
Pandora: The World Within

Pandora, A world of new beginnings. Meet Kai Anderson who lives alone, but he wasn't always alone. 8 Years ago. He was happy, he wasn't alone, he used to have a family, people who cared for him, but that all ended in the year 2122. One day they were there, the next they weren't, he was informed that it was an accident, a thorough investigation had occurred after all, it isn't every day that a plane crash happens, especially with the advanced technology compared to previous decades, but there's nothing he can do about the investigation since they found nothing conclusive. 8 Years Later and he has started a new life, his parents had left a substantial sum of money for him to live with, he had invested in a company called Eternal gaining 15% of the stocks for 1/3 of his wealth, costing him a total of $500 million, his 15% gives him enough money to do what he wants with his life and not have to worry. Release Rate (GMT+0): 1/day Weekends. 1/day Weekdays. 01:00 BST (Beijing) 13:00 BST (Beijing) GMT - 18:00/06:00 (UK) EDT - 13:00/01:00 (US NY) PDT - 10:00/22:00 (US LA)

Noone_Special · Games
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The World

Since 2030, the world has made drastic changes, many companies have gone bankrupt whilst others have grown to be even larger, technology has grown in leaps and bounds, many countries that used to be rife with poverty are now some of the worlds best.

America used to be the worlds leading country by GDP per capita but now it plays second to China, mainly because China mines just under half of the world's resources, with 1/3 of the remaining done by other notable countries such as Australia and Russia and the rest by minor African and European countries.

There hasn't been any war, Korea had finally united under one banner becoming a single united country, they have adopted a style similar to the United Kingdom where they both a monarchy and democratic voting system, unlike the United Kingdom though they both have power and the monarchy is not just a figurehead and they have become one of the worlds top countries, they make some of the most advanced naval equipment for both military and civilian uses since it has borders with 5 different bodies of water.

Poverty is at an all-time low, the poorest of the countries have received trillions of $ in aid since the year 2030, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of jobs have been generated, clean water is no longer a problem and the lack of medicine has been solved, several diseases have been eradicated, but as a result crime has risen, more crime is taking place in these countries, some of the worlds worst crime organisations were created from these rising countries, as a result, the relationship between countries have fallen apart.

Business is booming, hundreds of companies are being made every day and one of those companies made in 2030 was called Eternal, they started as a small company renting office space to create games, they created several tens of games, some mediocre, some fairly popular with over 100,000 people buying them but the big one for them was called Pandora: The World Within, which started in 2120, almost 100 years after the start of one of the worlds biggest companies.

It took a total of 10 years to create, from 2120 until 2130, it is considered as one of the biggest games made ever, the project started as an idea, to create the game it took over 10000 people purely writing code for the game and the rest of the game had to be outsourced as they didn't have the resources to complete the game by themselves, that is the only reason why 15% of the shares would only be worth $500 million.

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