
End of Beta

[A player has reached Tier 1! Everyone will now be logged out for one natural day. An announcement will soon be made on the Game portal.]

Colt cursed under his breath as he was forcefully ejected from the game, coming to in his game capsule. His thoughts were a mess as the notification still rang in his ears as he clambered out and dried off the remains of the liquid. 'Who the hell reached Tier 1!' 

He did not even bother to get changed as he rushed to his computer and booted it up. The holo screen appeared rather quickly as he began clicking frantically as he navigated his way to the rankings page. A deep frown crossed his face as he quickly discovered his own name.

Rank 99: Exile

'What the hell!' His eyes dashed frantically across the surrounding names, but he did not recognise any of them. 'How did I fall down in the rankings?'