
panlong,I use earth elements to transcend

Roy had crossed over to the world of Panlong and, with his affinity for earth element, he used his knowledge from his previous life to grow step by step. Earth Element: Elementalization, Old Sand, tactics from the gourd doll, Earth Element + Gravity Space: Can a bag of rice withstand several floors? Add in the movement of the earth, and who can withstand the weight of my rice bag Five Finger Mountain: A combination of five profound rules, with one slap, even Sun Wukong cannot escape. God Kingdom in the Palm: A super ultimate move that combines six profound rules of the earth element, invincible in the perfect state. At some point, Roy suddenly realized that without realizing it, he had already touched the "limit" of the Panlong Universe... Note: This is a Chinese Translation https://www.69shuba.com/book/48290.htm

blue_cannoy · Book&Literature
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74 Chs

God's Domain?

However, besides the profound understanding of the laws, what else is required for the cultivation of a god-level powerhouse?

  Thoughts surged through Roy's mind.

  Perhaps due to the enhancement brought by the advancement of his soul, Roy's thought process was far superior to his usual self.

  Among all the things that happened in the Dragon's Domain, what left the deepest impression on him was not the protagonist Lin Lei's transformation or the various innate abilities of divine beasts.

  It was—the Domain of the Gods!

  The moment the Domain of the Gods made its first appearance, it broke all limits—

  That was when the protagonist Lin Lei was almost killed by Strether, a powerful individual from the Radiant Church. Everything turned into eternity.

  Under the shroud of the Domain of the Gods, it felt like space itself was frozen, and everything within the domain came to a standstill.

  Midnight, silence, oppression, terror...

  God's blessings were like an endless ocean, and His might was like a prison...

The "imprisonment" effect of the Domain of the Gods was truly remarkable.

  Unfortunately, this "imprisonment" effect was not very strong and only had such an effect on the Holy Domain.

  Once the opponent was also a god-level powerhouse, the effect of the Domain of the Gods would be nullified.

  Now, Roy was in the process of comprehending his own "Domain of the Gods."

  No, Roy was not comprehending the "Domain of the Gods," but rather his own "instinct."

  After ascending to divinity, his soul had been baptized by the laws of heaven and earth, granting him the ability to control the corresponding elements.

  The Domain of the Gods of a Mid-God was stronger than that of a Lower God, and the Domain of the Gods of a High God was stronger than that of a Mid-God.

  The fundamental reason for this was that their souls had been bathed in the laws of heaven and earth during their ascension.

  What Roy was comprehending was this innate ability to control.

  In the surging power of his soul, Roy repeatedly unleashed the Domain of the Gods in an attempt to uncover the secrets of soul control over elements.

  With the growing strength of Roy's soul, his control over his own soul became more and more powerful.

  One year, two years, three years, five years...

  At some point, Roy had fully absorbed all the soul pearls in his spatial ring, with more than three hundred fist-sized soul pearls. This had directly made his soul more than ten times stronger.

Of course, Roy hasn't noticed this yet.

His entire focus is immersed in his research on the "Realm of Gods."

One hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years...

From the outside, Roy's palace has always been enveloped in his "Realm of Gods."

But in reality, this is not Roy continuously releasing the Realm of Gods, but rather a release time and time again.

For thousands of years, every instant, Roy would release the Realm of Gods.

It can be said that in the entire Panlong world, from its birth to the present, there has never been a god who has unfolded the Realm of Gods in the same quantity as Roy.

At a certain moment, the laws of heaven and earth descend...


In a trance, Roy's mind and soul seem to merge with the heavens and all things, quietly experiencing the baptism and blessings of the laws of heaven and earth on his soul.

By the time the laws of heaven and earth dissipate, although Roy has exited the unique state of merging with the heavens and earth, he is still immersed in his previous comprehension.


"How is this possible?"

Inside the Lord's Mansion, Laurent, Fred, Kuiler, and Shelley are gathered together.

At this moment, their expressions are not very good.

"Has Roy really become like this? He has become a high-ranking god in just over ten thousand years?"

Roy was elected as an elder in their family, and the stronger Roy's strength becomes, the more support they will receive from the family.

Of course, the stronger Roy's strength becomes, the better treatment he will receive.

This kind of win-win opportunity is a great thing for both them and Roy.

And when Roy accepted Shelly's spatial ring, he also mentioned that the time for him to break through to a high-ranking god might be hundreds of thousands or even millions of years later, which means that Roy himself also tends to focus on the profoundness of fusing the laws.

They really can't understand why Roy has achieved a breakthrough to a high-ranking god so quickly.

The fusion of profound laws becomes more difficult as time goes on.

If they were to say that Roy made progress in these ten thousand years, they wouldn't believe it.

"What is this Roy really up to?"

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

"Alright, Kuiler."

In the end, it was Fred who shook his head. "Before Roy's breakthrough, he already had the strength of a five-star demon. Now he has become a high-ranking god, which means he has the strength of a six-star demon, enough to serve as an elder of the family."

"Wait, wait until Elder Roy comes out of seclusion. Shelly will also go to the Heavenly Sacrificial Mountains with Elder Roy. We'll ask Elder Roy why he did this at that time."


However, the four of them never expected that as they waited, they waited for more than a hundred years.


"Fortuitous, great fortuitous!"

Roy opened his eyes, his mouth almost splitting all the way to his ears.

This time, Roy had gained some understanding of how to use the "instinct" of the soul in the God's Domain through countless uninterrupted uses of the God's Domain.

Perhaps the intensity of the soul's upgrade was too high, causing the mysteries of the "Law of Power" and the "Earth's Pulse" to enter Roy's soul while he was comprehending the soul's "instinct." Over the course of more than 10,000 years, Roy's understanding of these two law mysteries went from beginner to mastery.

This obviously contradicted Roy's previous plans, as it made the difficulty of integrating the laws after reaching mastery much higher.

However, there was nothing he could do. At that time, Roy's mental focus was completely devoted to understanding his own soul, so he did not notice the rapid progress of his other two law mysteries.

Of course, every cloud has a silver lining.

At the very least, Roy felt that even if he had the chance to start all over again, he would still choose to obtain this opportunity.

Ascending to become a divine being, the laws of heaven and earth descended.

And then, because of his own state at that time, Roy's soul briefly reached a state of "unity of heaven and man," leaving behind the secrets of how to enhance the soul with the laws of heaven and earth in his own soul.

The God's Domain is an ability bestowed upon all divine-level powerhouses by the laws of heaven and earth.

To some extent, it can be considered the "innate supernatural ability" of all divine-level powerhouses.

Every time a divine-level powerhouse ascends, this "innate supernatural ability" strengthens.

Once all the law mysteries are fully integrated and become an invincible "perfect divine being," one can even receive the bestowal of the laws of heaven and earth and obtain the "power of will."