
Pantheon Wind and Snow

In a world where gods exist, a small baron from the Gota Fria Kingdom dreams of becoming a god. Watch Filipe Wind fight against the odds to build his own Pantheon and reach the pinnacle of this continent with his friends.

FilipeWind · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Village CS

The Secret is divided into four major Villages:

- Village CS= Largest Village in the South Region.

- Village CN= Largest Village in the North Region.

- Village CL= Largest Village in the East Region.

- Village CO= Largest Village in the Western Region.

As well as Small and Medium-sized Villages: Divided into North, South, East and West regions.

- Village CS.

CS Village is located in the extreme south of Segredo, and is the largest and most prosperous village that the Kingdom has placed in Segredo as a border. A frontier to the ice world, which is further south and is ruled by magical beasts.

The sky in the distance is cloudless and the sun is going down. It has been a long night for the people of Aldeia CS, but the dawn has brought a new glow. With the sun shining over the village, yesterday's event is like a story for people to talk about.

In the center of the village, there is a building. Here is located the command center of the guard that protects the security of Aldeia CS. At this moment, in a room, James is in a meeting with the people responsible for the administration of the Vila. This meeting is happening because after passing back the news of what happened last night. The Kingdom has decided to send a responsible person to investigate this matter, if there are any clues left to know the identity of the unknown Legendary being.

But for James, it is the Royal Snow family that is interested in this unknown Legendary being who masters the element of Ice. To know that since the foundation of the Kingdom, it has already been ruled by three Kings.

First by the King of the Water element, then came the King of the Wind element and now in power is the King of the Ice element. In the Ice element, the Snow Family was crowned King in this term, the Royal Family being protected by the God of the Kingdom.

And by harnessing the power of the Royal Family name, the Snow Family has grown a lot, and has many Ice Legend rank mages in the background. Now in the Kingdom, any news about the element of Ice cannot escape having the Snow Family's name in the same sentence.

In the Aldeia CS market, the road is full of traffic and vitality from people outside the secret who come to see if they can find something interesting to buy. Even the villagers are taking advantage of these people, to sell their handicrafts and products that are only found in Segredo and it is difficult to access these small third-tier towns that most of these young people come from.

Among these young people is Filipe Wind, walking down the busy street seeing what these villagers are selling. From the noise of the people around, he even heard stories about a frost giant that appeared yesterday, and it seemed like it was said that this giant would destroy the Secret. Despite knowing that his Dom's awakening had caused a stir, he no longer cared. With such outrageous stories as cover, suspecting a Dom's awakening was difficult to attach to this case. Even more so to associate this case with him, a bronze level warrior.

Randomly stopping at a store that sold juice made from fruit, Filipe Wind ordered an iced juice and stood in a shadow waiting. Despite looking new, the shopkeeper took Filipe Wind's request seriously. He has lived in this secret since he was born, and he has seen many young people come every year for the Kingdom test. And those who make it to these big villages are all bronze level warriors.

Filipe Wind drank the fragrant and cold juice and continued on his way. With market entry as a starting point, he didn't mind wasting some leisure time today.

The main road is wide and well-groomed enough for people to walk back and forth between the shops. Among these stores, one caught his attention, which was selling ice ore.

This ore has a very high affinity for the ice element. He is now in need of a sword, but as he has much demand for it. He decided to let his Snow family manufacture one, with the three elements Water, Wind and Ice. Now only in the Secret is it easier to find these Ice ores. As for Wind and Water ore, the Family has it in stock.

Arriving at the store, Filipe Snow took his hand towards a piece of Ice ore that was showing a lot of affinity with the element of Ice. When he was about to touch it, a white hand caught it first. Looking at the young woman with the Ice ore in her hand, Filipe Wind recognized her immediately, thanks to her white silver hair and striking blue dress.

"My name is Alice, just Alice for now. Nice to meet you."

Alice Snow returned the Ice ore, which was in her hand, to Filipe Wind. As she greeted him.

This way of introducing herself was what Alice Snow came up with after seeing Filipe Wind going to get the Ice ore. She still remembered being left in the lurch on their first date.

After returning the Ice ore to Philip Wind, Alice Snow strode out of the shop. Leaving Filipe Wind, not knowing what to do looking at her back disappearing at the entrance of the store, and he holding the Ice ore in her hand. But since she introduced herself, I guess it's okay. Philip Wind thought, remembering Alice's name.

This was just one more episode, on Filipe Wind's day off. Now he is at an inn, booking a room for the night. Tomorrow he will look for some new clothes to buy, while he waits for the Gym challenge day.

This Gym's challenge appears to be a group battle, with all participants fighting together to pass the challenge. It's a little tasteless for me, having to fight in a group to pass a challenge. But since it's a group of bronze level warriors, the challenge won't be easy.

It's dawning in Aldeia CS. And it's been a month since the beginning of the Kingdom test. Many young people have died in this short month, and now only those who have moved on remain alive, and are getting stronger as time goes by.

Until the end of the test, the Kingdom will only welcome the elite back.

But that's not for Filipe Wind to worry about. Now he is practicing sword cutting in the backyard of the Inn.

"... 998, 999 and 1000"

Swinging his sword formed by the Wind. There was Filipe Wind with sweaty clothes from training. But he knows he needs it now. Basic swordsmanship training strengthens your foundation in swordsmanship, and by forming a Wind sword, your mana control is more refined.

He woke up at six in the morning, and he's been training until now that it's eight o'clock. And it's already shop opening time, and the Village is bustling again today. Stopping the training, he returns to the Inn. For a shower and breakfast before heading out again today.

Leaving the inn, Filipe Wind finds a figure in a blue dress among the crowd.

After yesterday's meeting, he realized that he was very impolite with Alice, just leaving her name on the first date and leaving without knowing her name. It makes me feel like it doesn't matter if I know her name. So as an apology. Filipe Wind decided to go to meet Alice in the crowd to find her.

Being approached in the crowd by someone, Alice Snow was taken aback. But seeing the young man's iconic snow-white hair and sea-blue eyes. She realized it was Philip Snow, talking about our first date. Just remembering that, I clench my teeth, and look at this young man who is wanting to apologize.

"Since you know your mistake, let's not reminisce about the past anymore. I'm interested in these stores, so you can come with me."

Alice Snow replied to Philip Wind. Erasing what happened from the past from her memory, with just that sentence. And she continued to walk through the crowd, now accompanied. Seeing what these stores have to offer.

Villagers continue to offer their wares. And Philip Wind and Alice Snow's interests in these ordinary things did not interest them much. Only a few more beautiful crafts caught Alice Snow's eyes. That she bought everything she liked, but Filipe Wind paid for it. That was the agreement between the two, to pay for today's purchases and forget about what happened in the past.

As time passed, Philip Wind began to get to know the character of Alice Snow. She likes blue a lot, has a smart mind and is close to the element of Ice. With that in mind, Filipe Wind decided to take her to a clothing store. Since he was going to buy himself some clothes, one more person doesn't matter.

Being led by Philip Wind towards a clothing store, Alice Snow didn't care. Today is a relaxing day for her, walking the streets like a normal person. She also got to know more of Filipe Wind's character. He likes white, has a calm mind and is shown to be close to the Wind element. As he thought, they arrived at the clothing store.

Coming out of a clothing store were two well-dressed young men.

The young man was Filipe Wind, who was wearing clothes made for battle, with a cape with the Wind Family crest embroidered on it. The clothes were fitted to his body so as not to impede his movements. Also, the cape was made of white velvet, embroidered with blue traces of an image of a hurricane on its back.

The other girl was Alice Snow, with her dress made for battle as well. Her dress was white with long sleeves, and the skirt part was blue. With her legs in a white sock, she was like an ice queen. If seen from afar, with her beauty and snow-white silver hair, one would think she stepped out of a painting.

"Let's say goodbye then."

"We'll meet again, fate willing."

Filipe Wind remembered that day as the farewell and the beginning of their intertwined destiny.