can't be returned. But I still hoped if you can return. Many unnatural things happened in this world. So it can be happen too,

Papa i am sorry. Growing up is not happiness. When i was small i was happy. I could hold your hand. I urged you to buy food for me. I was your little princess.

Papa i won't be daddy's princess anymore papa