
The World Turns

On a blood-soaked field heavily armoured knights on different sides rained blows down on one another! Getrund who wielded a mace, savagely beat and dented his opponent's armour as he drove him to the ground. He breathed heavily as his opponent struggled to lift his sword to defend himself anymore.

"Your King is a fool! He should have accepted our King's offer to merge our countries into one!" Getrund laughed as nothing but groans came from the man at his feet. "Don't worry! Rejoice! The great God Arthur will smile upon your lands soon enough!"

Getrund swung his mace overhead and delivered the final blow. Putting his opponent out of his misery. His eyes scanned the battlefield to see that they were winning. He could hear the names of the Camelot Pantheon being shouted all over the place. A satisfied grin spread across his face as he gave thanks to the gods for allowing him to defeat his enemies.