
Pandora: The World of Stars

Pandora is a fantasy experience unlike any other; with hidden jewels and innovative ideas, you may anticipate anything from this vast realm. With all of its stories to tell. A world of such gorgeous and majestic nature, yet perverted to the point of madness by so much wickedness and hazardous aspirations. The world's beauty is obscured by its flaw. What is the outcome of a place like this? Conquerors become elites, rapists and murderers become monarchs by force, people become slaves, and magic, one of the world's purest wonders, is abused. This is the cold reality, not a suffering world saved by some savior , there’s no happy ending for anybody, only a few luck and scarce survival, do you really wish to proceed ? - A creative and unique magic system that spark reader interesting - Intriguing, mysterious, and engaging plot threads that'll leave you puzzled and hungering for more. - A world that is not only yours to explore and understand, but yours to conquer. Welcome to Pandora.

SolarzDream · Fantasy
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Voyage To Estar

Such a wretched cold, enough to brittle one's bones with even a tint of exposure. Layers of snow wrapped itself across the land, the trees which were usually accustomed to the harsh frost of the Moon now found themselves to a gradual decay. All sorts of villages scrambled to find resources, kingdoms and ports locked down. Starving men and women, more desperate than they ever been, driven to commit horrendous crimes, as if they hadn't already been doing such.

Harvesting resources was rendered futile and now was the time when men must battle the vicious trials of the Moon to survive. The sinful kingdom of Jarelin was much more wicked, the need for silver and coins brought many to do immoral acts. But this wasn't anything new to this wretched land still cloaked in its wretched cold.

In the port of Jarelin ships lay, a watchful eye being kept from each owner of the ship. Thieves were common in the land, men were always prepared for a disaster each time they landed.

Despite the gloomy nature of this kingdom, there was one ship in high spirits from a recent victory.

"All this firm Asuwa metal, we can make about 2 gold coins from these!" one of the crew men said with a grin on his face, chowing on the ribs of a low bred Griffin.

"We could make a lot more than that if we're smart about it mate." Said another from a chair swallowing a cup of ale right after. Though as the crew laughed, the leader seated a cup of his own cackled to what his crewmate assumed. He was a lot more ambitious and had a greater scheme. His name was Andres Schneider, known as the Vicious Hound.

His eyes were a harsh silver with even harsher outlines, shadows laid under his eyes with a sinister gaze, locking onto his eyes was like dancing with death. His hair was a lifeless jet black, having a naturally large stature. Andres had on a chest plate with a black robe which warmed him from these shivering colds, a sword laid on his lap, nonetheless, he was ready to draw at a moment's notice.

"We're not selling these metals, we're making blades from every last ton of this Asuwa metal." Andres commanded.

"Every single piece!?" a man blurted in confusion.

"What do we need that much weaponry for?" another questioned

Andres paused, allowing a moment of silence as he grilled down at every last of one of his crewmates.

Finally, Andres broke the ice, "Imagine hunting a man with legs of a bloody rabbit with the shit for excuse weaponry we have now."

"Legs of a rabbit? Ya a poet now Wolf?" jokingly said by Sebestian.

" You talking about those bunny shits people pay gold to have?" questioned another.

"You know the route of Marsala !? " a man gulped.

Andres once again paused allowing the questions to dawn, allowing his face to speak for him.

"We'll sail south east to the region of the waves, take a bunch of those rabbit fuckers 'n sell em," Andres said scartching the growing stumbles of his beard sitting in the cabin of a ship.

In the eyes of many, Andres was crazy, he was talking about sailing to the new worlds. The waves are known to have vicious sea beasts which killed many earlier explorers, the pestering sea mites which feed off the wood of explorers and grew to scary sizes.

Though the trade language was all around, you don't know what you could encounter in one of those islands. Besides the legend of Kashier Aughiburn which was over 200 years ago, only Christian Columbus and his new found Columbus foundation have maps and ships to make it across those seas.

"How much they ought to sell for now? One gold trinket ?" Edwin asked curiously whilst sharpening his axe with a mana constructed edge, a raw sizzling sound can be heard as the blade touched the tiny fragments of his soul, eyes a casual brown darting around for an answer. His right arm was covered from being burnt from his recent battle.

"Three if it's a woman." asserted by Harlan having the same silver eyes of Andres, smirking greedily to the thoughts of the pleasure of the bunny woman.

"I bet I could kill more men and fuck more woman than either one of you bloody bastards." interrupted by Sebastian his face covered with a devilish grin, awaiting for anybody stupid enough to challenge him. He was large in size and had a large sword. Sebastian was known as a hot head and was feared amongst the ranks of this crew, everyone besides Andres and a few others.

"Maybe we should kill ya while you sleep , that way there'd be no challenge to begin with" Harlan slyly expressed gripping onto a dagger in his pouch.

" Would love to see ya fuckers try, " Sebastian exclaimed gripping onto his blade.

Andres ignored their bickering and began to ponder. He obtained the knowledge of the route through a Columbus Foundation rat in Jarelin, spending 10 gold trinkets just for a route that could've been stupid. A gamble of itself. While it was understandable to the gained profit he could've had potentially, if deemed successful, Andres made quick work to murder this same source for what he would say was overpricing him.

"We have about 50 fighting men, we'll sail the waves to this Estar Island tomorrow. " Andres stated, reaching for a giant cup of ale, devouring the whole cup in a single swing. The evil of greed, not even aware of the evil they sprouted so casually.


AN: Meet a typical crew of misfits in the Moon region.

Their behavior's can be equated to that of pirates, but such a term does not exist in the Moon...

It's best to call this lot a bunch of Merchants.
