
A Dangerous Authority (Part 1)

Exile cast his gaze over the orb generated by his runes. 'There's movement in the surrounding forest. What is Nar'Kozz up to?' His brows furrowed as Deep Stalkers rushed the mountain on the far end from the path.

The orb zoomed in, allowing Exile to better understand what was happening. Exile cursed as he saw the Stalkers digging into the mountain. 'They're going to dig tunnels up through the mountain!'

"That was quicker than I expected," Mikari said as he placed his hand on his brother's shoulder. "They should have pushed our defences harder before resorting to this."

"I'm glad you're back." Exile chuckled as he zoomed out to give Mikari a better picture of the happenings around the mountain. "How did the negotiations go?"

"They went as I expected. Parthus agreed to our terms. It's the other one I'm worried about." 

"Hm, she could be a tough one. We don't know enough about her to leverage her."